Age :41
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one of the founders of
LANs  /  17 Jul 2007, 17:10
Will there be a qhlan11?
I just had a talk with Lorn with a great result
Qhlan10 was not the last one, we will have another qhlan with the same time and date!

From what I can predict is that it will take place Thursday -> Sunday in the first weekend of January 2008, that means: 3rd->6th of January 2007.

Lorn said that the only problem would be getting a venue, they are not sure about galaxen and the other venue we had in 2007 was not the best one to have.
After those quick notes he left for a long vacation but I managed to get my word to him before he left and that was that I will help controlling the tourneys, yes yes, no more delays on the time, not damn shitty sites etc, we will have the modern tools and webbsites on qhlan11 with no damn delays.

about the qhlan11 website? I told him to get it online around October so people can signup in time.

This looks very promising
2007-07-17, 18:13
this is very great news hope a lot of rookies show up!

you should have an "ignition turbo" tournament running on 1 of those qhlan days, open for both qhlan rookies and outside rookies[/size]

Edited by Empezar on 17 Jul 07 @ 19:15CET
2007-07-17, 20:54
Qhlan always runs rookie competitions if you didnt know!
2007-07-18, 06:56
The problems i experienced last year with qhlan tournaments was that almost all tournament games i played sucked. In 4v4 we ended up in a 3 team group with fs + phrenic-mix. over 4 maps we got hammered 3 - 900 with springs scoring our only three frags (Not exactly this bad, but almost). In 2on2 with tGM i think it was about the same. Either we won by 80-10 or lost by the same scores. More of the later if i recall corectly. I realise a few of u had better luck and a few worse.

Suggestion for tournaments. Split into bronze/silver/gold tournaments.

for 4v4 use eql-page (or similar) for scores screens etc.. if there was 18 clans showing up, each div would have 6 teams and that would mean atleast 5 quality tournament games for each clan.

for duels and 2on2 i would suggest using php-tourney. Still the same thing split players into 2 (or perhaps 3) separate divisions. A few players would obviously get knocked out in 2 games right away, but likely it wont be major blowouts.

This would, i think, make tournaments run very smooth and players would get to play equally skilled opponents and there would be more interesting games for spectators on eztv.
2007-07-18, 10:59
In 1on1 and 2on2 i don't think skill gap is such a big issue, you can live with getting hammered as you can get a weapon at least.

If the 4on4 tournament was to be divided into so many tournaments as three of them (gold, silver, bronze) then it wouldn't be much of a tournament imo. It's like starting from semifinals right away at last QHLAN where we had SR, FS, Sassa Allstars, Freedom and maybe some other clan. :\
2007-07-18, 12:12
yeah I agree with ake!

IF we get lots of players then sure, we have enough teams to do so and therefore we will do it that way.

I will run everything with phpTourney, 1on1 2on2 4on4!

we got Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday(morning)

1on1 starts from 18:00 -> 23:00

2on2 starts from 14:00 -> 22:00

4on4 starts from 14:00 -> 22:00

22:00 we will play semifinals + finals in all the games, starting with 4on4 then 2on2 and last 1on1

Prize ceremony

I have been admin of several tourneys and will take care of the tourneys with a firm grip! Schedule and everything will be out before the tourneys start, so people know when to go to sleep and when to wake up, fifi its time to come back now that the tourney is in good hands.
2007-07-18, 13:45
Ake_Vader Wouldnt it be much better if the top teams actually played each other instead of owning much worse teams until the semis and finals.

Look at the following example for 4v4
if there is only 16 teams signing up, a split into 2 divisions would mean 7 batches of games (that cant be run in parallel) and all teams would play 7 games with the worst skilldiff of #1 vs #8 or #9 vs #16

Using php-tourney double-elimination would also mean a total of 7 batches of games. However teams would only get to play 2-7 games depending on how well/bad they do. And a lot of these games would be #1 seed vs #16 seed which is boring and useless.
2007-07-19, 01:38
zomg, sign me up and finance me please!
2007-07-22, 17:02
hopefully third time is the charm and i can attend this one finally after two aborted previous attempts to get to sweden
2007-08-10, 01:21
2007-09-28, 16:59
i might even go
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