
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
A good article
interested in streaming ? never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Made sure to get added there. Would be cool if we could get an active streamers box on qw.nu. I made such a box for Refragged.com and it's no biggie to fix. Sucks that the box headers are images though, unless the psd's are stored somewhere? :} www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Made sure to get added there. Would be cool if we could get an active streamers box on qw.nu. I made such a box for Refragged.com and it's no biggie to fix. Sucks that the box headers are images though, unless the psd's are stored somewhere? :} This is a very good idea. Would make it easy to see if someone is live at the moment. I have improved my setup over here and will start streaming quake more regularly now. I also have way more time than I used to have previously, so I'll probably stream a lot. If there's any designer out there with some skill in photoshopping, I would be willing to pay for some design work for the sdTV channel. bps is a great designer, but a very busy one. Contact me if you're interested  /andeh
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Realised the guy in the article wants people from various arena shooter games to start streaming under one and the same custom twitch game tag "ArenaFPS". Will be interesting to see if it catches on as tag with more viewers = placed higher up on Twitch browse list = more exposure. Weird with the streams being for different games though.
Think i'll stick to the "Quake" tag for now and If you're streaming QuakeWorld then make sure to use "Quake" as game as it's an indexed game on Twitch, while "QuakeWorld" isn't. Also some of the speedjumping guys use "Quake" and they tend to have quite a few viewers, doesn't hurt to fall in the same category as them. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Realised the guy in the article wants people from various arena shooter games to start streaming under one and the same custom twitch game tag "ArenaFPS". Will be interesting to see if it catches on as tag with more viewers = placed higher up on Twitch browse list = more exposure. Weird with the streams being for different games though.
Think i'll stick to the "Quake" tag for now and If you're streaming QuakeWorld then make sure to use "Quake" as game as it's an indexed game on Twitch, while "QuakeWorld" isn't. Also some of the speedjumping guys use "Quake" and they tend to have quite a few viewers, doesn't hurt to fall in the same category as them. Yeah I always use the Quake tag as game. I could stretch as to use a hashtag in the description like #arenaFPS but that's about it ^.^
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Oki, I'll change to Quake ^^ My one viewer will be devastated and confused, but ill get him/her some counseling. I'm more in favor of pushing the QuakeWorld brand completely, but suppose it's smarter what you said =) It'd be nice to see more SD, Experience and FOM members stream some - otherwise lets keep watching Åke and Andeh then, ill try idling in their channel more =) Thought about this the other day: What about one or two shared community twitch channels? Perhaps, in a dream situation for the future, we could get subscription mode going, and whatever money the channels earns, goes: to maintaining important quake sites and or prize money for tournaments? Long term goal, most likely never going to happen, but it would be nice  Though I'd love to see the SD channel grow aswell... =) If we get some of the US/Canadian/Brazilian players involved maybe we could keep a stream up and streaming for much of the day? Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Yeah would be cool with more players streaming, especially the big shots  I guess bandwidth tend to be the main bottleneck though and some people also play on a bit aged gear which may have streaming affec tthe gameplay too much i guess. I'd be willing to help people get things up and running though, perhaps we could write a basic guide on the wiki or something (although this kind of information is already available online on other websites of course). www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 164 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
What gear is needed to stream properly? And what minimum connection?
Member 80 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I might try to stream next season. Though the streaming software (xsplit) is really killing my fps (laptop).
But gonna try to pickup a capture card. I think that might help
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
What gear is needed to stream properly? And what minimum connection? Haha I can set it up for you buddy 
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
I might try to stream next season. Though the streaming software (xsplit) is really killing my fps (laptop).
But gonna try to pickup a capture card. I think that might help xsplit shouldn't be used unless you're ready to pay for it. The free version is sub optimal and you should then just use OBS. I wouldn't get a capture card, rather get a better computer 
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Oki, I'll change to Quake ^^ My one viewer will be devastated and confused, but ill get him/her some counseling.
