pleuraXeraphim  /  6 May 2008, 09:40
Bronze: naFianna v's QuakeKlan
The Grand Final of the NQR11 Bronze Cup will take place this Wednesday evening the 7th of May at ***21:00 CEST featuring

Nafianna and Quakeklan (21:00 CEST confirmed)

Earlier in the season NaFianna defeated Quakeklan in the group stages 2-0. The scores were as follows : DM3 (The Abandoned Base) was 179-124 and on DM2 (Claustrophobopolis) 164 - 152. Match Screenshots here.

Read More here

Don't forget to place your Gold Rush QW Bets here:
They were very close maps with NaFianna just about coming out on top. Quakeklan have had plenty of practice since then though and have been tweaking their team play and tactics. NaFianna on the other hand have been less active over the past two weeks due to work commitments and real life getting in the way.
So the result is anyones guess and is sure to be a nail biter.

So best of luck to both teams and try and spectate the match if you can for some real great action.

The match will feature exclusive live commentary from Kryddturken

Instructions on Viewing and Listening

To Listen to the commentary use:
Team Speak and the Team Speak Server to login to is:

You should also download the latest QW Client nQuake from here:
nQuake download

Further Spectating instructions will be posted here later on.
2008-05-06, 10:34
this will be kikass!
2008-05-06, 11:12
Unfortunately I've got a message from Nafianna that they might not have players in time, and some of our players have problems starting later than 20.00 CEST. Will get back with updated info ASAP!
2008-05-06, 21:05
Tomorrow (7th) 21.00 CEST it is!
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