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Client Talk
2015-12-31, 15:52
News Writer
34 posts

Dec 2011
Really nice work with the new version dimman!

on another note, will you ever code in so we can use q3maps in ezquake?

oh yeah, love the /find command!
2016-01-12, 11:40
1025 posts

Apr 2006
Is there something you miss in latest ezQuake 3 alpha? Or something that doesn't work?

We're basically reaching a point where it's getting time for a "stable" release, however if you have some bugs or features you think must make it to 3.0 then please let us know ASAP.

(Development will continue with 3.1 or whatever we decide to go for of course )

EDIT: Thanks Muff1ns q3bsp support will have to come at a later stage, but not impossible no .
2016-01-12, 15:01
37 posts

Jan 2007
With cl_newhud 0 (ie oldschool/original hud) it doesn't shows the pre selected ammo/gun icon---the sg/ssg ammo keep showing on the screen (when using sg 'script') and not the pre selected gun.
With newhud 1 it's fine.

Is that a bug or am I missing something?
a.k.a. doob/db/oldb | O Clã [6] member & founder |
2016-01-13, 07:44
890 posts

Jan 2006
Feature request:
* A more viable map pick/toss scenario for bo3/bo5.
/1on1 <BO#> <predefined mappool> [lock in current players on server]

/1on1 bo3 tb5
Console: dimman vs. Meag - BO3 on TB5
Console: coin tossing Meag to start tossing
Console: available maps: dm2 - dm4 - dm6 - aero - ztn
/toss dm2 (as Meag)
Console: Meag tosses dm2
Console: available maps: dm4 - dm6 - aero - ztn
Console: dimmans turn to toss

Just printed a few ideas how it could look. Open for improvement or better ideas. But the concept as a whole, could it be done?
I think it would simplify official games alot and remove awkward moments like "who picks first?", "what's the map pool" etc. Cheers.
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2016-01-13, 10:54
344 posts

Nov 2006
Isn't that more KTX/MVDSV related?
2016-01-13, 14:15
1025 posts

Apr 2006
Tuna wrote:
Isn't that more KTX/MVDSV related?

Yes, it should be server side
2016-01-13, 18:19
61 posts

Jan 2006
s_bass and s_treble would be nice. Not sure if that is possible thou...
2016-02-20, 23:46
890 posts

Jan 2006
Since I play with lego-settings (big quare block textures), I can't see what's on the wall in bigroom. What I've always wanted is a way to override the lego-settings for this texture only, so that I can set a custom image on there (I think that texture is called muh_bad.jpg for big-wall).
Would this be possible? Cheers.
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2016-02-21, 04:05
202 posts

Dec 2006
Sorta like this?
2016-02-21, 10:32
172 posts

Sep 2013
bps wrote:
Feature request:
* A more viable map pick/toss scenario for bo3/bo5.
/1on1 <BO#> <predefined mappool> [lock in current players on server]

/1on1 bo3 tb5
Console: dimman vs. Meag - BO3 on TB5
Console: coin tossing Meag to start tossing
Console: available maps: dm2 - dm4 - dm6 - aero - ztn
/toss dm2 (as Meag)
Console: Meag tosses dm2
Console: available maps: dm4 - dm6 - aero - ztn
Console: dimmans turn to toss

Neat idea. I put together a basic ktx /toss command, since this is a lot like /rnd and /captain. I wouldn't recommend it in the main repository in its current state because I only handle two players and a real version should handle two team tossing maps from a pool. Commit and Screenshots

Note that /1on1 and /4on4 already have a multi-argument form. The extra arguments are used to set the match tag, which appears in count down screen and in demos. This is often used for tournament games. For example: "/1on1 Duelmania". So in my quick version I just put everything on "/toss".
2016-02-21, 21:19
890 posts

Jan 2006
povohat wrote:
Sorta like this?

Exactly. How do you do this?
Join us on
2016-02-22, 08:17
202 posts

Dec 2006
bps wrote:
povohat wrote:
Sorta like this?

