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Revision as of 14:47, 5 January 2008 by *>NickSTAR (Harlsom comment)
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As requested by mike, another anecdote of mine. I dunno where to put it, hence the talk page.

A few years ago now, HarlsoM won a few LAN duel comps designed to decide who would represent Australia at the CPL 4-year event. While waiting for the CPL event to roll around, Harl was practising on the Aussie servers quite regularly. During one particular game, our favourite mute peer NickSTAR was also on the server. I don't remember if he was spectating or playing, nor do I remember if he beat Harl if he was indeed playing, but he was there all the same, mute as usual.

Until the end of the game, when NickSTAR shocked everybody by actually talking for once. He told HarlsoM that he thought that he, NickSTAR, would better represent the country. Not surprisingly, HarlsoM objected with fervor. Equally unsurprising was the immense response from the community. NickSTAR didn't talk to anybody, let alone confront top players like that! The controversy raged for quite a while, with no response from NickSTAR beyond his initial, single anti-Harl comment.

Well, I'm here to tell you something I haven't told a great deal of people. NickSTAR did not, in actual fact, say it at all! The server didn't announce spectator nick changes, and half of the Quake character set is parsed into the other half of the character set in chat (for example, white letters & numbers become red), so all I did was make a simple alias to change to a nick that would read as being identical to NickSTAR's, print the infamous comment, then return my nick to normal. And alas, it worked perfectly. I guess I was a bit of an arsehole in my earlier days.

Harlsom comment

It's fantastic that you got so much enjoyment out of a trifling matter.