User panel stuff on forum
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General Discussion
2014-10-17, 16:22
1265 posts

Jan 2006
so yea
its 2014 and ppl gather in large quantities in "link-aggregator-websites" aka social media

imo online competition's future in #quakeworld depends whether we have visibility in social media or not.

So i think it is appropriate to do a rounds up of what we are doing about it.

Players gather in groups in Facebook. Some just to gather old online friends or clanmates. Other groups act as a tool for the communty, replacing irc. Search for Quakeworld in facebook and you will find.
This is our "official" facebook page

This is one powerful tool for the ones who use it. Been personally working a bit on this on the past months, and slowly increasing followers. I'm talking about
There's another one, but it's run by Zalon and its long dead
Help is appreciated on tweeting more, especially on the weekend - during work days i use to post. contact me if you're willing to post stuff on the weekend, for example the usual sunday matches...

Right now only Phil and me post stuff there and answering questions. Need more strength here. Quakelive subreddit is a good example to follow: one or 2 guys organize frequent one-day events and they are on irc also - #qlreddit This combination allows them to have more and more players signing up for these events. This is the kind of thing we can do, and the upcoming (sunday) refragged cup (by ake_vader) is kinda perfect to advertise there (something like this) <- dead

All these social networks are perfect tools for showing your latest cool frag as a gif, making tournament introductions and updates and etc etc... The hashtag # is powerful... use it on your posts. #quakeworld #quake #arenafps #fps #esports #gaming .... theres # for everything

Due to the nature of these social networks, the more ppl participate in it, the most success /views will happen. So... consider joining. future qw generations will appreciate it.
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2014-10-17, 20:51
2059 posts

Jan 2006
I also think Twitch is an important medium to spread the word and all I'll say is if you're thinking of streaming and have the capacity with regards to PC and bandwidth then it's super easy, so don't hesitate! Perhaps we should put up a guide on how to get started in the forum.

Second thing is good ol' fashioned word of mouth, I.e. show the game to a friend! It really doesn't have to be any more complicated than that. Only problem I see is one wouldn't wanna encourage a new player which is one's friend to enter a public server and get super spanked, but then refer him to the Refragged cups. .)
2014-10-18, 11:36
654 posts

Nov 2008
I agree with everything said above. I see twitch as a social network as well, and in modern times these are the places you can get noticed. Keep doing quakeworld stuff on social media! Gogo!

EDIT: I can also make a streaming guide, perhaps!
2014-10-18, 22:24
286 posts

Sep 2012
I just wanted to say that you're doing a great job mushis, ake vader & andeh (& phil ), keeping this game alive. Hats off to you for still having so much motivation !
I'm already following you on all these medias ( except reddit In hate that ), and even if I don't feel like doing much for quakeworld at the moment, I still appreciate it.
2014-10-20, 06:54
1265 posts

Jan 2006
thx 4 the kind words

Yes, Twitch. almost immediately after posting this I realized i forgot twitch (it was friday night when i posted).

Twitch is very cool. completely agree that ppl who can should stream. Not only online Quake/Quakeworld, but also offline. lots of ppl play it offline, and its still quake. Speedrunning, single player quake, etc. I would totally watch some skilled dude playing singleplayer, or race or whatever.

Other thing: the low activity on this forum kinda proves my point: ppl prefer to go to social media or feeds. the community can no longer "survive" only relying on this website.
Imo we should continue to post information here, and then on social media. and cross reference them. a couple of extra steps, which would multiply the visibility of the content. its worth it i think, as this would hopefully get a snowball effect (as long as the content keeps flowing)
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2014-10-21, 19:52
News Writer
254 posts

Mar 2006
mushi wrote:
thx 4 the kind words

Yes, Twitch. almost immediately after posting this I realized i forgot twitch (it was friday night when i posted).

Twitch is very cool. completely agree that ppl who can should stream. Not only online Quake/Quakeworld, but also offline. lots of ppl play it offline, and its still quake. Speedrunning, single player quake, etc. I would totally watch some skilled dude playing singleplayer, or race or whatever.

Other thing: the low activity on this forum kinda proves my point: ppl prefer to go to social media or feeds. the community can no longer "survive" only relying on this website.
Imo we should continue to post information here, and then on social media. and cross reference them. a couple of extra steps, which would multiply the visibility of the content. its worth it i think, as this would hopefully get a snowball effect (as long as the content keeps flowing)

Would be nice for this site to get a CSS facelift as well. Not inspiring for any visitors.
I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
2014-10-22, 08:30
1025 posts

Apr 2006
pleuraXeraphim wrote:
mushi wrote:
thx 4 the kind words

Yes, Twitch. almost immediately after posting this I realized i forgot twitch (it was friday night when i posted).

