I'm doing a short but intense comeback, and reviving
Suddendeath of old glory for a 10 day marathon hopefully filled with many great games.
Now, we're loooking to prepare and maybe schedule opposition.
Ideally we'd love to play a classic tVS-lineup - or why not Slackers - but I suppose some sort of mix composition will be just fine. Simply good players that wanna play some high pressure games.
This is thought to happen at nights, weekdays, between 12-21 June 2017. Throw a comment here or on Discord if you wanna book something!
bps - all in, 12-21 june (not 13th)
carapace - available
Rikoll - available 11-15 June
mawe - “Vore kul att dra en match isf! Blir nog inget nötande men kul att prova matchstället igen”
rio - available
ganon - available
razor - replied: kan lägga in datumet i kalendern.. men törs inte lova något :slight_smile: men vore kul o kanske köra nån match
reppie - sounds awesome! count me in
LocKtar - 12-14 june
rst - probably not gonna have gaming equipment to play
others? sign up!
(Edited 2017-06-09, 06:27)
I'm doing a short but intense comeback, and reviving

Now, we're loooking to prepare and maybe schedule opposition.
Ideally we'd love to play a classic tVS-lineup - or why not Slackers - but I suppose some sort of mix composition will be just fine. Simply good players that wanna play some high pressure games.
This is thought to happen at nights, weekdays, between 12-21 June 2017. Throw a comment here or on Discord if you wanna book something!

others? sign up!
(Edited 2017-06-09, 06:27)
Join us on discord.quake.world