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General Discussion
2016-10-07, 08:30
News Writer
183 posts

May 2013
Hey guys. Just a thought...
So just from in game chat and discord one of the big gripes that seems to come up from a lot of people (other than the wait to get a game going in the first place. lol) is that if the balance in the teams is off then it leads to 20 minutes solid of rape with the other team racking up silly amounts of frags. And then after that some of the loosing team don't want to play a second game and some on the winning team can be reluctant to change the teams.So was thinking, keep the 20 minute time limit but add some sort of frag spread limit.

My theory: the close matches will go the full distance but in the "rape fest" scenario the game will end if the score difference between the teams goes over a critical limit. This means shorter one sided games, teams can be shuffled and into the next game with hopefully still decent amounts of morale (coz lets face it. When your 200 frags down on dm2 and you realize there is still another 10 minutes on the clock it can be very tempting to just yank the ethernet cable out of your PC and bugger off down to the pub :p lol) .

Obviously this would just be for mixes/pickups and not tournaments.
2016-10-07, 09:39
41 posts

Nov 2013
In quakelive it already is implemented. Its called mercylimit.
2016-10-07, 10:06
188 posts

Feb 2008
Pfft! Lets go hurt him!!!1
2016-10-07, 10:24
News Writer
183 posts

May 2013
leopold wrote:
Pfft! Lets go hurt him!!!1

Nooooooooooo!! lol
2016-10-07, 10:25
News Writer
183 posts

May 2013
veRRo wrote:
In quakelive it already is implemented. Its called mercylimit.

Ah right. Does it work/is it good feature?
2016-10-07, 10:54
188 posts

Feb 2008
The amount of frags one team can come back from much depends on the map, dm2 is very different from e1m2 with dm3 in the middle.

On the other side ppl can call /break at any time and often do so I don't really see the advantage. Never change a running system
2016-10-07, 11:02
News Writer
183 posts

May 2013
Hmm, suppose so. Was just a thought. Oh well.
2016-10-07, 11:39
News Writer
105 posts

Sep 2014
Honestly now at this stage I think the best thing for 4on4 would be an almost perpetually running draft tournament.
2016-10-07, 11:56
188 posts

Feb 2008
Additionally some of our more sophisticated ragers may find out that they can reach the mercy-limit with /kill-ing themself over and over again
2016-10-08, 02:06
46 posts

Jan 2013
i vote for draft too
2016-10-15, 05:08
18 posts

Oct 2015
MFArena does something a bit different when it comes to lopsided matches. A match is split up into two rounds, and advancing to the second round does not pause or reset the match at all. When the first round ends, the team that's behind must either have at least half the score of the other team, or be within 20 points (TDM), otherwise the match ends. This can also apply to other gamemodes (duels, 3W-CTF), by changing the point distance needed to advance to the next round. Finally, the match ends when the second rounds ends (assuming teams are not tied, otherwise the match will go into a 2 minute overtime).

Just an idea that has been implemented elsewhere, no need to hurt me as well. :3

leopold wrote:
On the other side people can call /break at any time and often do so I don't really see the advantage. Never change a running system

IIRC, 50% of the players must agree to "break". Doesn't help if some don't mind playing a lopsided match.
2016-10-15, 13:47
News Writer
105 posts

Sep 2014
Well as it happens at the moment 4on4 is pretty much not even being played. I don't think I've seen a mix for over 5 weeks now.
2016-10-16, 00:42
110 posts

Mar 2010
4on4 is dead, let it go peacefully
2016-10-16, 05:21
216 posts

Feb 2011
nelag wrote:
4on4 is dead, let it go peacefully

Incorrect, there were a good 4 or 5 4on4s in a row on Saturday!
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