Exactly. How do you do this?

It's a bit of a dirty trick. I made a 2560x1536 upscaled version of muh_bad, which I think is about as large as you can make it. Since it is only 8x the original size, it can only survive up to picmip 3 without being reduced below original quality, so I used gl_miptexlevel 2 (which does not affect external textures) to lower the quality of the map even more.
2016-02-22, 10:18
188 posts

Feb 2008
In q3/OSP there was gl_nomip (i think that was the name), a bit mask which would exclude some things from beeing picmiped when using higher picmip values. So you could have erverything picmip except explosions, player models or such. Maybe in ezquake there could be something like this:
gl_nomip = "muh_bad" "other_texturesname" "yet_another_one"
so that those textures would be rendered at normal size . I have no idea if it is possible to do this way in ezquake though.
2016-02-23, 12:17
37 posts

May 2012
im confirming, something changed with the sound on the last few nightlys.
I am using very low s_mixahead 0.025. Before connecting to server (whilst being only in console) im getting massive sound crackling.
Back under 1155 FPS connected to a server, all crackling is gone though. That wasn´t happening before, s_mixahead didnt behave different in 3d or 2d and gave me jitterfree sound @ mixahead 0.025

On another note, im having a sexy external firewire interface here and i´d LOVE to be able to use my native ASIO drivers, sadly EZQ limits me to use Windows Audio WDM? Too bad i cant get my sound down to 64 buffers, minimum latency. Can you get ASIO support in ?

2016-02-23, 21:01
1025 posts

Apr 2006
Shad wrote:
im confirming, something changed with the sound on the last few nightlys.
I am using very low s_mixahead 0.025. Before connecting to server (whilst being only in console) im getting massive sound crackling.
Back under 1155 FPS connected to a server, all crackling is gone though. That wasn´t happening before, s_mixahead didnt behave different in 3d or 2d and gave me jitterfree sound @ mixahead 0.025

On another note, im having a sexy external firewire interface here and i´d LOVE to be able to use my native ASIO drivers, sadly EZQ limits me to use Windows Audio WDM? Too bad i cant get my sound down to 64 buffers, minimum latency. Can you get ASIO support in ?


We're currently in the works of rewriting the sound code to mix sound in its own thread, meaning that mixahead will go away (no delay there) bringing sound latency down even further than ezquake 2.x compared to todays higher latency. Unfortunately no there's no plans for ASIO driver support on our level since we're focusing on doing as much as possible with SDL2.
2016-02-24, 06:38
232 posts

Feb 2006
Holy fuck the FOV calculation change threw me for a loop
2016-02-24, 17:03
37 posts

May 2012
dimman wrote:

We're currently in the works of rewriting the sound code to mix sound in its own thread, meaning that mixahead will go away (no delay there) bringing sound latency down even further than ezquake 2.x compared to todays higher latency. Unfortunately no there's no plans for ASIO driver support on our level since we're focusing on doing as much as possible with SDL2.

Thanks for your response Dimman,
I am pleased to read your reducing latency. As an audio guy, latency really throws me off.
mixahead is a really creepy thing imho. If you just consider the following theme: An "Average" humans reaction time is about 272ms as per google^^. Lets argue that a trained qw player, knowing map, position and action, will put out a rocket or shaft out of his pocket in less than 150 ms. Having s_mixahead 0.1 = 100ms or s_mixahead 0.025 = 25ms sound delay, does in relation to that make a HUGE difference. I´m not saying 25ms will give you a big advantage, but 75ms is definatly an impact in this setting. It will basically tell the guy using it, HALF of the other non-using dude´s reaction time earlier - his itempickup, jumps & general sounds.

ADDITIONALLY i believe, Ping ofc adds to the latency you get for Audio (means: add 12ms for best possible ping, and 30ms for avarage? for every qw player globally)! Delay some packets to 150ms pingland, and hear how long the sounds THEN take. Dunno, avarage sound response time on a medium pingy server with standart mixahead is unbelievable high considering both NOW.

