
From QWiki
Revision as of 16:47, 16 September 2013 by *>Mushi


This gamemode is very similar to Clan Arena. One of the gamemodes in QuakeWorld where two teams, usually of four players each, face each other. No items are on the map, and both teams start out with full health, armor, weapons and ammunition. When one player dies, he or she is out for the round. When every player from a particular team is out for the round, the round ends and the team with players still remaining gains a point.


AS of 2013, Pro-X is known to work better using FTE server.
Here's an example of a linux command line to enable Pro-X, with an "prox" folder in linux:

 ./ -port 27500 +gamedir prox +exec qw_server.cfg 

Notice the +gamedir.


Claw is the man behind the scenes regarding worldwide Pro-X tournaments. He is the creator of Fusion (league) Pro-X league.


See also