Added by: mission
Added date: 2015-11-10
Type: Play
Engine: FodQuake OpenGL
///                                                                                              ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                         F O D Q U A K E   C O N F I G U R A T I O N                          ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                                                            ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                                                                                              ///

//                                                                                                //
//                                    C O M M A N D   L I N E                                     //
//                                                                                                //


//                                                                                                //
//                                       V A R I A B L E S                                        //
//                                                                                                //

//Only variables with non-default values are listed below.
//You can use "cfg_save_unchanged 1" to save all variables.

//Player Settings
bottomcolor                                                "4"
topcolor                                                   "4"
name                                                       "unnamed"
rate                                                       "50000"
spectator                                                  "0"
team                                                       "d99"

//Skin Settings
r_fullbrightSkins                                          "1"

//Console Settings
con_notifylines                                            "9"
con_notifytime                                             "120"
gl_consolefont                                             "mission"
scr_consize                                                "0.6"
scr_conspeed                                               "999999999"

//FPS and EyeCandy Settings
cl_maxfps                                                  "159"
cl_model_bobbing                                           "0"
cl_r2g                                                     "1"
cl_trueLightning                                           "0.5"
gl_caustics                                                "1"
r_explosionType                                            "8"
r_lightflicker                                             "0"
r_rocketTrail                                              "3"

//Particle Effects
gl_part_explosions                                         "1"
gl_part_gunshots                                           "2"
gl_part_inferno                                            "1"
gl_part_lavasplash                                         "1"

gl_lightmode                                               "1"
r_fullbright                                               "1"
r_lightmap                                                 "1"

//Water and Sky Settings
r_skyname                                                  "purple_chaos"

//Weapon View Model Settings
cl_bob                                                     "0"
cl_bobcycle                                                "0"
cl_bobup                                                   "0"
r_viewmodelSize                                            "0.65"

//Texture Settings
gl_texturemode                                             "gl_nearest"

//OpenGL Rendering
gl_clear                                                   "1"
gl_smoothmodels                                            "0"

//Sound Settings
s_ambientlevel                                             "1"
volume                                                     "0.2"

//MP3 Settings
mp3_volume                                                 "0.07"

//Input - Keyboard
cl_smartjump                                               "1"

//Input - Mouse
sensitivity                                                "4"

//Status Bar and Scoreboard
scr_centerSbar                                             "1"
scr_scoreboard_borderless                                  "1"
scr_scoreboard_fillalpha                                   "0"
scr_scoreboard_fillcolored                                 "0"
scr_scoreboard_forcecolors                                 "0"
scr_scoreboard_titleseperator                              "1"

//Crosshair Settings
crosshairsize                                              "0.4"

//Screen Settings
cl_clock                                                   "2"
cl_clock_x                                                 "-1"
cl_clock_y                                                 "0"
cl_gameclock                                               "3"
gl_contrast                                                "2"
gl_gamma                                                   "0.95"
scr_coloredText                                            "0"
scr_scaleMenu                                              "0"
show_fps                                                   "1"
show_fps_x                                                 "-1"
show_fps_y                                                 "1"
show_speed                                                 "1"
show_speed_y                                               "2"

//Screen & Powerup Blends
cl_bonusflash                                              "0"
v_contentblend                                             "0.1"
v_pentcshift                                               "0.3"
v_quadcshift                                               "0.3"
v_ringcshift                                               "0.3"
v_suitcshift                                               "0.3"

//View Settings
cl_rollangle                                               "0"
fov                                                        "115"

//Demo Handling
demo_dir                                                   "qw/demos"

//Screenshot Settings
image_jpeg_quality_level                                   "100"

//Unsorted Variables
cl_confirmquit                                             "0"
cl_ruleset                                                 "eql"
context_sensitive_tab_completion_background_color          "142"
context_sensitive_tab_completion_highlight_color           "97"
context_sensitive_tab_completion_inputbox_color            "159"
context_sensitive_tab_completion_selected_color            "97"
sb_masterserver                                            ""
sb_refresh_on_activate                                     "0"

//User Created Variables
set  loc_name_ga                                           "ga"
set  loc_name_mh                                           "mega"
set  loc_name_pent                                         "pent"
set  loc_name_quad                                         "quad"
set  loc_name_ra                                           "ra"
set  loc_name_ring                                         "ring"
set  loc_name_separator                                    "-"
set  loc_name_suit                                         "suit"
set  loc_name_ya                                           "ya"
set  name_short                                            "unn"
set  notifylines                                           "9"

//                                                                                                //
//                                         A L I A S E S                                          //
//                                                                                                //

alias +showscores2          "con_notifylines 0;+showteamscores"
alias -showscores2          "-showteamscores;con_notifylines $notifylines"
alias +weapon_axe           "impulse 1; +attack"
alias -weapon_axe           "-attack; impulse 2"
alias +weapon_grenade       "impulse 6; +attack"
alias -weapon_grenade       "-attack; impulse 2"
alias +weapon_nailgun       "impulse 5 3 4 2; +attack"
alias -weapon_nailgun       "-attack; impulse 2"
alias +weapon_rocket        "impulse 7 5 3 4 2; +attack"
alias -weapon_rocket        "-attack; impulse 2"
alias +weapon_shotgun       "impulse 3 2 5 4 7; +attack"
alias -weapon_shotgun       "-attack; impulse 2"
alias +weapon_thunderbolt   "impulse 8 5 3 4 2; +attack"
alias -weapon_thunderbolt   "-attack; impulse 2"

