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Server Talk
2018-12-15, 08:33
3 posts

Mar 2016
Hi everyone,

Tried to get a server up and running, and installed the nQuake server package without any problems.
Also activated the FFA-port, but can't seem to get the map cycle running.

I've added
set k_ml_0 "dm2"
set k_ml_1 "dm3"
.. and so on in /ffa/matchless.cfg file

If I connect o the server and type /mapcycle in the console it shows the correct map cycle I've set, but it says: "Map cycle: not active"
Tried to search the forum as well, but could not find any information about it.

Do I need to set any command to make the map cycle active?

2018-12-15, 11:20
114 posts

Sep 2013

I had the same problem and solved it by adding following to port1.cfg for ffa mode (not sure which param did the trick but map rotation works now)
map spinev2
set k_mode ffa
set k_defmode ffa

teamplay 0
deathmatch 3
set k_overtime 2
set k_pow 1
set k_idletime 180
set k_matchless 1
set k_use_matchless_dir 1
set k_free_mode 0
set samelevel 0
set allow_toggle_practice 0
2018-12-15, 16:08
284 posts

Sep 2015
can confirm that "samelevel 1" leads to "map cycle: not active" message.
2018-12-15, 20:33
3 posts

Mar 2016
d2 wrote:

I had the same problem and solved it by adding following to port1.cfg for ffa mode (not sure which param did the trick but map rotation works now)

Awesome, thank you so much. That seemed to do the trick here as well!
2019-04-23, 16:26
11 posts

Aug 2014
should mapcycle work for "matchless 0" at all?
2019-07-02, 22:11
News Writer
76 posts

Sep 2013
I've just struggled with the same problem. Using the latest nQuake server installer.

There was no way to configure 'samelevel 0'. I placed in in every config (server.cfg, mvdsv.cfg, ktx.cfg, matchless.cfg). I even typed it in the server console, but after a map change, it reset to 1.

Technically whenever "VM_Load: "qwprogs"" was written in the console, samelevel was reset to 1.
I guess that is the hardcoded value within qwprogs.dat

My solution was to create a file under nquakesh/ffa/config/usermodes/ffa/default.cfg, and add the following:
exec server.cfg

So whenever a map loads, and "VM_Load: "qwprogs"" is triggered, the above mentioned default.cfg is executed. With this trick I was technically overwriting the default, hardcoded value.

I hope this helps someone.
I think this is a bug in qwprogs.dat, as what is the purpose of all those .cfg files, if you actually ignoring them upon map restart.
Or if this is 'working as designed', it should be documented that you need to create that config file in the 'usermodes' directory. Otherwise it won't work...
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