Audio latency for working with hardware or studio software above 10ms would be considered inacceptable (just throwing that in, im 100% aware that windows audio or SDL won´t deliver this performance - naturally and expected)

So thumbs up, looking forward for reworked audio! <3
2016-02-25, 05:44
232 posts

Feb 2006
vb- wrote:
Holy fuck the FOV calculation change threw me for a loop

To avoid spreading of faulty info i deleted this. Original post kept in quote below. Make sure to read my response too, I've tried to explain it a bit more. /dimman
2016-02-25, 10:18
1025 posts

Apr 2006
vb- wrote:
vb- wrote:
Holy fuck the FOV calculation change threw me for a loop

For whom it may concern; 3.0FOV = 0.9 * normalFOV

No it's not

I will repeat this again:
In ezQuake 2.x the "real" fov was for 4:3 resolutions, so if you had fov 115 on a 4:3 screen and then switched to a 16:10 widescreen you'd to change fov to 124 to get equivalent view. If you change to say a 21:9 resolution you will need to find a new fov that matches that resolution...

In ezQuake 3.0 you only use the real fov no matter what resolution you have, thus fov 115 for both 4:3 and fov 115 for 16:10. If you want to change to something else in the future you can still use, you guessed it, fov 115.

If you are on widescreen and cant remember what "original" fov you had, there is a command in ezQuake 3.0 to calculate it: /calc_fov XXX where XXX is your current ezQuake2 widescreen fov.

vb-: This is how you calculate it: fov= atan(((tan((oldfov/2)*PI/180))/1.2))*360/PI (basically reverting ezQuake 2.x wideaspect)
2016-02-25, 11:57
232 posts

Feb 2006
Cool. I hadn't tried 3.0 until Povo sent me his gl_minlight binary, read a few short docs, loaded it up, and after adjusting everything else to my taste was bamboozled by the apparent change in aspect ration. I tried a few Googles and couldn't work it out from what I spent an hour reading, possibly from poor choice of query terms

I eventually found a cached forum post where JJ or BD mention that fov 13 1/3 is equivalent to fov 120 at the same resolution as pre-3 . I derived the equation I stated from a sample size of 2; 13 1/3 = 120, and my own FOV from antiquity 118 (106.2). Being that 120 and 118 are so close together (by design of me in 1999 due to noob GLQuake hall of mirros bug experience) it wouldh avebeen prudent to test a more diverse (and numerous) range

Pardon any inaccuracies and thank you for the information. I could have actually read the code but I'm a lazy drunk stoner from Australia and have to fight constant barrages of wallbies & echindas

BTW after setting 106.2 it reports as 106.199997 in console
2016-02-25, 13:55
1025 posts

Apr 2006
vb- wrote:
Cool. I hadn't tried 3.0 until Povo sent me his gl_minlight binary, read a few short docs, loaded it up, and after adjusting everything else to my taste was bamboozled by the apparent change in aspect ration. I tried a few Googles and couldn't work it out from what I spent an hour reading, possibly from poor choice of query terms

I eventually found a cached forum post where JJ or BD mention that fov 13 1/3 is equivalent to fov 120 at the same resolution as pre-3 . I derived the equation I stated from a sample size of 2; 13 1/3 = 120, and my own FOV from antiquity 118 (106.2). Being that 120 and 118 are so close together (by design of me in 1999 due to noob GLQuake hall of mirros bug experience) it wouldh avebeen prudent to test a more diverse (and numerous) range

Pardon any inaccuracies and thank you for the information. I could have actually read the code but I'm a lazy drunk stoner from Australia and have to fight constant barrages of wallbies & echindas