Twitch is very cool. completely agree that ppl who can should stream. Not only online Quake/Quakeworld, but also offline. lots of ppl play it offline, and its still quake. Speedrunning, single player quake, etc. I would totally watch some skilled dude playing singleplayer, or race or whatever.

Other thing: the low activity on this forum kinda proves my point: ppl prefer to go to social media or feeds. the community can no longer "survive" only relying on this website.
Imo we should continue to post information here, and then on social media. and cross reference them. a couple of extra steps, which would multiply the visibility of the content. its worth it i think, as this would hopefully get a snowball effect (as long as the content keeps flowing)

Would be nice for this site to get a CSS facelift as well. Not inspiring for any visitors.

Oh yeah, feel free. I got access to the server so I'm happily accepting suggestions
2014-10-22, 08:37
2059 posts

Jan 2006
I actually like the design, you sure you're not viewing a cached version of the template that had the cat in the logo Pleura?
2014-10-22, 08:47
1025 posts

Apr 2006
Ake Vader wrote:
I actually like the design, you sure you're not viewing a cached version of the template that had the cat in the logo Pleura?

I'd say it's somewhat aligned with the design of quakeworld However I feel it's a bit dull, not getting the "wow this seems like a thriving and colorful community", if you get what I mean
2014-10-22, 20:53
123 posts

Mar 2006
I still think the best thing would be do another Salvation season and open the draft to all (no divisions). It doesn't matter if QW has a presence on social media, reddit, blah, blah if there is nothing to talk about. Competition is what keeps QW going and TDM is the magical most popular mode in QW. Duel and newbie leagues are all good but high skill TDM is where QW stands out.

As a spectator the Salvation matches were so much closer and intense than anything else. I bet it was even better to compete and play in. It was so refreshing not to see all blow outs. Even most matches in Salvation 3 which went 2-0 are generally close matches. I just did a quick and dirty analysis of EQL18 and Salvation 3. For instance in EQL18 out of all 30 matches I'd say 9 were close matches (30%) and most of these were playoffs. Out of Salvation 3's 38 matches I'd say 25 were close matches (66%). Salvation 3 did have two WO recorded (took them out) and I didn't see any WO listed on EQL18 (not sure if they are or not). Yet even when Salvation matches weren't that close they aren't anywhere near the blow outs EQL18 produced. There's a big difference in feel playing a losing match when it's 100 score difference vs 200-400+.

Anyways, I envy Europe that QW is still kicking somewhat. While the scene is a mere shadow of it's former glory you could still build it up again somewhat but it does take a bunch of thankless work. To put things into perspective the current EU scene is roughly as big as NA QW was back in the early 2000s. I think in the long run however if you like QW style gameplay a better bet would to get behind Reflex and get involved in their feedback. I'll definitely be offering reasons for them to make TDM more like QW and perhaps even add some new changes.
2014-10-24, 15:22
1102 posts

Jan 2006
If someone wants to able to post QW things to just mail me. It would need to be fairly newbie friendly as it's mostly clueless people. I stopped posting QW stuff because I got frustrated with how unorganised and short notice things usually are, not to mention the intransparency to newbies. I mean look at and think of someone who just installed nQuake for the first time and has no idea about anything. These people have trouble installing Quake and you throw QW/tournament lingo at them.
2014-12-12, 04:53
News Writer
183 posts

May 2013
Just a suggestion. I'm sure a lot of members of these forums are members of other gaming groups. I help my friend out with his gaming group, Terror-Byte Gaming. Its a general gaming group covering all sorts of games. About 7 months ago started running Quakeworld Sundays using a server thrown up by one of our groups sponsors.
Now I have to admit, the server in question is very unstable (we have to advise all our players to /reconnect from time to time) . But the point is we have managed to bring new players into the fold who would have never played Quakeworld before.
Started with only 3 players a week, but other people have joined in. Now have a full server nearly every week..The majority of them are non-quake players. For example Zeit is a LoL player, 0dinsin plays CoD, CRM plays FF games. And many of the other players are devotes of other games. But for one night a week they all get around a game of Quakeworld, we even have a dedicated Teamspeak channel for having banter on.
I guess the point I'm making is that I'm sure that other people on her are members of non-quake groups. Maybe you can get your IRL friends or friends from groups into a once per week game.
Granted, it may involve toning your game down (IE: not going +forward against your CoD mates who have just installed Quake). But seriously, the good times that have been had playing FFA with a regular group of guys who are playing casual is great. And if even one of them decides to go regular and join the regular scene then I think its a good thing.
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