I'm more in favor of pushing the QuakeWorld brand completely, but suppose it's smarter what you said =)
Think i'll stick to the "Quake" tag for now and If you're streaming QuakeWorld then make sure to use "Quake" as game as it's an indexed game on Twitch, while "QuakeWorld" isn't. Also some of the speedjumping guys use "Quake" and they tend to have quite a few viewers, doesn't hurt to fall in the same category as them. Mayby it doesnt hurt using "quake" still referring to "quakeworld" sometimes anyway to lure gamers curious about the first quake in the series to give it a try? If somone streams both qw and netquake then qw would probably be the version they want to try. Otherwise "quakeworld" is probably not even near as compelling to try as "quake" not knowing its an official update or seen any games played. And they will end up in not as unique doom-version quake and not get as(s) raped making it easier to leave the game indefinitaly, not sore enough to practice for revenge and staying ingame and finally get caught in the movement. :-> [idsoftware.com] John CarmackHere is The New Plan:I copied off the quake codebase and set about doing some major improvements. The old v1.01 codebase will still be updated to fix bugs with the current version, but I didn't want to hold back from fixing things properly even if it involves some major changes.// I am focusing on the internet play aspect of the game. //The game physics is being reworked to make it faster and more uniform. //sourceWho can turn down an update like that knowing about it? :->
Member 20 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
I might try to stream sometime in the future, not sure I can get a smooth stream going tho. A friend tried to watch it some time ago and it buffered all the time, I tried lowering the bitrate a lot from 3500 and down to like 1500. I had no trouble with buffering tho so might be his internet that sucks.
I have 100 down 10 up.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I might try to stream sometime in the future, not sure I can get a smooth stream going tho. A friend tried to watch it some time ago and it buffered all the time, I tried lowering the bitrate a lot from 3500 and down to like 1500. I had no trouble with buffering tho so might be his internet that sucks.
I have 100 down 10 up. I've found downscaling resolution (to 950xsomething), using 30fps and also possibly changing what Twitch streamer you stream to helped with buffering issues. In the beginning i used Stockholm/Sweden server but changed to Frankfurt/Germany and found it helped. 30fps may suck for a game like QuakeWorld but i'm sure people rather watch that without buffering issues compared to 60fps with buffering going on. :} Besides, when watching QW 30fps on lower resolution (for example on phone) it actually looks quite ok. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
I had no trouble with buffering tho so might be his internet that sucks. I can't watch any of the small scale streams here. I have no problem with 720p on stuff like dreamhack and so on, but small streams don't work, it's a recurrent problem for some people.
Member 20 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
I might try to stream sometime in the future, not sure I can get a smooth stream going tho. A friend tried to watch it some time ago and it buffered all the time, I tried lowering the bitrate a lot from 3500 and down to like 1500. I had no trouble with buffering tho so might be his internet that sucks.
I have 100 down 10 up. I've found downscaling resolution (to 950xsomething), using 30fps and also possibly changing what Twitch streamer you stream to helped with buffering issues. In the beginning i used Stockholm/Sweden server but changed to Frankfurt/Germany and found it helped. 30fps may suck for a game like QuakeWorld but i'm sure people rather watch that without buffering issues compared to 60fps with buffering going on. :} Besides, when watching QW 30fps on lower resolution (for example on phone) it actually looks quite ok. Yeah, I used 30fps. He had some issues with your stream buffering for him as well, not much, but some.