BTW after setting 106.2 it reports as 106.199997 in console

*cough* Read first post in this thread *cough*
2016-02-25, 18:12
188 posts

Feb 2008
dimman, for me and others ezquake 3 likes to crash on alt-tab. Here's a backtrace from gdb:
#0 0x00000eaf618fe7d6 in SCR_HUD_DrawGroup (hud=Variable "hud" is not available.
) at hud_common.c:2158
2158 if (pic != NULL && pic->height > 0)
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00000eaf618fe7d6 in SCR_HUD_DrawGroup (hud=Variable "hud" is not available.
) at hud_common.c:2158
#1 0x00000eaf618eb957 in HUD_DrawObject (hud=0xeb18bac2700) at hud.c:1452
#2 0x00000eaf618eba38 in HUD_Draw () at hud.c:1495
#3 0x00000eaf618d66af in SCR_DrawElements () at cl_screen.c:3316
#4 0x00000eaf618d73f4 in SCR_UpdateScreen () at cl_screen.c:3451
#5 0x00000eaf618c2977 in CL_Frame (time=Variable "time" is not available.
) at cl_main.c:2546
#6 0x00000eaf61840f18 in Host_Frame (time=0.0043760000000929722) at host.c:464
#7 0x00000eaf61985275 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7f7fffff78c8) at sys_posix.c:347

I guess pic is freed but not set to NULL and points to invalid memory.
2016-02-25, 23:05
1025 posts

Apr 2006
leopold wrote:
dimman, for me and others ezquake 3 likes to crash on alt-tab. Here's a backtrace from gdb:
#0 0x00000eaf618fe7d6 in SCR_HUD_DrawGroup (hud=Variable "hud" is not available.
) at hud_common.c:2158
2158 if (pic != NULL && pic->height > 0)
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00000eaf618fe7d6 in SCR_HUD_DrawGroup (hud=Variable "hud" is not available.
) at hud_common.c:2158
#1 0x00000eaf618eb957 in HUD_DrawObject (hud=0xeb18bac2700) at hud.c:1452
#2 0x00000eaf618eba38 in HUD_Draw () at hud.c:1495
#3 0x00000eaf618d66af in SCR_DrawElements () at cl_screen.c:3316
#4 0x00000eaf618d73f4 in SCR_UpdateScreen () at cl_screen.c:3451
#5 0x00000eaf618c2977 in CL_Frame (time=Variable "time" is not available.
) at cl_main.c:2546
#6 0x00000eaf61840f18 in Host_Frame (time=0.0043760000000929722) at host.c:464
#7 0x00000eaf61985275 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7f7fffff78c8) at sys_posix.c:347

I guess pic is freed but not set to NULL and points to invalid memory.

Thanks for reporting and backtrace. Who are others and what OS are they running? OpenBSD? Any specific builds? This is the first time i hear about it thats why I ask
2016-02-26, 05:36
232 posts

Feb 2006
dimman wrote:
read first post

I did mate. I had no idea it was FOV to begin with and barked up the wrong tree for a while
2016-02-26, 07:11
188 posts

Feb 2008
dimman wrote:
leopold wrote:
dimman, for me and others ezquake 3 likes to crash on alt-tab. Here's a backtrace from gdb:
#0 0x00000eaf618fe7d6 in SCR_HUD_DrawGroup (hud=Variable "hud" is not available.
) at hud_common.c:2158
2158 if (pic != NULL && pic->height > 0)
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00000eaf618fe7d6 in SCR_HUD_DrawGroup (hud=Variable "hud" is not available.
) at hud_common.c:2158
#1 0x00000eaf618eb957 in HUD_DrawObject (hud=0xeb18bac2700) at hud.c:1452
#2 0x00000eaf618eba38 in HUD_Draw () at hud.c:1495
#3 0x00000eaf618d66af in SCR_DrawElements () at cl_screen.c:3316
#4 0x00000eaf618d73f4 in SCR_UpdateScreen () at cl_screen.c:3451
#5 0x00000eaf618c2977 in CL_Frame (time=Variable "time" is not available.
) at cl_main.c:2546
#6 0x00000eaf61840f18 in Host_Frame (time=0.0043760000000929722) at host.c:464
#7 0x00000eaf61985275 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7f7fffff78c8) at sys_posix.c:347

I guess pic is freed but not set to NULL and points to invalid memory.

