User panel stuff on forum
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General Discussion
2013-10-30, 11:02
176 posts

Mar 2012
its here guys what we have all been waiting for im really excited...
2013-10-30, 11:54
286 posts

Sep 2012
It's still a 120hz input, so what's the point ?
And remember Eizo makes only 4 digits prices...
2013-10-30, 12:46
1329 posts

Apr 2006
Huoh... it is unbelievable how you are so out of the loop when it comes to monitors.


Turbo 240 converts 120 Hz signals to 240 Hz by controlling the blinking of the LED backlight.

Okay, so it is 120Hz monitor like Jissse above already said. Blinking of LED backlight is going to cause eyestrain very likely. Also in the news:


EIZO developed its own integrated circuit to minimize the input lag or the time it takes for commands from a keyboard, mouse, or controller to appear on the screen. With a 60 Hz input signal the input lag is less than one frame and with a 120 Hz signal it is less than 1.5 frames.

So the specs state less than 1000/60 = 16,7ms and 1000/120*1.5 = 12,5ms of input lag, which is not good at all these days when you have Asus VG248QE that has less than 1ms of input lag. Also note that input lag is a sum of response time and signal delay, considering this is VA panel that is not faster than TN, we are talking about at least 4-5ms of response time at minimum to be added to that "less than" 12,5ms value, which makes the monitor very laggy in the terms of speed these days.

Image quality can be good due to VA panel and the fact that it is Eizo, but that remains to be seen. All of the above I wrote is my own speculation based on knowledge of the TFT technology so it is not "a fact" so to speak, but I'm sure we will get the facts straight when a good review comes up from a respectful review site like I have already mentioned in this thread.
Servers: Troopers
2013-10-30, 13:28
176 posts

Mar 2012
thats a word renzi... was hopying i found something nice and i think i did lets wate for reviews maybe someone gets it and can tell us fellow quake players
im still excited though peace renzi
2013-10-30, 15:40
121 posts

Mar 2006
It's <1ms gtg and around € 500

The 240hz is just to reduce motionblur. My brother has a laptop with 120hz screen and the motionblur is very bad compared to my own laptop screen when playing some quake.
2013-10-30, 16:38
1329 posts

Apr 2006
Having read that review, I have to wonder why inputlag tests were not displayed rather than just being summarized? I also noted them noticing "overdrive trailing", which is kinda sad, even if it was "minimal". In fact, a lot of tests were missing and not properly done, I would like to see numerical values of both response time and input lag and also uniformity variances and so on, so the results would be comparable to other monitors that have these already. Hopefully gets to review this monitor.

Image quality and black level a huge bonus, this is something a lot of people have been waiting for, me included.

Even so, at that size that price and fake 240Hz make me want to look the other way, while still waiting for another review(s).

(Edited 2013-10-31, 09:52)
Servers: Troopers
2013-10-30, 19:08
57 posts

Apr 2007
2013-10-31, 00:12
375 posts

Sep 2009
Thumbs UP for the Good Old CRTs!!!
(QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
2013-10-31, 11:11
176 posts

Mar 2012
quote renzi :
Okay, so it is 120Hz monitor like Jissse above already said. Blinking of LED backlight is going to cause eyestrain very likely

i doubt it causes eyestrain and the reviews look really nice things its a very very good moni renzi

oh btw if anyone knows those 144hz monis will they run under xp i mean i know they do but are there any defecits then running it under win 7 monitor wise?
2013-10-31, 20:37
654 posts

Nov 2008

New Tournament Monitor for the Grand Finals of DreamHack Open - EIZO FG2421 240hz - Thank you @EIZO_Global … #DHOpen


Dreamhack getting fooled by that fake 240hz! ^.^ Though they're sponsored by Eizo, so I guess they have no choice
2013-10-31, 22:55
286 posts

Sep 2012
Well at least we'll get real feedback from quake players after that
2013-11-01, 08:26
176 posts

Mar 2012
we'll see PP
2013-11-02, 16:31
132 posts

Apr 2007
How is it fake? The panel is still driven by 240hz with blackframe insertions. Logically it shouldnt be slower then a 120hz display.
Always wanted to own an eizo.. : ]

Lets check out the reviews as they come rolling in.
2013-11-03, 14:41
654 posts

Nov 2008
zzuper wrote:
How is it fake? The panel is still driven by 240hz with blackframe insertions. Logically it shouldnt be slower then a 120hz display.
Always wanted to own an eizo.. : ]

Lets check out the reviews as they come rolling in.

