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Maps & Textures
2020-08-14, 12:52
890 posts

Jan 2006
*** Lastest update: September 1, 2020 ***

Everyone knows start.bsp, the unforgettable initial level where you choose difficulty and campaign world in single player quake. For multiplayer, start.bsp is a rare sight in ffa's.
When you connect to an empty server, you'll land on a per-server set default map - usually dm3 or aerowalk. Statistically they're the most popular maps in 4on4 and 1on1 respectively.
I've always wanted to be served more visual suggestions to what maps could be played. Using the well known theme of start.bsp, but extending it to fit in more modes and maps. Using real geometrical text (works even with drawflat) as labels above teleporters. Grouping maps in 7 most played modes, there's alot to pick from. Entering a mode teleporter, i.e. "1on1", takes you to a room with teleporters to assorted 1on1 maps. If you want to go back, turn around and there's an exit teleporter back to where you started.

What happens when you enter one of the map teleporters?
The map sends a "ktx_votemap <map>" to the server, just like if you had typed the mapname in the console.
If you are alone on the server, the map will instantly change. If your are not alone, console will print "player suggest <map>" and you will get teleported back to spawn. Other players may jump into the same teleporter to agree, or jump into another teleporter to vote for something else. Or just use normal console mapchanging proceedure and type in the suggested mapname, or use '/agree'.

8 Modes and 96 maps

AIM - 12:
- povdmm4
- povdmm4b
- end
- endif
- nacmidair
- amphi
- dm2dmm4
- dm3hill
- oldcrat
- dmm4_1
- noentry
- hammerv3

1ON1 - 16:
- dm2
- dm4
- dm6
- aerowalk
- ztndm3
- bravado
- skull
- shifter
- catalyst
- rwild
- monsoon
- travelert6
- doomed
- dad2
- toxicity (toxicity_test2)
- hex

Since separation of 2on2 maps from 1on1 maps isn't very clear, 2on2 teleporter leads to same room as 1on1.

4ON4 - 13:
- dm2
- dm3
- e1m2
- e2m2tdm
- ctl8
- cmt1b
- cmt3
- cmt4
- cmt5b
- schloss
- obsidian
- ukpak2
- rock

RACE - 15:
- race1
- race2
- race3
- race4
- race5
- race6
- race7
- race8
- race9
- race10
- race11
- race12
- race13
- race14
- race15

TRICK - 15:
- 2bfree
- ninerooms
- way2ez
- way2ez2
- escape2a
- jqdf1
- ztrain
- ztrain2
- ztricks
- ztricks2
- zjumps
- ssj
- zediit
- hoppa2
- trick1

CTF - 12:
- ctf1
- ctf5
- ctf8
- ctf2m1
- ctf2m3
- ctf2m4
- ctf2m8
- head
- boom
- gym
- capit
- rampage

- bloodfest
- barrel
- dm4ish
- e1m7
- genocide
- hohoho
- kenya
- q1dm17
- arena3
- arena5
- death6
- fragyard
- pillar

Style and direction
Art wise I want to just expand the atmosphere of start.bsp, without going too far away from it. Being detailed, but still blocky, now that engines allow more polygons.
Visual theme of teleporters: standing out from the old and razed blocky stone teleporters I use as default, the more known maps have teleporters that resembles their style.

Nothing from a player perspective.
Server admins: KTX needs upgrading to 1.39 (just out!), and mvdsv to 0.33 (just out!). Once done, change
k_defmap maphub_v1
in ktx.cfg.
You should also serve all the maps this hub points to, just download this zip and put into /qw/maps.

History of concept
The idea started many years ago in my thoughts, twisting and turning it. Team Fortress had a map of same concept, if memory serves me right. Also in a mod called RA3 (for Quake3) you started in a nice hall with teleporters to levels. So the concept isn't really new. But I think it's time to have it in QW.

lurq - always around QA of lights and technical aspects.
meag - open minded from the start and willing to do necessary server changes for it to work.
BLooD_DoG - delivering CTF map names
Anni - delivering RACE map names
Andeh - map testing
BogoJoker - map testing
Deurk - pushing new releases of ktx/mvdsv to enable this

Feedback and corrections
Let me know in this thread if a map should be added/removed/renamed. I want to keep it a nice smorgasbord of maps widely used. New maps need to prove strong to qualify.

(Edited 2020-09-08, 08:51)
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2020-08-14, 14:49
654 posts

Nov 2008
This is BIG hype! Knowing how much time went in to planning and creating this, I'm amazeballs.

<3 bps
2020-08-14, 18:59
105 posts

Apr 2017
Sounds cool!.

I suspect it's possible to spawn a temporary teleporter on every map when in standby mode so that players can returm to the Start hub.. The feature would need to be added to the client.

Also you could add some trick jumps before each map's teleporter in the Start hub.. Although noobs may never be able to get out of Start for many years...
2020-08-14, 21:49
890 posts

Jan 2006
Interesting idea lemonjuiced, will marinate on it.

The path to the TRICK teleporter is already hazardous and tricky enough, as can be seen here:

(Edited 2022-05-18, 07:15)
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2020-08-17, 08:00
172 posts

Sep 2013

Maybe 1on1/2on2 can add `spitfire` or rf2test.

