@mipa: I think the results would be pretty dramatically different given that 2v2 or 3v3 is played much more differently than 8v8 or 10v10. Also, you guys play OvD, right? That would be another difference. As far as where those differences would show up in the analysis...well, I imagine demoman, soldier, scout, medic are the most used classes...maybe engineer. I'm also guessing that defense is almost exclusively soldier and demoman...ok, maybe not *that* much different from the late 1990s.

Is there a master listing of all the gizmo.fi demos? I found http://www.gizmo.fi/demos/ but that's only got ~30 demos, though I see that there's some decent variety.
@se-sss: Unfortunately, we have to use frags as our data because QWTF logs don't have damage measures. I know TF2 logs do have that information, and if I move on to TF2 match analysis (I just might) I would definitely want to include that sort of information.
@dimman: Thanks!
@mushi: I'll think about it.
Thanks for the comments so far.