Age :42
Group: News Writer
Location: around the world
one of the founders of
Misc  /  8 Feb 2022, 21:57
Guess whos back?! But where is the dramah?
QuakeWorld is back
DIscord is new and fresh
Divisions are back
But where is the dramah?
Qlan War is the new tourney, gone is Smackdown, NQR, EQL etc... long live Qlan War and we are in the groupstages of this young(?) tournament.

As you all clearly can see, I am not updated anylonger but have the past weeks been speccing a lot through twitch for anonymous reasons :-P

We have a couple of exciting games left in the groupstage and most of them concerns Slackers..
If you have forgotten, always late with playing the top games and don't forget that they are the masters of PingWar

Slackers vs Commando
Slackers vs FS

The first round of this game will definitely be regarding the pings, who will win?
I will always put my bet on ParadokS, as he has a blackbelt in PingWar.. let's see and find out

Over and out/Sassa
2022-02-08, 22:02
hope to see regular reports on the juicy drama!!
2022-02-08, 23:44
the drama queen is back!
peace, welcome back
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