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2015-07-06, 19:14
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
17 September post::
I know you are all cool guys, so all this isn't really necessary for me to mention but I will anyways.

It's REALLY important that you be on your best behavior and have a friendly cool atmosphere in both in-game chat and that you take the mm3 chat serious but at the same time are friendly to each other.
It's looking like, but not decided yet, we will be hosted on the twitch frontpage for the event - and with the ability for the casters to hop into your mm3 while the game is going on we DON'T want the first word for 50k+ people to hear when they hop in to be "fuxk X person sucks", or some kind of whine about whatever =)

I'm leaving it up to the captains to decide what map who will play on. A tip might be to actually have a list ready - and talk about the setup the hour or so you have before showtime so that everyone knows when they will play.

It's up to Andeh and the casters to give the OK to start a match. Perhaps he will say something about how the match will be structured before game start. if there will be breaks between each map or if he wants you to start asap or how he wants it.
You players need to be a bit like slaves when it comes to the schedule after 18:00 cet.
I'm sure Andeh will be reasonable if there are toilet breaks or burning houses etc.. just be sure to tell him!
Perhaps having the captains being the LAST to ready up would be a good way to do it, and having the captains ask if "casters ready?" and then andeh replies "ready" or similar before the captains ready up.

I would suggest alternating tb3 and cmt-
Perhaps this map order: dm3,cmt3,dm2,cmt4, e1m2 is a good way to go about it? As we start and end with something you all know veery well, and there is some history behind e1m2 decider.

Remember to test your teamspeak settings!!!

Ty, GLGG manner on, lets show the best of QW!
Do NOT be late!

And for us that all ready play QW, be friendly and nice to anyone asking questions in chat. Try to answer them if you can and ignore any trolling that might happen. :p

*crosses fingers we get frontpage and that a random person watches and decides to try qw =)
Community effort people!! Lets do this!

7'th September post: everything is coming togheter, we have the teams and dates finalized. I'll write a short news post by Wednesday with everything. Clear you schedule for for 20'th September 19:00 -> 21:00 cet =)
Now we just have to spread the word. I've emailed some big names, if they reply or read it i have no idea. Check out Carmacks, Romero, Thresh and twitters, maybe something pops up, or maybe it doesn't
I'm going to compose a general request for online mags - you guys go facebook/twitter/tumbler/imger/4chan or whatever its called plese =)

2'nd September post::

Now for my probably final post on this thread - and this is just for the players/casters:

There will be one final IRC chat this Sunday 6'th September in #qwallstars around 20:00 CET (come before 20:00)

**Make sure you have the scheduling link - i'm missing 3-4 players from the draft selected to still to fill it out + some from the general participating players - if you have no idea what i'm talking about when i say scheduling link - You are missing it***

We will be finalizing all the details of the show match and the Questions that will be brought up on the last chat are:

1. Finalize who will be playing on what team.
2: Agree on the final matchdate..
3: What maps will be played, should we include two extra maps? Also if you are doing a basic best of five, or if you want to play a full series no matter what the scoreline is.
4: If there will be any ping rules.
5: Should we try set a practice date for you guys to group up and get abit familiar with each other.
6: I need to give you ip/password to the mumble server/private channels.
Alternatively if most are against using mumble, and want to use teamspeak instead, I'll have to go looking for a teamspeak server.
8: Does the cast need/want information on each individual player - should ocoini try to gather this, or can we find someone with more experience?
7: If there is anything you want to suggest/complaints/last wishes.

(Alternatively you can answer the questions here - It will be hard to give feedback to you if you have any concerns or opinions on the forum - but it will be mentioned in the chat if you write it here.)

The final information on the tournament will be given as a newspost on - and will be also be delivered on IRC if you come talk to me in #qwallstars - if you need to talk to the head caster it's in #suddendeath - and you'll be looking for Andeh!

Righty, see you on Sunday - Good luck with the Allstars everyone!

Older posts, defunct, otu of odrer under here::

Today we had a mock draft - and we are looking for feedback on these teams:

T1: Carapace, Rikoll, Razor, Paradoks, Meshuggah, : Backup: Wimpeeh
T2: Milton, BPS, KingPin, Diki, MM : Backup : Maga

Are we missing a player?
How does the team composition look like - should we move some players around?
Should we make bigger teams to give the teams more options for the games?

For comparison here are the players not selected, SO FAR:
Blood Dog, Åke Vader, Trygve, Raket ,Rio ,LethalWiz ,Kip, Sane, NIW, Predator, Andeh, norules.

