
Member 398 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Count me in. I need something to motivate me into playing QW now that we can't get any EQL games played Be
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
1. Who is going to play in the game?
2. Twitch is generally too laggy for me to watch so i want qtv. I have a slow connection. 1 - Player selection will most likely be a form of draft with captains. Last time I imagined a poll, where the two best would be elected to be captains - but it seemed quite natural that the two best active at the time were Milton and Carapace, as such I ditched the poll idea as the result seemed obvious. We instead we had a meeting where the general opinion from that meeting was that the best to lead each team were Milton and Carapace - people were als OK with a draft lead by the two of them. Erlend also ran a poll at the same time which also confirmed that the selections had backing. https://polldaddy.com/poll/9039093/?view=results We _could_ divert from this process. As the argument is that Cara and Milton don't have complete overview over everyone's skill level. They will also be selecting players based on who they are comfortable with. Which leads to the players being picked aren't necessarily the best players - or the captains picking will be influenced by expected ping level of the players or favoritism. (Example: I would REALLY like Blooddog and Bogojoker to play in the tournament - but bogo has been hesitant - and without two American hpw's its hard for any expected captains to pick out Blooddog for an expected dm2 game. As such calling it an AllStar is in question - and rather calling it EU AllStar would be more appropriate. )) There are many ways we could pick out the players. A public poll, an internal poll from the players wanting to play. A mixture of poll and drafting. I'm unsure about what would be the most fair way. It can be very complicated - but the results of who will be playing could end up being the same players anyways. I'm open to suggestions on how player picking will work!! My own suggestion is that Carapace, Milton, Rikoll and Xantom all get together at some point. Split up into two teams that are fair - and they together confer with each other in a draft situation. it does not solve that picking will be wonky.... and that we could have favoritism - but they will have double the player knowledge to draw from. (I picked out Carapace, Milton, Rikoll and Xantom as they are in my view the best 4on4 players right now - this could of course be wrong!!! Scream out if you guys disagree!! They are also easy to reach and have shown to show up for things on time or leave msgs when they are unavailable.) 2. I don't know how to fix the laggyness - I get it as well. But yes, I'm not going to work for blocking qtv  I do appreciate people having twitch open at the time though..  Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
I need everyone to fill in schedule poll for allstars pronto! so i can give dates to twitch admins, ty!
[18:38] <ocoini> just ignore the Try really hard to find a date in april please ! removed it from old spam now =) [18:38] <ocoini> Gonna try to get it going in may
I need people to fill inn the poll ASAP though.....! Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
Member 111 posts
Registered: Jul 2006
Member 223 posts
Registered: Aug 2011
Those arguments feel alot to me like individual grief as they do not account for the goal of the match; to be enjoyable to watch. Milton and me have been drafting alot vs eachother and it always seem to make for even games. When playing mixes it also seem like me and Milton have a very good idea about what teams will be most even. We will have personal bias, as much or as little as anyone else, I completely concede that. But does that take away from the quality of the game or enhance it?
Calling it an allstar game makes sense regardless from a PR standpoint.
I dont mind whatever way the teams are selected, but bear in mind the potential workload and success rate of each option. carrier has arrived - twitch.tv/carapace_
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Hi - Sorry about the lack of updates -
There will be a meeting about the allstars Sunday 8'th mai - @ 20:00 CEST - I hope you all can make it!
We need to decide on how team selection and the maps will be handled. Also the date for practices round for the casters/audio check on TS3/Skype has to be done.
We could meet on skype/mumble - but it's a bit easier to type: As then noting gets forgotten if/when multiple people talk at same time. Hopefully this will all just take 30 minutes - and then the (potential) captains and me can set a date to arrange the teams.
We currently also only have ONE caster as far as I am aware of - if you are interested in joining Andeh, or if Andeh has allready gotten someone give me a notice about it please thanks!
I have not forwarded the required information to twitch yet - but we do have a date, but since I haven't been able to collect all the required information they requested lets just hope it all works out... I'm lacking a small picture(the one you see on the bottom of the casts on twitch.tv frontpage) which I hope will be made during this week.......
