
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Here is what I have done so far. Its in beta stage.an1-beta6.bsp(Edited 2019-07-08, 15:03)
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Some hints: Taking PENT will open Shortcuts to RL QUAD YA Area for 30s There are 2 secrets RA can be taking with advanced slide techniques PENT can be taken earlier with advanced jump techniques
Member 22 posts
Registered: Jan 2016
I like the trick jump to red, but i cant pull it off 10/10 times, and thats without someone shoothing at me =] Maybe a alternative (but slower than the trickjump) route to Red for us non-trickers and newcomers? A ledge on the left or a very slow elevator? Also, Red seems "easy" to defend if you got Red+RL and camp inside Ring area and peek out taking out anyone trying to jump up to red or in to Ring-area (but could be wrong).
Pent-area should call for some good fights, but there should be a way to get out of the Lava if u actually get Pent and fall in. Pretty boring spending 30 seconds in lava during a 4on4 =]
Nice touch with the LG at quad! Its more mayhem than cmt4. Looking forward to a testmatch
Member 152 posts
Registered: Feb 2012
Agree with all Baresi's comments btw. “If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I like the trick jump to red, but i cant pull it off 10/10 times, and thats without someone shoothing at me =] Maybe a alternative (but slower than the trickjump) route to Red for us non-trickers and newcomers? A ledge on the left or a very slow elevator? I will keep this for the beta testing and take a final decision later Also, Red seems "easy" to defend if you got Red+RL and camp inside Ring area and peek out taking out anyone trying to jump up to red or in to Ring-area (but could be wrong). Good point, I will change ring tele to pent roof and RL tele to ring. So Red is able to jump from pentroof to rl and Ya RL area is able to flood ring. Pent-area should call for some good fights, but there should be a way to get out of the Lava if u actually get Pent and fall in. Pretty boring spending 30 seconds in lava during a 4on4 =] I added elevators at every corner
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 57 posts
Registered: Oct 2015
ceiling height seems 16 units too low here. might be intentional to create an intentional choke on the map? don't understand the lifts in pent room. maybe if it's water it would make more sense so you could actually activate them without burning your entire stack. i think with latency people will just rip every time. maybe im missing something i dont play 4v4. might actually be a feature of the map that everyone will enjoy. i'm not a big fan of it though since there is only one entrance as far as i can tell unless theres a secret button or tele destination. maybe consider a high entrance to this room that is facing the Red Armor Powerup. again though unless play-tested this might work so dont hop to changing it unless you wanna just try it out and see how it feels. The mega being so close to RA seems really suspicious to me but i'm no item placement god so you might have an idea built around it that i don't understand. Quad room feels too big / open and rocket launcher shots will probably feel terrible. I think players might also find the Quad room to be a bit annoying to play because of all of the lava (i'm biased though because lava has never worked in my maps and i don't think i've ever really liked lava in any map including dm2/dm4 because i feel like you're punished randomly sometimes) Pent area has a similar problem but at least it's broken up by more limited paths / objects that break up the line of sight. the rocket launcher room sort of feels like that but it's definitely the best of the three rooms that have the issue. YA room is my favorite room on the map followed by the whole hallway that connects YA to GL. Good job man i'll keep checking your progress and throwing out my thoughts.
Member 105 posts
Registered: Apr 2017
I really like the strutted ceilings that cast nice shadows onto the ground. It's similar to DM2 but somehow the shadows aren't as blocky as DM2's shadows. The rocky texture in Quad and RL area is awful. All natural textures like rock or grass should be removed from Quake maps because the tiling/repeating is way too obvious. But perhaps you plan on creating your own textures eventually?. I also find the fake doors a little frustrating because I never know if a door is fake or if I'm supposed to hit a trigger to open it. 
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
ceiling height seems 16 units too low here. might be intentional to create an intentional choke on the map?
I can rise it but I had no problems running jumping through it don't understand the lifts in pent room. maybe if it's water it would make more sense so you could actually activate them without burning your entire stack. i think with latency people will just rip every time. maybe im missing something i dont play 4v4.
