50 posts
Mar 2014
i got told an ip of a server that is crowded with people but this server dosent show up in the multiplayer browser when i refresh
i have marked all the sources
1265 posts
Jan 2006
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
50 posts
Mar 2014
still dosent work
i dont see a server that some people talked about yesterday, it was ffa and there was like 16 people, ake vader was there too, someone gave me the ip but this server dont show in browsers for some reasone
37 posts
May 2012
also, this might be related to another thread where you have been advised by someone to use a max ping/timeouts per second of 1000. (sb_pingspersec / sb_infospersec). That could be too much, try lowering that value again and check if more servers "survive" a refresh. Its quite possible your connection doesnt handle this 1k request bombing

On another note, i found the ezquake3 serverbrowser to be MUCHO better than ezq2.2 sb. In case you are on 2.2, and canīt get that issue under control, ezq3 could be worth trying for you?
(Edited 2016-06-23, 20:54)
50 posts
Mar 2014
also, this might be related to another thread where you have been advised by someone to use a max ping/timeouts per second of 1000. (sb_mastertimeout / sb_infotimeout). That could be too much, try lowering that value again and check if more servers "survive" a refresh. Its quite possible your connection doesnt handle this 1k request bombing

On another note, i found the ezquake3 serverbrowser to be MUCHO better than ezq2.2 sb. In case you are on 2.2, and canīt get that issue under control, ezq3 could be worth trying for you?
i am using ez quake 3.0
i have sb_infotimeout 400 and sb_mastertimeout 1000.. what values do i put?
37 posts
May 2012
with these settings on a VDSL 50k connection i just got 382 servers in my list.
Scanning takes a while though... if i use too many requests a sec, im starting to miss out on servers, too.
sb_inforetries "4"
sb_infospersec "400"
sb_masterretries "4"
sb_pingspersec "300"
sb_pings "3"
sb_findroutes "1"
sb_infotimeout "1000"
sb_mastertimeout "1000"
+mark all sources