Please do show up for the meeting, help me tell the people on the confirmed interest list about it as well. - And just give some kind of beep/leave msg so we know you are present in the channel or have recieved the msg about the meeting/matchtime.
If you have any questions just scream out... Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Dear  ocoini, I've sent you a msg here on qw.nu (since I don't have your email) with some Allstars gfx for the Twitch cast. Cheers! Join us on discord.quake.world
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Dear  ocoini, I've sent you a msg here on qw.nu (since I don't have your email) with some Allstars gfx for the Twitch cast. Cheers! WHOOOOOA!!  BPS to the rescue!!!!!! It's EPIC! QuakeWorld thanks you, again ;D Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
Member 55 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
That's going to be SICK!!  BaseQ.fr Administrator o/
Member 66 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Hi, if possible count me in. o_O
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Allstars meeting tooday ! 2000 cest !
#qwallstars Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
The picking is scheduled for this Wednesday 22:00 CEST. ocoini will try to track down milton and xantom so they can be involved in the picking (possibly we move picking to Thursday if it's to late for them on Wednesday) The teams will be based on the last Allstars lineup. With the basis being Xantom+Carapace with first picks. And Milton and Rikoll as second pick. The maps will be TB3+CMT3 + CMT4 the game is scheduled for 22'nd of May 17:00 UTC ( 19:00 CEST, 10:00 PDT, 13:00 EDT) Players/casters have to be online in #qwallstars 30 minutes before this time.Staying online in #qwallstars is helpful for discussion and you staying informed/asking questions If you are not in the player pool you have until 10'th of may to be involved in this match. You sign up in the forum thread. A total of six players for each team will be picked. (Edited 2016-05-12, 19:55)Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
Member 31 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
I could play also if needed :-)
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
we have sollution to qtv thing - just we are collecting /QTV_password "" 's to give options for server selection - if you have server admin or know of server admin, giving me, meag, aikon or d0peskillz the qtv_password is handy - especially get it to d0peskillz if you got one! ty!
For the players::
THERE WILL BE PRACTISE GAME ON FRIDAY 20'TH OF MAY :: Casters/Players - so we can fix any settings or TS/Skype problems we might have on this time.
Try to be in irc channel #qwallstars this friday 20' may @ 17:00 UTC ( 19:00 CEST, 10:00 PDT, 13:00 EDT)
This is the same weekend that will have the match - so it would benefit you if you showed up and said hi to your team, perhaps also talking about who will be playing on what map.
paged(v* is confirmed) diki, xantom-v, moltas-v, blooddog-v, javve-v, mm, fix-v, cara-v, milton-v, rikoll-v. Missing: diki, mm, Creature, Dimman, Kingpin,
If your on the missing list i need feedback that you know when you have to show up.
oco's spam list:
Hi you were selected to play in the allstars :: teams on quakeworld.nu frontpage . - We will be using SuddenDeath's teamspeak channel - The IP is: (PM OCO) - All teams must talk in english while the games are going. The match will begin 22'nd of May 17:00 UTC[/b] ( 19:00 CEST, 10:00 PDT, 13:00 EDT)- *** YOU HAVE TO BE IN #QWALLSTARS 30 MINUTES BEFORE THIS TIME.
The match will last around 2 hours.
For these 2 1/2 hours - Please listen to your team captains AND ANDEH/cocaster and Feffe!!! expect some delays between maps - and be sure to scream out if you need 5 min break etc! Please confirm you know the match time and will try to make it or know you cant make it.
(Edited 2016-05-13, 21:50) Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Neat! I might be around for co-commentating
Member 216 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
This should be awesome!! Only problem with the practice day on May 20th is it's the middle of my workday...and my birthday 
Member 459 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
This should be awesome!! Only problem with the practice day on May 20th is it's the middle of my workday...and my birthday  I'm sleeping or busy, never available to play; You guessed it right, I'm from NA
Member 216 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
I think I'm a talented poet, but there's no way... I must be from Norway?! 