Surprised that `trick1` is not in the trick section. Weird that ztricks is so far away from the trick tele entrance too. Though not sure if order is preferred or not.

Weird to have a race section but not a slide section. Would be fun to "slide" to it =)

Might be good to age the map (beginning2020) so that if it gets updated in the future people don't have the wrong map.
2020-08-17, 12:04
890 posts

Jan 2006
Hey Bogo!

Nice stuff, thanks for chipping in.

1on1 received an addition with 'hex' so that room is now full.

trick: added 'trick1' by your request! Also, the overview image in this post does not represent the real layout of the room, so distance is actually not gonna be a factor.

race/slide: This is where I'm least certain how to do it. Currently, there IS a slide-slope down to the entrance to 'race' room
If we were to do a 'slide' room aswell, could you recommend a list of maps?

The map will get versioning by suffixing "_v1" in the end, and then increment per update.
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2020-08-17, 12:12
890 posts

Jan 2006
Here's a view of the entrance to 'race'

(Edited 2022-05-18, 07:15)
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2020-08-17, 13:11
216 posts

Feb 2011
Hot Stuff!
2020-08-17, 20:24
172 posts

Sep 2013
bps wrote:
1on1 received an addition with 'hex' so that room is now full.

trick: added 'trick1' by your request! Also, the overview image in this post does not represent the real layout of the room, so distance is actually not gonna be a factor.

[quote="bps"]race/slide: This is where I'm least certain how to do it. Currently, there IS a slide-slope down to the entrance to 'race' room


bps wrote:
If we were to do a 'slide' room aswell, could you recommend a list of maps?

Probably each map on the "slide" tab of:


Note that the "race" tab one that you do not:

And the "trick" tab has another:

I'm not sure if they should all qualify, but certainly I think the slide# maps get a lot of play from racers.
2020-08-17, 20:25
172 posts

Sep 2013
Can there be a single teleport for 10on10 death32c hidden by the 4on4 side?
2020-08-18, 09:40
230 posts

Jan 2006
Great initiative bps!

Would it be possible to add a "simple" way to return to the start map/hub during and after a match?

What about FFA ?
2020-08-18, 10:05
890 posts

Jan 2006
I'll postpone eventual slide room until later version, have to finish the rest first.

death32c was a great idea! It's now added secretly somewhere near '4on4'....

Hey Moon[Drunk], thanks!
I guess it's doable to make a way back, but it'd require further hacks to client/server. I'll leave that up to the future for now.

FFA yea? Ofcourse a well used mode. But they have their own dedicated servers right? Nobody joins a 'normal' server and vote to play FFA, right?
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2020-09-01, 10:20
654 posts

Nov 2008
It's getting close my dudes...
2020-09-01, 21:04
114 posts

Sep 2013
Hi @bps. Server is ready with all these modifications.
2020-09-11, 13:27
805 posts

Mar 2006
Noice! - QuakeFiles
2020-09-23, 18:14
News Writer
280 posts

May 2006
dm2back, dm4back, zop-dm6, zop-dm3

trick11, tr2 (trick2), tr3_b1, trickj1-beta, trix, trix2, v_kjump, v_kjump2
2020-09-23, 18:16
News Writer
280 posts

May 2006
and slide maps too near race maps.
2020-09-23, 18:21
News Writer
280 posts

May 2006
I have all maps from list if you want to check.
2020-11-27, 18:50
21 posts

Jan 2006
For 1on1/2on2 is missing spinev2, subterfuge.
And maybe create a complete new section for 'nonsensical' maps? Like hippos, xmastree, kenya, etc.
2020-11-27, 19:42
216 posts

Feb 2011
maphub has zeddit, which is good, but could also use zediit2t2 (lovely coop trick map). Maybe also zediit2t1 to be complete, but it's a little simpler.
2020-12-26, 14:38
2 posts

Jul 2017
Nice! I suggest just making the race room bigger and putting all Race / Slide / Trick in there as they're all race routed maps from

PS: Well not ALL of the trick maps have race routes but just add all the ones from within the Race room.
2020-12-26, 21:37
1 post

Dec 2020
2021-01-09, 17:24
News Writer
280 posts

May 2006
eb wrote:
And maybe create a complete new section for 'nonsensical' maps? Like hippos, xmastree, kenya, etc.

Already have. Try to find. :-D
2021-01-13, 12:13
309 posts

Sep 2006
Welcome back after 5 years

Nice idea that hub. But I would add some more 4/4 maps there. Me and Muffin spent a lot of time to master CTL maps, can you add CTL4/5/6 please?
You only added CTL8 which is a q3 map and it has some bug we didn't fix on time
2021-07-29, 20:39
News Writer
275 posts

May 2006

Can you change CMT5B to CMT5PRO? Its the final version of the map. Page and download here:
Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
2022-05-18, 07:42
News Writer
7 posts

May 2020
pov: add NEWCRAT
duel/2on2: add CHUTE, AXE, HALO. remove HEX. change TOXICITY filename to TOXICITY.BSP instead of TOXICITY_TEST2.BSP.
4on4: add FORSAKEN, ITALY and MIRAGE. change ROCK to ROCKA
"'nonsensical": add HOTTUB

maybe add a snowcovered roof as a new secret area above 1on1/2on2 maps, with frost-tb5
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