A problem Carapace and Milton had while picking was it becomes fairly difficult to evaluate current skill level of players and comparing X player skill to Y. So it's REALLY helpful if you guys can give feedback! Also with explanations of why X is better on Y

There is nothing in the way of bringing in X player on X map, because this is a really good map for X person - even though he's not overall better than Y person. Etc... But it has to be some kind of in balance with the overall teams as well! (so yes, its complicated.)

Schedule right now and going forward - We will use the time from now until next week to evaluate the teams - By next Sunday the teams should be set in stone (after the weekend starting on 28'th August)- After this we will have two weeks for practice and for me to organize suitable match date for the players.

Please give feedback! Thank you!

... more to come ...
(i'd still like feedback on player skill, bottom of this post for more info)

Discussion about maps:

Milton made a suggestion about playing more maps - something akin to tb3 + two none tb3.
I made a suggestion that each team could pick one none- tb3 map if they would like.
Carapace pointed out that people might not be interested in seeing this?

Would you guys be interested in seeing them play on other maps than tb3?

Another poll perhaps ?

Currently working on:
Gathering casters, sorting teams.

Completed: Gathering players, organize mumble server- (Thanks Fro!), Found main caster - Sudden Death TV.

Future work (anyone can help out) :
Write Article for on,
Out of my ability: Overlay/graphics/audio for an eventual draft/good looking stream/broadcast setup.
Short basic game play rules for players.
Inform players of Mumble server with passwords. + Make sure they know how to turn off "JOIN channel ding".
Set a date for the actual match. (Somewhere in September.)
Create hype!

Organizing a best of 5 Allstars game for late summer/Early Autumn. The match should consist of the 10 best active and semi-active 4on4 players we have in QuakeWorld right now.
Clarification: This will be mixed teams with the top 10 players! =)

Players will first be asked if they are interested in participating.
Even if you declare interest it's not sure you will be playing if we get more than 10 players - as we will limit the pool to the 10 best. (I'm not going to randomly pick 10 players, I'll try to get input and help from the players to get as close to "top 10" as we can. Posting in this thread is a nice way to give feedback on the teams when we get that far, otherwise we are in #qwallstars ). There is no first come first serve - but at a certain point, when we are beginning to form the teams, it will be to late to join.

I'm imagining the best date for this match will be right when EQL signup is about to start, to make some hype and spark some interest. And the teams are formed roughly two weeks before the match.

I'd like everyones help to contact and sort out the player list, and making two teams that would provide a nice set of entertaining games.
If we could narrow the list down to 10 players that would be nice.

Most likely using MM3 in some form is going to be required. (It would be cute for an eventual live-stream/recording if we could take a quick "sneak listen" in game as the game is going on.) But anything to do with MM3 is up to the players of course and the eventual casters.

Heres the suggestion list of players so far:
(Feel free to suggest more. We only need people that come on IRC; so we can contact them, and/or that will be reliable in showing up for an eventual prac with their team and the match it self!
If you were one of the players that had problems showing up for the draft this spring and you want to play, we need some kind of an assurance that you will infact commit this time.)

Player Pool:

Need to contact: Nitram, Xantom, Knave, Xterm, Ganon, Bulat, SS, Murzik, Shaka, Dimman, Hell, Creature, SS, Greco, Heddan, , x,x,x,x...


Carapace confirmed interest.
Blood Dog confirmed interest.
Milton confirmed interest.
Åke Vader confirmed interest.
Trygve confirmed interest.
Kingpin confirmed interest.
Raket confirmed interest.
BPS confirmed interest.
Rio confirmed interest.
LethalWiz confirmed interest.
Kip confirmed interest.
Razor confirmed interest.
Paradoks confirmed interest.
Sane confirmed interest.
NIW confirmed interest.
RST confirmed interest.
Rikoll confirmed interest.
Diki confirmed interest.
Predator confirmed interest.
Andeh confirmed interest.
Wimpeeh confirmed interest.
norules confirmed interest.
Maga confirmed interest.
Meshuggha confirmed interest.
MM confirmed interest.

Declined: Crazymac, Overflow, BogoJoker, Ihminen, XN, Rst, Culkey

Regarding date, yes, I know it's kinda hard to say yes to something when your not sure when it is. There's two things we can do. Either we set a date straight away, or we wait until we have two teams ready to go. I'm more in favor of waiting til we have two teams set, as it's easier to find a free date for 10 people than 20+ or what we get. And i'd rather have the best sign up, than not signup because they don't know if they can. Everyone should have two-three hours free at some point =)

There's also a possibility of having backup players, but if we (against all odds) manage to actually balance two teams, it would be a shame to throw that out the window.

drop by #qwallstars

//A Sunday Spawnfraggin' Adminerinos, and SuddenDeathTV project!