Didn't this thread already explain that it was actually a 120hz monitor with LED backlight blinking to imitate 240hz or something like that? So it's actually 120hz, but they claim it's 240hz which will fool a lot of people who don't read up enough on the monitor before they buy it.
2013-11-03, 23:01
462 posts

Jan 2006
Yeah it's a bit misleading marketing to call it a "240hz" if it receives the same 120hz signal as all others. But that is also not to say that the end result couldn't be better than other 120 displays.
2013-11-05, 15:08
1 post

Nov 2013
Renzo wrote:
Huoh... it is unbelievable how you are so out of the loop when it comes to monitors.


Turbo 240 converts 120 Hz signals to 240 Hz by controlling the blinking of the LED backlight.

Okay, so it is 120Hz monitor like Jissse above already said. Blinking of LED backlight is going to cause eyestrain very likely. Also in the news:


EIZO developed its own integrated circuit to minimize the input lag or the time it takes for commands from a keyboard, mouse, or controller to appear on the screen. With a 60 Hz input signal the input lag is less than one frame and with a 120 Hz signal it is less than 1.5 frames.

So the specs state less than 1000/60 = 16,7ms and 1000/120*1.5 = 12,5ms of input lag, which is not good at all these days when you have Asus VG248QE that has less than 1ms of input lag. Also note that input lag is a sum of response time and signal delay, considering this is VA panel that is not faster than TN, we are talking about at least 4-5ms of response time at minimum to be added to that "less than" 12,5ms value, which makes the monitor very laggy in the terms of speed these days.

Image quality can be good due to VA panel and the fact that it is Eizo, but that remains to be seen. All of the above I wrote is my own speculation based on knowledge of the TFT technology so it is not "a fact" so to speak, but I'm sure we will get the facts straight when a good review comes up from a respectful review site like I have already mentioned in this thread.

Hi Renzo - the input lag on the Asus 144hz screen you mention is around 13ms with a GTG response time of around 4ms. This makes it the fastest monitor out there but it is nowhere near 1ms. What is not clear is whether the EIZO specs are GTG or input latency, does anyone know?
2013-11-05, 21:39
176 posts

Mar 2012
im not sure i think gtg
2013-11-05, 22:06
1329 posts

Apr 2006
Besty wrote:

Hi Renzo - the input lag on the Asus 144hz screen you mention is around 13ms with a GTG response time of around 4ms. This makes it the fastest monitor out there but it is nowhere near 1ms.

I have no idea where you got that 13ms input lag measurement but does not seem to be correct. Only Prad and TFTCentral measure input lag and response time somewhat correctly and they measured VG248QE's input lag being 0,7ms under 144Hz and 2,1ms rise+fall response time on G2G. Comparing input lag of VG278HE between Prad and TFTCentral shows similar results (2ms difference, TFTCentral testing method explained) so I believe Prad numbers being closer to correct ones.

Edit: ah, digitalversus...

The test:

144Hz with 100% tracefree:
Servers: Troopers
2013-11-07, 15:02
654 posts

Nov 2008
I just decided to buy VG248QE, so it's on its way here now :-)
2013-11-08, 19:00
401 posts

Mar 2006
Seems like a good monitor. Positive review
2013-11-08, 19:48
286 posts

Sep 2012
Good review, thanks !
2013-11-08, 21:38
132 posts

Apr 2007
What do you mean? The display panel shows 240 frames, 120 of them are black or double. The panel is a 240hz panel. The input is 120..