Member 121 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Tested some stream settings yesterday. (Not that I'm interresting to watch or planning to stream qw) http://www.twitch.tv/ruwetuin/b/623132828Needed to use bitrate of 1700 kbps to let it run buffer-free yesterday, but I know this can vary at twitch 'primetimes'. Encoding is done by the cpu. (i5 4670k) (must note that I can't view Ake Vader's stream buffer free for example) Resolution is 1920x1080 with 48 or 54 fps (60fps is too heavy with encoding quality setting and created too much artifacts with the used bitrate) Disabling textures is required to strip all unnecessary detail away from being compressed. (Added SSAO and bloom via opengl mod. Ingame ezquake bloom is broken anyway.) (Edited 2015-02-11, 14:41)
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Tested some stream settings yesterday. (Not that I'm interresting to watch or planning to stream qw) http://www.twitch.tv/ruwetuin/b/623132828Needed to use bitrate of 1700 kbps to let it run buffer-free yesterday, but I know this can vary at twitch 'primetimes'. Encoding is done by the cpu. (i5 4670k) (must note that I can't view Ake Vader's stream buffer free for example) Resolution is 1920x1080 with 48 or 54 fps (60fps is too heavy with encoding quality setting and created too much artifacts with the used bitrate) Disabling textures is required to strip all unnecessary detail away from being compressed. (Added SSAO and bloom via opengl mod. Ingame ezquake bloom is broken anyway.) I have worse quality settings than you (30fps, resolution downscale to 960x540) but higher bitrate and buffer size where i do 3500kbps, Does too high bitrate/buffer settings really affect the viewer when the quality of the video i send out should actually not be requiring that much bandwidth? Twitch servers seem random from time to time aswell though. Sometimes when i view my friends' stream and we're both on 50 mbit up/down there is still buffering going on. My OBS settings here if you're still interestedwww.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Gonna test to radically lower the bitrate/buffer to 1200 for starters to see if it makes a difference for people. It worked fine when viewing the stream myself but only tested for short while. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
It seems to come down to poor-quality, overloaded twitch servers for serving non-partnered content. If you're an independent streamer, then they just won't guarantee your viewers the bandwidth, so you get inconsistent viewer feedback, like "works for me" or "lags all the time", depending on what server they're connected to. If you want to guarantee a consistent viewing experience, I guess you have to find that magic bit rate.
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Tested some stream settings yesterday. (Not that I'm interresting to watch or planning to stream qw) http://www.twitch.tv/ruwetuin/b/623132828Needed to use bitrate of 1700 kbps to let it run buffer-free yesterday, but I know this can vary at twitch 'primetimes'. Encoding is done by the cpu. (i5 4670k) (must note that I can't view Ake Vader's stream buffer free for example) Resolution is 1920x1080 with 48 or 54 fps (60fps is too heavy with encoding quality setting and created too much artifacts with the used bitrate) Disabling textures is required to strip all unnecessary detail away from being compressed. (Added SSAO and bloom via opengl mod. Ingame ezquake bloom is broken anyway.) Your stream quality is way too high for that bitrate. Lower to 30 fps and 720p for a smoother stream on that bitrate.
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Tested some stream settings yesterday. (Not that I'm interresting to watch or planning to stream qw) http://www.twitch.tv/ruwetuin/b/623132828Needed to use bitrate of 1700 kbps to let it run buffer-free yesterday, but I know this can vary at twitch 'primetimes'. Encoding is done by the cpu. (i5 4670k) (must note that I can't view Ake Vader's stream buffer free for example) Resolution is 1920x1080 with 48 or 54 fps (60fps is too heavy with encoding quality setting and created too much artifacts with the used bitrate) Disabling textures is required to strip all unnecessary detail away from being compressed. (Added SSAO and bloom via opengl mod. Ingame ezquake bloom is broken anyway.) I have worse quality settings than you (30fps, resolution downscale to 960x540) but higher bitrate and buffer size where i do 3500kbps, Does too high bitrate/buffer settings really affect the viewer when the quality of the video i send out should actually not be requiring that much bandwidth? Twitch servers seem random from time to time aswell though. Sometimes when i view my friends' stream and we're both on 50 mbit up/down there is still buffering going on. My OBS settings here if you're still interested3500kbps is also too high bitrate. Viewers with slow connections will suffer. In theory it should be fine, but nobody is recommended to stream at a higher bitrate than 3300kbps or viewers will start to suffer. A part from that, you don't need a higher bitrate than 1500-2000ish to run with your settings. Recommended bitrate for 1080p: 3000-3500 Recommended bitrate for 720p: 1800-2500 Recommended bitrate for 480p: 900-1200 Recommended bitrate for 360p: 600-800 Recommended bitrate for 240p: Up to 500