Organizers last posts:

We've had three chats about the state of the 4on4 All Stars - Here's what we have agreed to so far:

On the 21'th there will be a mock draft on IRC. Carapace and Milton will most likely be the assigned captains for the two teams -
(Depending slightly on their attendance - if they are not online on the 21'st there could be replacements.)
So 21'st will most likely be the final deadline - for any stragglers.

Two teams will be selected with six members each. There will be five main players and a backup player for each team.

Once the two teams are selected there will be a few days available for discussion of the teams. Where the players look over the fairness of the two sides, aiming for balanced teams as well as evaluating if the selected players are actually the best players in the pool.
(So if you're not selected or if you are puzzled why your favorite 4on4'ers aren't on the teams this will be your chance to voice your concern.)

If however any type of draft situation falls by people not being able to show or not showing interest in sorting out teams I ask all participants to rank this list of players by their overall 4on4 skill:

- Either put but numbers behind their names (with 1 being the highest skill), or arrange the list by putting the best on top of the list. And PM me either here or on IRC with the link.

Blood Dog
Åke Vader

Once the teams are selected we will begin looking for a free date for the actual match.

(Edited 2015-09-17, 07:26)
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2015-07-06, 21:10
280 posts

Jan 2015
2015-07-07, 15:26
280 posts

Jan 2015
andrestone wrote:

I will try to convince every div0 I find on the servers to join. I would really like to see some live action at this level, never got the chance.

I remeber the last EQL finals happened just two days before I discovered
2015-07-07, 17:10
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
andrestone wrote:
andrestone wrote:

I will try to convince every div0 I find on the servers to join. I would really like to see some live action at this level, never got the chance.

I remeber the last EQL finals happened just two days before I discovered

Thank you =)
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2015-07-07, 17:50
171 posts

Jan 2006
I've emailed Nitram / Valla / Progamer / Ningizzia / player
2015-07-07, 18:17
26 posts

Oct 2012
Very good idea ocoini!

Would be nice to see old div0 players join like whole SR, TVS, all SD players etc. Anybody knows these people irl? Maybe they could play few rounds for fans? Of course div2 players are good additon if there isn't enough stars available.
2015-07-07, 19:02
280 posts

Jan 2015
ocoini wrote:
andrestone wrote:
andrestone wrote:

I will try to convince every div0 I find on the servers to join. I would really like to see some live action at this level, never got the chance.

I remeber the last EQL finals happened just two days before I discovered

Thank you =)

Raket said yes.
Trygve said yes.
Kingpin said yes.
2015-07-07, 22:51
142 posts

Jul 2013
Where are the REAL allstars?
valla #1
2015-07-07, 23:57
654 posts

Nov 2008
I talk to Lethalwiz, rst, ganon and bps every day... I'll forward this to them
2015-07-08, 09:09
1265 posts

Jan 2006
since these top players will be available to play at a certain time, how about a warmup FFA, password protected, only for top players? i'de like to see that
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2015-07-08, 10:07
890 posts

Jan 2006
If you find a good date, with good notice, I could join.
Join us on
2015-07-08, 12:58
78 posts

Aug 2006
Nice initiative
If the game doesn't collide with my vacation I'm game! (mid august - early september)
2015-07-08, 13:12
43 posts

Apr 2012
+1 what bps said.
2015-07-08, 16:34
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
Regarding date, yes, I know it's kinda hard to say yes to something when your not sure when it is. There's two things we can do. Either we set a date straight away, or we wait until we have two teams ready to go. I'm more in favor of waiting til we have two teams set, as it's easier to find a free date for 10 people than 20+ or what we get. And i'd rather have the best sign up, than not signup because they don't know if they can. Everyone should have two-three hours free at some point =)

There's also a possibility of having backup players, but if we (against all odds) manage to actually balance two teams, it would be a shame to throw that out the window.
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2015-07-09, 15:17
43 posts

Apr 2012
It's your nice initiative and I trust your ability to make it happen.
One suggestion for date is to select 4 core key players. Carapace, Milton, Kingpin, Bps for example.
Book a date that suits these four and let the rest be filled up with people who are able to attend that date. (which I'm sure many will be)
2015-07-09, 17:48
216 posts

Feb 2011
rio wrote:
One suggestion for date is to select 4 core key players. Carapace, Milton, Kingpin, Bps for example.