Thanks for reporting and backtrace. Who are others and what OS are they running? OpenBSD? Any specific builds? This is the first time i hear about it thats why I ask

It's an older build on amd64 OpenBSD here. I don't know what dhamer runs though.
I'll upgrade to the latest soon and see if I can reproduce it.

version says:
ezQuake 3.0 alpha r4754~71e4a9e
exe: Feb 20 2016 10:32:15
compiled with gcc version: 4.2.1 (1427675686)
GCC Optimization: Optimized for speed
GCC Optimization: Functions currently inlined into their callers
2016-02-26, 08:20
1025 posts

Apr 2006
leopold wrote:
dimman wrote:
leopold wrote:
dimman, for me and others ezquake 3 likes to crash on alt-tab. Here's a backtrace from gdb:
#0 0x00000eaf618fe7d6 in SCR_HUD_DrawGroup (hud=Variable "hud" is not available.
) at hud_common.c:2158
2158 if (pic != NULL && pic->height > 0)
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00000eaf618fe7d6 in SCR_HUD_DrawGroup (hud=Variable "hud" is not available.
) at hud_common.c:2158
#1 0x00000eaf618eb957 in HUD_DrawObject (hud=0xeb18bac2700) at hud.c:1452
#2 0x00000eaf618eba38 in HUD_Draw () at hud.c:1495
#3 0x00000eaf618d66af in SCR_DrawElements () at cl_screen.c:3316
#4 0x00000eaf618d73f4 in SCR_UpdateScreen () at cl_screen.c:3451
#5 0x00000eaf618c2977 in CL_Frame (time=Variable "time" is not available.
) at cl_main.c:2546
#6 0x00000eaf61840f18 in Host_Frame (time=0.0043760000000929722) at host.c:464
#7 0x00000eaf61985275 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7f7fffff78c8) at sys_posix.c:347

I guess pic is freed but not set to NULL and points to invalid memory.

Thanks for reporting and backtrace. Who are others and what OS are they running? OpenBSD? Any specific builds? This is the first time i hear about it thats why I ask

It's an older build on amd64 OpenBSD here. I don't know what dhamer runs though.
I'll upgrade to the latest soon and see if I can reproduce it.

version says:
ezQuake 3.0 alpha r4754~71e4a9e
exe: Feb 20 2016 10:32:15
compiled with gcc version: 4.2.1 (1427675686)
GCC Optimization: Optimized for speed
GCC Optimization: Functions currently inlined into their callers

Ok. I'm not sure dahmers problem is the same, I think he's running a test binary I gave him which has a bug in it causing the client to crash when streaming from QTV. I'll need to ask him when he gets around if that's what he means or if its specifically when alt-tabbing in/out immediatly.
2016-02-26, 08:45
188 posts

Feb 2008
I talked to him on qtv and it was my understanding that his crashes were caused ALT-TAB. However there was a lot of noise on qtv so I may have gotten it wrong.
2016-02-27, 17:24
188 posts

Feb 2008
ok, upgraded to the latest, so far I couldn't reproduce the crash anymore. Will report if it happens again.
2016-02-27, 19:18
223 posts

Aug 2011
cara wrote:
When using vid_restart, all my custom (homemade) hud elements gets replaced with some random ones.

Status on this?
carrier has arrived -
2016-02-27, 21:01
1025 posts

Apr 2006
cara wrote:
cara wrote:
When using vid_restart, all my custom (homemade) hud elements gets replaced with some random ones.

Status on this?

Please, in general, if you want us to look at something, provide us with as much info as possible on how we can reproduce the issue or theres a big risk that it won't be looked at in any near future. We have to prioritize what to focus on and the single most important thing is if something is reproducable or not.
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