alias quit                  "disconnect;wait;quit"
alias toggle_fullscreen     "toggle vid_fullscreen; vid_restart"
alias toggle_mousegrab      "toggle in_grab_windowed_mouse"
alias toggle_sound          "toggle s_nosound; snd_restart"
alias tp_msgcoming          "say_team $\$name_short: coming $[{%l}$]"
alias tp_msgenemypwr        "say_team $\$name_short: {&cf00enemy} {%q}"
alias tp_msggetpent         "say_team $\$name_short: get {pent}"
alias tp_msggetquad         "say_team $\$name_short: get {quad}"
alias tp_msghelp            "say_team $\$name_short: {&cff0help} {&cfff%l‘} {&cff0%e}"
alias tp_msgkillme          "impulse 7 8 6 5 4 3 2; say_team $\$name_short: {&cb1akill me} {&cfff%l‘} {&cb1a%b}"
alias tp_msglost            "say_team $\$name_short: {&cf00lost} {&cfff%d‘} {&cf00%E}"
alias tp_msgneed            "say_team $\$name_short: {&c0b0%p&cfff} need %u {%l}‘"
alias tp_msgnocancel        "say_team $\$name_short: {&cf00no/cancel&cfff} {%l}"
alias tp_msgpoint           "say_team $\$name_short: {%x} at {%y}"
alias tp_msgquaddead        "say_team $\$name_short: {quad} dead/over"
alias tp_msgreplace         "say_team $\$name_short: replace {%l}‘"
alias tp_msgreport          "say_team $\$name_short: %a/{%h} %b {%l}‘ {&c2aac&cfff}:%c {&c0b0%p}"
alias tp_msgsafe            "say_team $\$name_short: {&c0b0safe&cfff} {&cfff%l‘} {&c0b0%b}"
alias tp_msgslipped         "say_team $\$name_short: enemy slipped {%l}‘"
alias tp_msgteampwr         "say_team $\$name_short: {&c0b0team %p&cfff}"
alias tp_msgtook            "say_team $\$name_short: took {%X} $[{%Y}$]"
alias tp_msgtrick           "say_team $\$name_short: trick {%l}‘"
alias tp_msgutake           "say_team $\$name_short: you take {%l}‘"
alias tp_msgwaiting         "say_team $\$name_short: waiting {%l}‘"
alias tp_msgyesok           "say_team $\$name_short: {yes/ok} {%l}‘"
alias zoom_in               ""
alias zoom_out              ""

//                                                                                                //
//                               T E A M P L A Y   C O M M A N D S                                //
//                                                                                                //

tp_pickup    default
tp_took      default
tp_point     default

filter       clear

//                                                                                                //
//                          M I S C E L L A N E O U S   C O M M A N D S                           //
//                                                                                                //

mapgroup clear

//                                                                                                //
//                                   P L U S   C O M M A N D S                                    //
//                                                                                                //


//                                                                                                //
//                                    K E Y   B I N D I N G S                                     //
//                                                                                                //

bind  TAB           "+showscores2"
bind  ENTER         "say proxy:menu select"
bind  ESCAPE        "togglemenu"
bind  SPACE         "+jump"
bind  +             ""
bind  ,             ""
bind  -             ""
bind  .             ""
bind  /             ""
bind  0             ""
bind  1             "tp_msgenemypwr"
bind  2             "tp_msgteampwr"
bind  3             "tp_msgquaddead"
bind  4             "tp_msggetquad"
bind  5             "tp_msggetpent"
bind  6             "tp_msgreplace"
bind  7             ""
bind  8             ""
bind  9             ""
bind  =             ""
bind  \             ""
bind  `             "toggleconsole"
bind  a             "+moveleft"
bind  b             "tp_msgslipped"
bind  c             "tp_msgcoming"
bind  d             "+moveright"
bind  e             "+weapon_shotgun"
bind  f             "tp_msgtook"
bind  g             "messagemode2"
bind  h             "tp_msgtrick"
bind  i             ""
bind  j             "tp_msgwaiting"
bind  k             "tp_msgkillme"
bind  l             ""
bind  m             ""
bind  n             "tp_msgnocancel"
bind  o             ""
bind  p             ""
bind  q             "+weapon_axe"
bind  r             "tp_msgneed"
bind  s             "+back"
bind  t             "messagemode"
bind  u             "tp_msgutake"
bind  v             "tp_msglost"
bind  w             "+forward"
bind  x             "tp_msghelp"
bind  y             "tp_msgyesok"
bind  z             "tp_msgsafe"
bind  ~             "toggleconsole"
bind  BACKSPACE     "say proxy:menu back"
bind  CAPSLOCK      ""
bind  PAUSE         "say proxy:menu"
bind  UPARROW       "say proxy:menu up"
bind  DOWNARROW     "say proxy:menu down"
bind  LEFTARROW     "say proxy:menu left"
bind  RIGHTARROW    "say proxy:menu right"
bind  ALT           "tp_msgreport"
bind  CTRL          "tp_msgpoint"
bind  SHIFT         "+weapon_rocket"
bind  F1            ""
bind  F2            ""
bind  F3            ""
bind  F4            ""
bind  F5            "sb_activate"
bind  F6            "say $sb_ip œ $sb_hostname"
bind  F7            ""
bind  F8            ""
bind  F9            ""
bind  F10           ""
bind  F11           ""
bind  F12           "screenshot"
bind  INS           "say proxy:menu help"
bind  DEL           "say proxy:menu delete"
bind  PGDN          "say proxy:menu pgdn"
bind  PGUP          "say proxy:menu pgup"
bind  HOME          "say proxy:menu home"
bind  END           "say proxy:menu end"
bind  MOUSE1        "+weapon_thunderbolt"
bind  MOUSE2        "+weapon_nailgun"
bind  MOUSE3        "+weapon_grenade"
bind  MOUSE4        ""
bind  MOUSE5        ""
bind  MOUSE6        ""
bind  MWHEELUP      ""
bind  MWHEELDOWN    ""
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