Good idea but you misspelled BLooD_DoG as Kingpin.
2015-07-10, 00:00
280 posts

Jan 2015
BLooD_DoG wrote:
rio wrote:
One suggestion for date is to select 4 core key players. Carapace, Milton, Kingpin, Bps for example.

Good idea but you misspelled BLooD_DoG as Kingpin.

2015-07-10, 12:57
31 posts

Oct 2009
I'm also game though im not on irc so often ... so what date are we talking about?
2015-07-10, 20:36
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
niw wrote:
I'm also game though im not on irc so often ... so what date are we talking about?

Still havn't decided. Suggestions right now are: Organize date for match after teams are set (where we find a date that fits the 10 players(+casters)), OR designate someone as core members and work out date with them.

I don't like the 'core members' to much right now, it feels a bit early.
Lets say: OK, Carapace and Milton are a given, and will most likely play in the match unless something drastic happens in their lives. However I'm not capable right now of telling who the next top two are going to be. Because we still have highly skilled players that might not have had time to hear about this match yet. If we were to decide on a date now, they might have to decline because they are unavailable on that date. And so we could imagine losing out on a player that otherwise would have been available, "if the match was just one day later..".
Perhaps when we get more people signed later in July It would be easier to make such a call?

I'd like more feedback on who these x number core members should be If we go down that path. Kingpin, Blooddog and BPS, I'm sure are also top picks. But processes are in motion to contact, to name a few; Nitram, Rikoll and Xantom ++ as well. How would their inclusion change the 'core member' player structure? I'd like to give it some time and see who else might sign up, or what other ideas we come up with, before we make such a call.
Does this sound reasonable?

If people know when they are not available, doing like LethalWiz and Rio did, by stating here when you are not available; is something I won't forget.

My goal would be to have a date set for this match at the latest on the first of September.. Meaning the actual match would then be around 14 September. However I will work very hard to find a suitable date for everyone selected in the top 10.

As a sidegoal I'd like the match date to be in proximity of the opening for the signup of the EQL. As such I'd like Hooraytio's input on when he believes he might start the EQL signup. I haven't had the chance to talk to him about it yet, but will be looking for him soon.

We are still very much in the start of this, and it's mid-holiday season still, so I am still expecting a few more to hear about this in the coming weeks.

In general it would be important to be on IRC after teams are selected as I'm sure the two teams would like to have a few pracs before the match. I can't imagine either of the teams wanting to have a player that they won't be able to contact. There are of course other ways to contact each other, but I can't manage that.
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2015-07-11, 10:10
459 posts

Mar 2008
If we can get a date and time set in advance, I'm interested.

Why not just play it like a hot mix? The 8 highest seeded players that are available that day plays, the 2 highest seeded players get elected captains on the server and do the usual captain routine. Of course that requires seeding of the players in advance, which might be a downside.

I'm not sure, really. Great initiative. I'm sure you'll figure out the details.
2015-07-11, 12:47
3 posts

Mar 2012
Sounds great, i´m interested!
2015-07-12, 20:48
News Writer
183 posts

May 2013
Can not wait to see this game!
There should be a follow up game as well after EQL is over. EQL champs vs community voted dream team.
2015-07-12, 20:59
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
Rikoll wrote:
If we can get a date and time set in advance, I'm interested.

Why not just play it like a hot mix? The 8 highest seeded players that are available that day plays, the 2 highest seeded players get elected captains on the server and do the usual captain routine. Of course that requires seeding of the players in advance, which might be a downside.

I'm not sure, really. Great initiative. I'm sure you'll figure out the details.

We could have it like that yes. Adding to suggestion list. But then the two teams wont have much of a chance to practice together, unless the real match is played some time after? I'm not sure how much teams will be practicing for this at all. But I would hope they do.
Thanks for feedback guys, keep it coming.
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2015-07-13, 15:35
280 posts

Jan 2015
ocoini wrote:
Rikoll wrote:
If we can get a date and time set in advance, I'm interested.

Why not just play it like a hot mix? The 8 highest seeded players that are available that day plays, the 2 highest seeded players get elected captains on the server and do the usual captain routine. Of course that requires seeding of the players in advance, which might be a downside.

I'm not sure, really. Great initiative. I'm sure you'll figure out the details.