With pent you are invulable. So you survive in lava. In case you get the pent and have no rl you are now able to leave the bath might actually be a feature of the map that everyone will enjoy. i'm not a big fan of it though since there is only one entrance as far as i can tell unless theres a secret button or tele destination. maybe consider a high entrance to this room that is facing the Red Armor Powerup. again though unless play-tested this might work so dont hop to changing it unless you wanna just try it out and see how it feels. The mega being so close to RA seems really suspicious to me but i'm no item placement god so you might have an idea built around it that i don't understand.
changed the teleport behavior in beta1. should be solved. you can now access ra area through ring area Quad room feels too big / open and rocket launcher shots will probably feel terrible. I think players might also find the Quad room to be a bit annoying to play because of all of the lava (i'm biased though because lava has never worked in my maps and i don't think i've ever really liked lava in any map including dm2/dm4 because i feel like you're punished randomly sometimes) Pent area has a similar problem but at least it's broken up by more limited paths / objects that break up the line of sight. the rocket launcher room sort of feels like that but it's definitely the best of the three rooms that have the issue.
i have this on check list but i focus at item placements atm. if ppl complain about lava i have no problems to change it to water
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I really like the strutted ceilings that cast nice shadows onto the ground. It's similar to DM2 but somehow the shadows aren't as blocky as DM2's shadows. The rocky texture in Quad and RL area is awful. All natural textures like rock or grass should be removed from Quake maps because the tiling/repeating is way too obvious. But perhaps you plan on creating your own textures eventually?. I also find the fake doors a little frustrating because I never know if a door is fake or if I'm supposed to hit a trigger to open it.  All doors in pent room are only able to open when pent is taken for 30s. After that the shortcuts will close again. Other doors working normal. As said above I wanna play some matches to get a feedback on item placement. After that i will think about the Quad Area again.
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Revisited the Quad Area, hopefully I get beta 2 done until next weekend. (Edited 2019-07-08, 15:05)
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Administrator 284 posts
Registered: Sep 2015
Brief feedback after a couple of games last night... 1) Map is a good size overall, but some areas are a bit empty (rocket water) and some are a bit cramped. It feels a bit brutal when you're out of control, but generally worked well. 2) The hidden mega is a bit too well hidden  Though once everyone knew about it it was fine. 3) The red armor trick jump... I know it's not a difficult slide, but it is frustrating to know you've only got one shot at it, red armor is just sitting there and then you miss it. We resorted to boomsticking teammates to help them across. Maybe make a E1M2-style multi-jump alternative way to get there? Feels overly punishing of mistakes right now. 4) The rocket room needs to be a bit more accessible, right now there's a single choke point at YA, and the alternative to get there (unless doors are open) is going via tele @ red, so if the other team has both armors covered then you're in trouble. Also, maybe a spawn point under the high entrance? 5) The YA corridor felt a little cramped when there's quite a lot of action over there as people try to push past yellow to get RL. This would probably fix itself if 4) was fixed. Maybe move yellow to middle of corridor (opposite the teleporter), away from the chokepoint and make it easier to steal? 6) Random thought: have you considered switching the pent & quads round? It would make the team in control of yellow corridor have to move back to the center of the map. 7) Pretty severe FPS drops when facing middle of map... unfortunately doors don't block vis even when closed, so the doors at pent area makes most of the map 'visible'. Overall I enjoyed the games, even though I was mostly lost and only one teammate had .loc files... we should try to have more games on it before you do anything drastic.
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
- Made the RL Area a lot smaller and moved the teleport into water. - Added one spawn in RL Area (and thinking about adding a second one) Things I´m thinking about right now: (not added yet)Swap Pent and Quad This would give the possibility to add an additional RL at LG Area If we Swap Quad and Pent i would change lava to water and add an additional watertunnel to RL Area This would make the map a really fast high fragging dm2 style map (Edited 2019-07-08, 15:04)
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
I'm gonna bump this map thread - cus I would like some input from div0 players that have PLAYED it 6-x times. (please disregard the massive fps drops) Please come play 4on4 with us on Mondays at 20:00 cet at this map. (we are sometimes delayed a bit - poke me on disc if you want invite to discord.. (sorry qw.nu discord  (bring back irc!  7) Pretty severe FPS drops when facing middle of map... unfortunately doors don't block vis even when closed, so the doors at pent area makes most of the map 'visible'. (the FPS drops will be a map future killer.....) QW players are obsessed with two things, their ping and their fps being consistent..) Is it the visibility that gives FPS drops then? If visibility was cut by a wall - would that improve FPS? - So blocking the viewpoint of a door - (perhaps moving it up or down a ledge?) would improve FPS? (could we somehow still see a door being open or closed without having to go to this ledge? a big huge sign/button - "door open"  Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
Member 53 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
you could try r_draworder 1 in winquake it works for me
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
@ocoini The only chance to get FPS higher I see, is to reduce brushes. an1-beta4.bsp - Latest Version with feedback involved an1-beta5.bsp - Major changes but this would be the version I would prefer! I will make an update at first post as soon as I can (Edited 2019-07-08, 15:04)
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
