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2016-05-16, 21:28
News Writer
34 posts

Feb 2008
Hello guys!

Qcon 2016 is closing in fast (79 days left) and I finally found a mate!

And its nobody less then bps!
As most of you know bps originally planned to go with Goblin.
Goblin on the other hand had no intentions to stick to his word and went complete
silent when they were about to book the flight, leaving bps completely in the dark.

Why he did this, we probably never will find out.


I had a quick chat with bps some weeks ago about this issue and we decided to team up!
In my opinion we would pose a great threat to most of the teams, and would be a real fun team to spectate.

So to get to point.
For me to able to go to Qcon I also need financial help! In the likes of bps I've made a similar donate-site with some small tweaks on the design

My refusing gf wont let me go unless I can raise €1000. This would cover the flight to Dallas and home again.
So, here's how to donate:

* Paypal:

* Swish to number: +46722010911

* Bank transfer to my Swedbank bank account: 8452-5,994 906 404-3

I'm ever grateful for any contributions! (And if I wouldn't go, all is given back).
Thank you!

*To clarify. 1000euros is the "dream goal". If that would not be reached in time anything close to that would help me tremendously to negotiate a deal with ms.locust.


(Edited 2016-05-18, 16:58)
2016-05-16, 21:44
164 posts

Apr 2007
I will donate when The salary hits the account!! Bps/LocKust is a must @ qcon!! 😍
2016-05-16, 21:48
News Writer
34 posts

Feb 2008
LocKtar wrote:
I will donate when The salary hits the account!! Bps/LocKust is a must @ qcon!! 😍

Bäst äru!
2016-05-17, 03:06
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
locust - Aren't you in USA on vacation right now?
2016-05-17, 06:50
232 posts

Feb 2006
Why don't you save up or get a loan like a normal person instead of being a scab?
2016-05-17, 06:55
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
vb- wrote:
Why don't you save up or get a loan like a normal person instead of being a scab?

That is pretty out of line.
2016-05-17, 06:56
232 posts

Feb 2006
Not at all
2016-05-17, 06:59
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
vb- wrote:
Not at all

Why don't you pay for your own internet like a normal person instead of scabbing off your neighbours wifi?
2016-05-17, 07:09
232 posts

Feb 2006
If you think that's what's going on, contact the police. I dare you to
2016-05-17, 07:21
News Writer
34 posts

Feb 2008
dirtbox wrote:
locust - Aren't you in USA on vacation right now?

I was yea! Came home yesterday.
2016-05-17, 08:35
35 posts

Feb 2011
I would like to see you at Qcon, but €1000 is a lot of money, especially when you say that you only go if you get the desired amount.

It makes me a bit skeptical to donate, first because I think get €1000 it's a lot, especially in a group of 15 active players, and then because in case you don't go, what happens?

It kind of give me the feeling to be waiting and checking the page and only then when you are closed to the desired amount, then donate.
2016-05-17, 09:12
News Writer
34 posts

Feb 2008
overflow wrote:
I would like to see you at Qcon, but €1000 is a lot of money, especially when you say that you only go if you get the desired amount.

It makes me a bit skeptical to donate, first because I think get €1000 it's a lot, especially in a group of 15 active players, and then because in case you don't go, what happens?

It kind of give me the feeling to be waiting and checking the page and only then when you are closed to the desired amount, then donate.

I understand how you feel. And as I wrote in the post, if I wouldn't go, all is given back. You have my word on that.

1000euro is the goal. Any amount close to that would help me negotiate the terms with the gf...
2016-05-22, 00:34
7 posts

Feb 2016
I have sent you 20 golds

hope you will have the required amount and show up; gl&hf !
2016-05-26, 08:17
890 posts

Jan 2006
Join us on
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