
Member 95 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Hi guys,
I'm planning to buy a laptop with a graphics card that runs qw very smooth. Is this one good enough for qw? http://www.notebook.hu/dell-inspiron-5558-179395-fekete The graphics card is geforce 920m 4gb. Anyone has a similar card? Any issues? I'm not planning to play games like witcher 3, BF4, etc obv.
Member 121 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
It would... just do..... Smooth too... Depending on your quakeworld gfx / card settings.
Seeing its a Kepler card, feature support is good.
Member 95 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Hi TheBeats, thanks  How about IPS vs TN panel? Which one is better for qw?
Member 121 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
TN has a faster responsetime compared to IPS.
But IPS has better acurate color reproduction and viewing angles. I can't live with TN panel for main lcd myself.
But pixel responsetime isn't the only aspect that defines responsetime, there is inputlag as well. (i don't think there's much specification/benchmarking for laptop panels in that area)
(in fact, I just sold my 144hz tn display today cause I rarely use it for gaming)
Member 133 posts
Registered: Dec 2008
The fact that notebook is powerful does not mean that is good for QW. I have bought powerful ASUS ROG G750js this year. It is just terrible for QW. I do not understand what is wrong exactly but it is terrible. (I bought it for work and not for QW so no much frustraton).
Meanwhile QW runs smoothly on another notebook from ASUS which is more that 5 years old and generally slow.
Member 95 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Hi se-sss, what do you mean by terrible? unstable fps or? TheBeats: so you mean that IPS should be good enough for qw aswell? How much fps would I get with it? Thought about buying an ASUS instead, which is about the same price but with a geforce 950m, which seems much better than a 920m. Now I became confused that a powerful laptop doesnt mean smooth qw! 
Member 202 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
The 60Hz IPS panel on my retina macbook pro is horrible for playing QW on. The constant viewport wiggling required for bunnyhopping turns everything to pixel soup with the crappy response time. Flat textures help but its still pretty nasty compared to a nice '1ms' 144Hz panel
Member 121 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Yup basically IPS is no good for qw
Member 95 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Thanks! So I'm still a bit confused:if that ASUS ROG is a laptop designed for gaming and sucks for qw, then how to choose a good enough laptop? Or do most of these lower-end graphics cards like the 920m work well with qw? I will rule out the IPS panel then.
Member 133 posts
Registered: Dec 2008
Hi se-sss, what do you mean by terrible? unstable fps or? TheBeats: so you mean that IPS should be good enough for qw aswell? How much fps would I get with it? Thought about buying an ASUS instead, which is about the same price but with a geforce 950m, which seems much better than a 920m. Now I became confused that a powerful laptop doesnt mean smooth qw!  As I told I cannot say exactly. Feelings especially bad when doing frj. I feel it like slideshow started but fps is good at the same time. Even more. I disabled NVIDIA card for qw because with intel one it is more comfortable. Also tried to measure input lag compared to another TN display and did not find anything bad.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
any laptop sçreen will suck for qw. especially ips panels.
but, when connected to an externa monitor, every laptop will work ok with qw. in that case, t will depend on the external monitor, i believe. anyone disagree? never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
