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Revision as of 20:00, 28 December 2016 by *>Molgrum (New page: Chilling Spree CVARS: Server wide: info_hostname "foppa.dk #1" // will set hostname to foppa.dh #1 CSPREE // Hostname will be set to reflect location of server info_city "Copenhagen" ...)
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Chilling Spree CVARS:

Server wide:

info_hostname "foppa.dk #1" // will set hostname to foppa.dh #1 CSPREE

// Hostname will be set to reflect location of server

info_city "Copenhagen"

info_state ""

info_country "Denmark"

allowedmodes "" // string separated by spaces of modes allowed, can be a mix of:

allowbots 0 // integer 0 or 1 for false and true

game_lockrules 0 // lockrules makes setting rules in the menu disabled

game_mode "duel" // default mode for the server

game_loadout 0 // default loadout, AXE + SG default

game_clientlimit 12 // number of players allowed

game_botskill 0 // bot skill, can be set to higher numbers than 1

game_record 1 // record mvd of matches

game_itemtimers 1 // timers on items to display when they respawn, probably does nothing as of now

maprotation "" // maps to be rotated, if null enable map voting

armor_accumulate 0 // quake live plagiarism

armor1_absorb 0.30 // GA absorbtion rate

armor1_amount 100 // GA amount

armor2_aborb 0.60 // YA absorbtion rate

armor2_amount 150 // YA amount

armor3_absorb 0.8 // YA absorbtion rate

armor3_amount 200 // RA amount

axe_new 0 // some new axe functionality to make it easier to hit

axe_damage 20 // axe damage per hit

axe_push 1.0 // factor for pushback

axe_push_frozen 3.0 // factor for pushback on frozen players

axe_reload 0.5 // axe reload time in seconds

bullet_damage 3.0 // damage per bullet with shotguns

bullet_push 1.0 // pushback for bullets

bullet_spread 1 // new shotgun spread, leave at 1 for now

entities_rotatefix 1 // rotate entities that have angles set

prewar_countdown 10 // countdown from ready to game start

forcestart_countdown 30 // time that players can ready up before getting kicked

game_gibthreshhold -40 // Health to be gibbed, except head hunters where every kill is a gib

game_cpmajump 0 // try it with airstep

game_fairpacks 0 // ktpro stuff, 2 drops current weapon only when firing it

game_fastlifts 0 // ???

game_fastswitch 1 / ???

game_nailrecoil 0 // air recoil from nailguns making certain jumps possible

game_newwalk 0 // animation stuff, aesthetics

game_visiblepacks 0 // weapons contained in pack visible

game_exittele 0 // exits are transformed to teleports to start on level

grenade_aim_new 0 // set to 1 when experimenting with minpitch/maxpitch 89

grenade_aim_norandom 1 // grenades non-random fire origin

grenade_damage 120 // gl damage

grenade_push 1.0 // gl pushback

grenade_reload 0,6 // gl reload time

grenade_velocity 600 // grenade velocity

laser_damage 15 // laser trap damage

laser_push 1,0 // laser pushback

lightning_damage 30 // lg damage per cell, might lower this with antilag 1

lightning_push 1.0 // pushback from lg

lightning_reload 0.2 // reload per cell

respawn_ammo 30 // seconds between ammo respawns

respawn_armor 20 // armor respawn time

respawn_health 20 // health respawn time

respawn_mega 20 // respawn times for mega

respawn_pent 300 // pentagram respawn, on dm5 could be set to 60

respawn_ring 300 // ring respawn, on dm6 could be set to 60

respawn_suit 60 // unused in deathmatch

respawn_quad 60 // quad respawn, one minute

respawn_weapon_dmm1 30 // respawn for weapons in dmm1, seconds

respawn_weapon_dmm2 5 // respan for weapons in dmm2, seconds

rocket_damage 110 // rl damage

rocket_push 1.0 // rl pushback

rocket_reload 0.8 // rl reload time in seconds

rocket_velocity 1000 // rocket velocity

coilgun_reload 0.7 // reload for coilgun

shotgun_reload 0.5 // boomstick reload

shotgun_spread 0.005 // boomstick spread

shotgun2_reload 0.7 // buckshot reload

shotgun2_spread 0.015 // buckshot spread

spawn_drop 0 // drop deathmatch spawns to be adjacent to floor

spawn_mode 1 // fair spawns or competitive, fair spawns gives more breathing room by not allowing too many spawns on the same spot

spawn_telefrag 1 // telefrag mercilessl

spike_damage 9 // ng damage

spike_push 1.0 // ng pushback

spike_velocity 1000 // emulate fastnails by setting to 2000

spike2_damage 18 // sng damage

spike2_push 1.0 // sng pushback

spike2_velocity 1000 // emulate fastnails by setting to 2000

teleport_angles 0 // experimental stuff, leave at 0

teleport_entities 0 // teleport rockets and stuff too

teleport_velocity 0 // preserve player velocity through teleports

runtests 0 // QA stuff to test the mod, leave at 0

rail 0 // railgun enabled

rail_damage 110 // railgun damage

rail_push 1.0 // railgun pushback

rail_reload 0.8 // railgun reload in seconds

dmm5_shells 30 // dmm5 ammo caps

dmm5_nails 70 // dmm5 ammo caps

dmm5_rockets 20 // dmm5 ammo caps

dmm5_cells 50 // dmm5 ammo caps

Game mode CVARS:

game_rounds 5 // number of rounds for this mode

minplayers 0 // minimum number of players for this game mode

maxplayers 12 // maximum number of players for this game mode

minteamsize 0 // minimum number of players in each team for game to start

maxteamsize 4 // maximum number of players in each team for game to start

hook_enabled 0 // CTF hook, only enabled in CTF but can be bypassed

game_selfdamage 1 // how much damage is dealt to the attacker when hurting yourself

game_teamdamage 1 // friendly fire

game_teamdamage_reflect 0 // damage dealt to teamkillers

ctf_returntime 20 // how long the flag stays when dropped

ctf_returnscore 0 // points rewarded when returning your own flag

ctf_grabscore 0 // grab enemy flag frag score

ctf_capturescore 10 // frags awarded when capturing enemy flag

headhunters_maxheads 5 // number of heads you can carry

freezetag_thawtime 3 // thawing time in ftag

freezetag_thawinplace 0 // dunno

domination_capturetime 5 // time in seconds to capture a domination area

domination_pointinterval 5 // ???

domination_cap 15 // frags awarded for capturing an area

domination_capassist 10 // frags awarded for assisting a capture

domination_defense 10 // frags awarded for defending an area


noweapon "gl" // DMM4 disabled weapons, end has "gl lg"


powerups_enabled 1 // enable powerups or disable, also a map cvar

overtime 3 // overtime for this DMM

noitems 0 // Stacked limited can set this to 1 to disable item pickups