Renzo  /  6 Dec 2007, 13:13
Yet again it was a close call regarding the servers, but they still survived. Now has been moved to another location and it's on different ISP.
The servers are basically a copy from the old Wargamez and only one line is changed in the configs. Of course the hostname is again, so you can find the servers from following addresses:

If anything comes up, feel free to yell.
2007-12-06, 13:24
Updated servers.txt
2007-12-06, 13:24
Still as good routing for "everyone"?
2007-12-06, 13:36
Not for me at least, routing sucks pretty bad. From 28ms to 42ms avg ping (cmdline). Suomicom/Troopers (qizmo) has around 23ms pingtime to the new wg.
2007-12-06, 13:56
better for me but still no qizmo?
2007-12-06, 14:19
It seems to be the same server as the old 4th Wargamez, 38ms for me in QW.
2007-12-06, 14:34
I went from 39 to 28
2007-12-06, 15:37
17.5ms from work...
2007-12-06, 16:10
from 27 in dos to 108
2007-12-06, 16:44
From 26ms to 51. On this ip the servers wont be used anyway To bad, this was the best we had!
2007-12-06, 17:33
12.5ms from home...

ok98: doesnt that depend who is playing who?
2007-12-06, 18:12
Reroute using qizmo.

Because you know what? This was it for the WG. The threat was announced months earlier but it didn't happen until now. The place where WG servers had been for 7 years DEMANDED that they are taken down so it happened yesterday.

This is the reality for now and I'm sure you all know of the situation over server (the connection sucks even more, and this one's paid for). At least we still have the server and what's more important, it's free.
2007-12-07, 22:42
Not great for me, only option is to go via qizmo which is 1ms away. But of course that means one might as well be playing on those servers anyway.

xs4all qizmo has 14ms to new wargamez so it should be OK for dutchies
2007-12-10, 17:21
server now gives me 52ms and server before was 39ms.
2007-12-12, 09:42
From London I get 31ms using ping.exe, so I guess 39 in game. Pinged the old one at about 27ms using ping.exe though (still 39 in game).
2007-12-13, 16:24
well i'm degraded from 12ms-38ms with regular connect command
but when i use cl_useproxy 1 and first connect
and then connect i have 12ms
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