: ]
2013-11-09, 05:12
176 posts

Mar 2012
looks like an awsome panel!!!
2013-11-09, 11:37
1329 posts

Apr 2006
So, after reading the TFTCentral review (which is a good one) few notes here:

+ screen coating seems rather good ("semi glossy"
+ filckerless unless brightness <20% (very good thing)
+ very good contrast ratio.. (nice)
+ ...most likely due to very low black level of 0,02 at 120cd (even nicer!)
- this is a bit alarming, they said there is a problem with color reproduction (only 83% of the sRGB color space) with the monitor and they were unable to correct the behavior. Still, they stated that the monitor looked "ok" for the naked eye
+ great viewing angles!
- panel luminance uniformity not that great
+ backlight bleeding, where are you? (very nice!)
+ no overdrive trailing (very nice!)
- response time is not that great, over twice or more the amount of what VG278HE has in every aspect... (there is ghosting and blurring)
+/- total input lag is around the same that XL2420T has (~14ms) which is 40%+ more than what VG248QE and VG278HE have. Most users probably don't notice this

Also note that "240Hz" mode increases backlight bleeding. What will I say... uh, well, the monitor has some very nice points like the contrast ratio and black level and no backlight bleeding and no overdrive trailing. On the other hand it has issues with color reproduction which is a shame and also response times and input lag are not what other faster gaming monitors offer. Input lag won't probably (?) matter on average but the response time is probably going to be a bit of an issue because it will cause blurring.

Because of the issues I'm not impressed, but on the other hand I would love to test this monitor to see if they actually affect anything, so for now I just have to base my opinion on the information that review gives, unfortunately.
Servers: Troopers
2013-11-20, 04:55
132 posts

Apr 2007
So, anyone with a job bought it yet?
2013-12-08, 04:28
9 posts

Oct 2012
Renzo wrote:
So, after reading the TFTCentral review (which is a good one) few notes here:
total input lag is around the same that XL2420T has (~14ms)

The EIZO FG2421 shows more input lag than many other 120 Hz monitors. Input lag is difficult to measure and there are also several definitions out there of what input lag means, especially when it comes to monitors with flashed backlight. If taking the end of the input signal's VSync as a reference, which is when the computer sends out the first pixel line, the luminance curve measured at the screen center crosses the 50% mark with a delay that is about 10ms longer for the EIZO FG2421 than for the BenQ XL2420T. This is the case in TURBO/LightBoost mode...
2013-12-18, 14:03
188 posts

Feb 2008
Ok, I have one of these since 2-3 weeks now and I am really happy with it. I have a 2233rz, 2420t and vg248qe for comparsion.
You'll get far better colors, far better image quality and contrast that is worth it's name (black is black).

However there is some input lag (18-19 ms). If you can live with it, it is for sure an upgrade.
I don't have played that much the last weeks but atm it feels as if I am used to it now so it doesn't really cause obvious problems.

Motion blur is about the same to a 70% lightboost but feels really CRT-ish and "soft".
Also no overshooting and other TN-specific uglinesses.

It is also far less weary to the eyes then those TN panels.

Ofc it has some flaws / produces its own artifacts under some rare conditions (most obvious is something which reminds me of phosphor trailing) however those are only minor for me.

Be aware that it needs at least 30 min. to warm up and get turbo mode (strobing) into a usable state.

For all the glorious details, praise, warnings, reviews and rage go here:
2013-12-18, 18:25
401 posts

Mar 2006
Apparently its 18ms in turbo mode. At normal 120hz its ~13ms. How does it feel at 120hz with turbo off compared to TNs @120hz with lightboost off?

I don't use lightboost anymore on Asus VG278H.

Input lag and response for Eizo.


Asus VG278H
2013-12-18, 21:46
164 posts

Apr 2007
So, in gonna buy a New monitor arter christmas. Gonna spend about. 300euro, what monitor di you recomend for qw?
2013-12-19, 08:24
188 posts

Feb 2008
terrorhead wrote:
Apparently its 18ms in turbo mode. At normal 120hz its ~13ms. How does it feel at 120hz with turbo off compared to TNs @120hz with lightboost off?

Actually not as bad as one would expect from a VA panel. The bluriness isn't too horrible (still more then the asus for example) and there are no overshooting artifacts as far as I have noticed (I only played briefly without turbo since I really get annoyed by bluriness).
And you get excellent color/contrast.
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