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Changed to 2000 bitrate and buffer now, increased to 48fps and stayed at 960x540 downscaling: sample from tonight(Stream title may say 60fps but it's 48fps) www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Could someone experiment a bit when they have time: Combining http://www.quakeworld.nu/forum/topic/6548/play-modern-qw-using-steam with steam broadcasting - for ezquake. See if you can get your registered Quake steam copy listed as streaming a qw client (in the quake hub, http://steamcommunity.com/app/2310) under broadcasting. There is a new feature on steam, broadcasting. Right now it functions like this: When someone plays a steam game, and they have enabled broadcasting(to others than just friends) They will be listed as broadcasting. If someone enters the community hub of a game (which is also listed on the store page), and clicks broadcasting, they will see everyone that is playing the game right now, and they have the option of watching any of the players. (example from random game http://steamcommunity.com/app/255710/broadcasts) The broadcast only starts when someone is connected to watch, but they are listed. So I'm thinking we can combine Mushis workaround with the new broadcasting feature of steam to maybe be lucky and attract a new player or two, as it seems to be an easy way to stream qw, that maybe it wouldn't be to hard to get everyone to setup? As you see from the main broadcasting page on steam, not many are using it right now. It could be a good thing for us if we manage to do this quick, as we could with a community effort be on top with most viewers a few times a week? I don't see why steam wouldn't push this feature more in the future, and bringing it maybe to the store page? The broadcasting seems to have limited options when it comes to setup of the stream quality though.. But a good comp and line should be OK? I dunno.. ps, i think the steam overlay has to be set to enabled to be listed as broadcasting. Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
as you said ocoini. Steam is trying to grab a piece of twitch 1B$ market. I tried it last night, but since no one connected, it didn't broadcast. If it works well, it simplifies broadcast, and it seems fairly complete feature-wise. To use it, you must setup steam to use your quake folder. Then you will unlock all steams features, for example Automatic Screenshots to steam and other stuff (now broadcast also). Don't forget to join qwfriends group. hf exploring! never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 223 posts
Registered: Aug 2011
Might be a bit of necromancy but coulnd´t find a better thread for it: I´ve started streaming my QCon practise over at twitch. There is a couple of hours of high level QW on there at the moment and the last broadcast I´ve amped the quality up ever further. Feedback is always welcome; on twitch, irc or as messages on qw.nu. Would be great if we could get a streamlist on the front page, would be both a nifty tool and make the page look more 2016. carrier has arrived - twitch.tv/carapace_
News Writer 105 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
Might be a bit of necromancy but coulnd´t find a better thread for it: I´ve started streaming my QCon practise over at twitch. There is a couple of hours of high level QW on there at the moment and the last broadcast I´ve amped the quality up ever further. Feedback is always welcome; on twitch, irc or as messages on qw.nu. Would be great if we could get a streamlist on the front page, would be both a nifty tool and make the page look more 2016. COOL! Don't know how Locktar did it but you can get your twitch page autoposted on the streamlist at esreality too. It's a good way to show that the game is alive and well, and interest some outsiders.
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Here's a list of streams - maybe update first post/addmore/start new thread something. https://www.twitch.tv/suddendeathTV https://www.twitch.tv/ake_vader https://www.twitch.tv/ch0ww https://www.twitch.tv/kungraket https://www.twitch.tv/dsharp3 https://www.twitch.tv/liveanton (sane) https://www.twitch.tv/locktar https://www.twitch.tv/verroke https://www.twitch.tv/carapace_ https://www.twitch.tv/bogojoker https://www.twitch.tv/quakephil http://twitch.tv/riosatiy (coming soon: https://www.twitch.tv/rikoll ? (Edited 2016-03-26, 15:41)Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
Member 18 posts
Registered: Feb 2016
Might be a bit offtopic, but ive written a little application shows notificaitons when a streamer is online/offline. Might be a good alternative for some until qw.nu has a streamlist GithubDownload
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
The best first post award goes to Timotej  I'll make a news post about it soonish if someone doesn't beat me to it =) How often does it check? What does the online voice tick button do? Any features you are planning to add? Anything you want included in the newspost?  I put this up - edit/update with info if you want http://wiki.quakeworld.nu/TimotejStreet Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
