
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Hey fellow qwers, So we've all heard the great news about QuakeCon in August. How awesome isn't that?! 20 years of Quake erupting in a volatile concoction of elite players gathered under the same roof. And finally continents will clash for real... Now I'd love to go. LOVE TO. But there's a couple of obstacles I have to surpass. 1. Leaving my gf with 2 high-maintenance toddlers for a week is tough, mostly for her. 2. Income during paternity leave sucks. And obviously the wallet for such endeavours is none. So, to make my girlfriend be fine with me going, I'm asking for help financing the trip, so that I'm not spending the family account. This would help tremendously in my further negotiations with her So if there's any interest, here's how to donate:http://blaps.se/bpstoqcon - I'm ever grateful for any contributions! (And if I wouldn't go, all is given back)If Paypal is not your thing, here's my SEB bank account: 5266 00 362 09 (For international transfers BIC: ESSESESS) Or Swish to number: 0760626001 Status (updated):Donated: 1300€ (12 000 SEK) from 31 lovely donors Goal: 1300€ (12 000 SEK) Completion: 100%(Edited 2016-05-16, 19:44)Join us on discord.quake.world
Member 164 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
I dont have a paypal account, you have any other way to transfer?! like swish or regular bankaccount?
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Kram pådä Dennis!!! <3 * Added bank/swish to previous post. Join us on discord.quake.world
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Is this planned as a donation request or are you offering a stake in your QuakeCon performance?
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Is this planned as a donation request or are you offering a stake in your QuakeCon performance? What do you mean, a stake in my Qcon perf? It's a humble donation request  Join us on discord.quake.world
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Is this planned as a donation request or are you offering a stake in your QuakeCon performance? What do you mean, a stake in my Qcon perf? It's a humble donation request  I think what he's getting at is whether there is any return for the donors (which in that case could be called investors :p) should you end up with a bunch of prize money in the tournament. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 23 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
If you could arange some type of payback if your not going i could give some coffee money 
Member 23 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
If you could arange some type of payback if your not going i could give some coffee money  I'm ofcourse paying back every cent if I'm not going! Thanks alot for considering helping  Join us on discord.quake.world
Member 216 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
I'll donate if you promise to wear a mask of your avatar while playing.
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Is this planned as a donation request or are you offering a stake in your QuakeCon performance? What do you mean, a stake in my Qcon perf? It's a humble donation request  I think what he's getting at is whether there is any return for the donors (which in that case could be called investors :p) should you end up with a bunch of prize money in the tournament. Yea, you're right. It's a common procedure among poker players to get staked for tournaments. I'd assume it may be no different at QuakeCon for people who have long trips etc. Don't get me wrong, I've financially supported most QW related endeavors that asked for $$$, but all of them were 'for the scene', not personally for a specific player  I think you'd increase your success (money provided to you participating) by offering a ratio of what you'd pay back in case you make it into the moneys. Acting as a backer of bps would of course be part of the thrill for the observers who invested in you. You'd have a lot of fans  And last, but not least, you would avoid one very unfortunate scenario. Imagine you get backed with donations by $2000 from forum people (10 players sponsored $200 each). You end up winning $5000 ($10000 for your team, $5000 as your share). Trust me, people will expect more than a "thanks for helping me out guys" and probably more than just the $200 back. Now I know you're a good guy and I have little doubt you'd pay back every one of them but you probably don't want to negotiate and make 10 deals after the tournament  Save yourself the hassle and make your request more transparent, e.g. "I need $2000 in sponsoring. If I happen to end in the moneys, you'll get your stake + XX%. Otherwise you can be happy that you allowed me to make it to QuakeCon, thank you very much."
Member 23 posts
Registered: Apr 2010
feffe's donation service(TM) knows that the meaning of donation is defined as: - the act of giving to a fund or cause | the act of giving, esp to a charity | a voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause feffe's donation service(TM) therefore considered the cause in question and I'm happy to inform bps that the board approved a donation to this cause! Ps. If bps wants to see this fundraiser as a stake request, similar to the poker player example, that is up to him. However, feffe's donation service(TM) do not accept refunds of approved and completed donations, since that contradicts the intention of a donation. Ds.
Member 1 post
Registered: Mar 2016
Vi på Chas Visual Management (www.chas.se) sponsrar gärna teamet! Vi skjuter in tröjor och 2000kr extra i potten. Lycka till nu och se till att vinna! ;-)
Member 223 posts
Registered: Aug 2011
Is this planned as a donation request or are you offering a stake in your QuakeCon performance? What do you mean, a stake in my Qcon perf? It's a humble donation request  I think what he's getting at is whether there is any return for the donors (which in that case could be called investors :p) should you end up with a bunch of prize money in the tournament. Yea, you're right. It's a common procedure among poker players to get staked for tournaments. I'd assume it may be no different at QuakeCon for people who have long trips etc. Don't get me wrong, I've financially supported most QW related endeavors that asked for $$$, but all of them were 'for the scene', not personally for a specific player  I think you'd increase your success (money provided to you participating) by offering a ratio of what you'd pay back in case you make it into the moneys. Acting as a backer of bps would of course be part of the thrill for the observers who invested in you. You'd have a lot of fans  And last, but not least, you would avoid one very unfortunate scenario. Imagine you get backed with donations by $2000 from forum people (10 players sponsored $200 each). You end up winning $5000 ($10000 for your team, $5000 as your share). Trust me, people will expect more than a "thanks for helping me out guys" and probably more than just the $200 back. Now I know you're a good guy and I have little doubt you'd pay back every one of them but you probably don't want to negotiate and make 10 deals after the tournament  Save yourself the hassle and make your request more transparent, e.g. "I need $2000 in sponsoring. If I happen to end in the moneys, you'll get your stake + XX%. Otherwise you can be happy that you allowed me to make it to QuakeCon, thank you very much." To be frank, it´s quite clear that he´s asking for donations, not sponsoring or any deal. The return of the donation is that you will be able to enjoy bps´ playing at QCon. You are drawing a parallel to staking poker players and investors, while you should be drawing a parallel to twitch streamers getting donations from people who simply want them to keep doing that they´re doing. If you expect something back from a donation other than a fuzzy feeling inside, you are doing it wrong. carrier has arrived - twitch.tv/carapace_
Member 7 posts
Registered: Feb 2016
I have sent you 20 euros 
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I have sent you 20 euros  Thanks alot mon pote! <3 Join us on discord.quake.world
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
swished you some cash, go get em' ! 
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Thanks phrenic, And BlooD DoG last night! It's getting real, and I'm stunned how kind you people are... booking feels alot closer now. Join us on discord.quake.world
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 230 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Swished some! Good luck...
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
"]Swished some! Good luck... Thanks a mill, man! \0/ Join us on discord.quake.world
Member 280 posts
Registered: Jan 2015
I can't donate in none of the platforms (paypal says that sending money to people isn't available in my country :/). Isn't there any other way?
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I can't donate in none of the platforms (paypal says that sending money to people isn't available in my country :/). Isn't there any other way? Traditional bank transfer would be the last option then. Thanks for considering donating! Join us on discord.quake.world
