News Writer
76 posts
Sep 2013
Is that a far fetched idea to have a demo player on my phone?
News Writer
105 posts
Sep 2014
FTE is available on android, so I should think you can play demos on that, but I can't confirm.
1265 posts
Jan 2006
i can
the last time i checked, i couldnt play demos.
but connecting to qtv works great

its great. poke Spike if you have any issues.
you can also talk to me and I will add you to the FTEDroid feedback group
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
News Writer
76 posts
Sep 2013
thanks guys.
I have the 'other type' of mobile, currently :/. What are my options on that 'closed source' nightmare...
60 posts
Sep 2016
You can stream a demo playlist to twitch and watch it from the app
Sounds complicated but I have done it a few times; minimal setup required.