We could have it like that yes. Adding to suggestion list. But then the two teams wont have much of a chance to practice together, unless the real match is played some time after? I'm not sure how much teams will be practicing for this at all. But I would hope they do.
Thanks for feedback guys, keep it coming.

I might be wrong, but I don't think these guys still need any practice to do the show. If they're rusty, it is enough for them to play a few mixes the day before.

If the players agree, I would like to suggest to have a VOD with mumble/ts voices synced.
2015-07-13, 17:29
212 posts

Apr 2006
RaggA wrote:
Can not wait to see this game!
There should be a follow up game as well after EQL is over. EQL champs vs community voted dream team.

I don't want to be a moaner, but I think this is much ado about nothing.
At first I thought the goal would be to reactivate some 'classic' players (like those who haven't touched the game in years) for one or a few matches of QW. I'd understand that those may want to play a few games before they actually play game stylized as something important/interesting for the "audience". But on this list I see the usual suspects who may have been inactive for a mere few months.

Yes, I think the game will happen as most of these players have proven records of their reliability and are generally very dedicated, active players. But is a pickup-game of great QW players worth any more coverage than maybe some live commentary (which would be nice, of course)?
2015-07-13, 19:33
280 posts

Jan 2015
andy wrote:
RaggA wrote:
Can not wait to see this game!
There should be a follow up game as well after EQL is over. EQL champs vs community voted dream team.

I don't want to be a moaner, but I think this is much ado about nothing.
At first I thought the goal would be to reactivate some 'classic' players (like those who haven't touched the game in years) for one or a few matches of QW. I'd understand that those may want to play a few games before they actually play game stylized as something important/interesting for the "audience". But on this list I see the usual suspects who may have been inactive for a mere few months.

Yes, I think the game will happen as most of these players have proven records of their reliability and are generally very dedicated, active players. But is a pickup-game of great QW players worth any more coverage than maybe some live commentary (which would be nice, of course)?

I think the goal is to get as much TOP players as possible. We are trying to invite people which answer can feasibly be yes.
We are not talking about getting Reload, Pietro, def or Lakerman here. At least I guess not.

2015-07-13, 19:43
212 posts

Apr 2006
andrestone wrote:

I think the goal is to get as much TOP players as possible. We are trying to invite people which answer can feasibly be yes.
We are not talking about getting Reload, Pietro, def or Lakerman here.

Why not? This would be special.
2015-07-13, 20:28
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
andy wrote:
andrestone wrote:

I think the goal is to get as much TOP players as possible. We are trying to invite people which answer can feasibly be yes.
We are not talking about getting Reload, Pietro, def or Lakerman here.

Why not? This would be special.

If you can find them, get them, in the pool they go.
Although I like the romantic thought of activating old school players I think they would still be in the scene if they still had a current interests in QW. This is however a tournament for the active and semi-active, not the long gone ones. Take Paradoks as example, he might only be playing 2 games every two months if that, but he still keeps in touch and contributes.

I think it's nice to think about the old greats now and then, however they are not in the scene today, so i can't see they have much relevance. I think if we want to build, we have to try to keep the legends we have, and try to make new ones come along.

If we were to start a *hunt* for the oldies, I'm not sure we would get much in return. I am fairly certain the best today, are leagues ahead of the old ones. So competition wise, if one of them were to take another ("currently active player" spot I don't believe we would get a higher skilled game.
There IS the off chance some might stick around for a bit, but I wouldn't bet on it. It's not like WE have moved, they should still remember where we are if they want to play QW again.

For me I'm looking forward to see some of the best duke it out. If your not playing your not the best anymore. As such, it looks like we are all ready getting most of the best, and that's pretty special ain't it?

andrestone wrote:
I might be wrong, but I don't think these guys still need any practice to do the show. If they're rusty, it is enough for them to play a few mixes the day before.

Totally up to the players, if they want to swing it - Nothing we can do =) Would be nice to see if they planned a bit, had some tactics or something.. But we all know my skill level, so I dunno ^_^

I'm not going to rock the boat here, just thinking out loud: But seeing as we have so many there could be 4 teams formed. 2 main teams that will play the match, and two extra teams for the two teams to practice against. Not sure what you guys feel about it. Two teams with 5 (the stars), and two teams with four (the spawnfraggs...?)
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2015-07-27, 17:09
654 posts

Nov 2008
I'd play too if more players were needed!
2015-07-27, 18:54
890 posts

Jan 2006
andeh: räck upp handen...
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