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Sowwy DP_BLOODDOG... :\
mmmmmm - If people want to play sooner or start pracing abit right away do camp #qwallstars
[21:25] <ocoini> sd-andeh- we have foppa qtv password now - d0pe is testing the qtv delay fix tonight there (hope there is a 4on4 going on) - then in all liklely hood we play the allstars in .dk on foppa [21:25] <ocoini> where you will get personal qtv [21:25] <ocoini> for you co-caster and feffe [21:26] <ocoini> and whoever else you need [21:26] <ocoini> Then you might also be able to enable qtv chat? So that feffe /others can give you some text msgs if you need that. [21:27] <ocoini> so hope d0pe managed to connect tonight then =) [21:27] <ocoini> manages* Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
Member 223 posts
Registered: Aug 2011
Why foppa when 12/13 are from no/se/fi? carrier has arrived - twitch.tv/carapace_
Member 216 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
Why foppa when 12/13 are from no/se/fi? Obviously the 1/13 that isn't from no/se/fi is more important than the others combined.
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Right now forsberg and Anza are the two I have QTV passwords from. foppa and quakeworld.fi servers. I need someone from swedish server to give me one, as well as: We also seem to have to change another setting as well - nquakesv/ktx/mvdsv.cfg - qtv_maxstreams 0 ocoini - #quakeworld : if you have a QW server in Sweden - Denmark - Finland :: PM me please - would like you to change some setings - TY! [22:05] <[ServeMe]11> -spam- ocoini - #quakeworld : takes 2-3 mins ! [22:06] <@ocoini> .qw nquakesv/ktx/mvdsv.cfg - qtv_maxstreams 0 & lend me your pwd.cfg - qtv_password "" ty<3 ! **I've noticed there was one Swedish server where swedish people have been unable to connect to a while back - but I don't remember which one this is -. Does anyone here remember? Ofcourse we can play in sweden if thats what everyone wants ! But if most of you ping 25 and under to .dk...  what is the best stable swedish server ? does anyone have contact info to server admin? (yes i will look for it myself if you dont have it) I'm trying to have a few options for servers ready where everything is set - Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
Member 312 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
What's with the QTV settings? Only allowed to spec through the stream?
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
What's with the QTV settings? Only allowed to spec through the stream? No - what he's trying to do is to make a separate QTV entry for the stream to use so that we can listen to mm3 without delay. Last time, we'd hear people talk about something and then see it 10 seconds later on QTV which made listening to mm3 make no sense. This way we might cut the delay down to a minimum which helps make mm3-listening more sense.
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
(Edited 2016-05-22, 20:14) Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
The Allstars is TODAY - In a few hours https://www.twitch.tv/suddendeathtv Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
We had a successful Allstars - Thanks everyone! Here are the players MM3 - Torrent. - Try the top one first- scream if the compression bugged the files or something compressed : http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=15888956492665834144Raw uncompressed: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=93226575845346518608There is one match missing for one of the teams, i believe it's the cmt4 for Milton and Rikolls team - there is no way to retrieve this. These are unedited files for the players - The project was to add this into a demo with players mm3 into one package ? I don't know how to do this - I could probably edit the audio files and strip them down to only include match talk - but I don't know/and dont want to know - how to make this all sync up with demos. A casters audio will come sometime.. But for now.. ye.. here they are. help seed  Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
Member 111 posts
Registered: Jul 2006
I just wanna say a BIG thank you to Ocoini for making it happen, and to Andeh+Jehar for the slick and professional commentary! felt like I could have played much better but it all went well in the end I guess ! its hard to lose with Milton and Rikoll in your team but team Cara gave us a hell of a fight, will always remember these allstars game in the future with fond memories! shoutout to Javve for coming back after years of inactivity and putting in a solid performance overall vs Caras monsterteam !
Allstars #3 hopefully this winter ?
Member 111 posts
Registered: Jul 2006
also, if anyone has the MVD demos from the game would be awesome !
Member 245 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
also, if anyone has the MVD demos from the game would be awesome ! allstar.zip
