User panel stuff on forum
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Quakeworld Kenya Collective
2012-11-30, 12:00
News Writer
275 posts

May 2006
So i know i have been on and off on this forum from time to time...but I installed qw again and this winter i will play on regular bases. Unless i win the lottery i will set up a kenya community asap. I know that in order to play on kenyamaps you need dedicated admins to organize it, i know there are players out there that want to play some kenya but you need some sort of community to make it interesting (...and develop?).

What i want for this forum-thread is feedback (...and help?).

In order to succed you need this:

1. A nice website
2. Admins that put in a good effort
3. PR
4. Players that want to play

I can do 2 of these things by myself, i need help with #1. I think #4 will take care of it self if #1-3 are in place.

Other than that all help/support is much appreciated =)

So these are the formats i suggest:

- 4 vs 4 rpickup

In a 4 vs 4 rpickup we have a rankinglist of players only (...coz there are no clans). For example: players get 1 point for just showing up and play. Then you get 1 point for each map win. Rpickup decides the teams. So play as many (or few) maps as you want. You can even fakenick, it does not matter. Any new nick will be displayed in the rankings anyway so if you want to get high in the rankings you need to stick to one nick. If you dont care about the rankings then its better that you fakenick and play, rather than dont fakenick and dont play!

All the admin needs is the demo, so that he can fill in the score and stats for the rankings.

Same system with FFA (almost), but here we need an admin present to origanize the game...and we need servers with FFA mode?.

I think we need some sort of ranking/league/tournament in order to have something the community can look to. We cant create a community by just saying "play those maps". We need to make it interesting and fun for the players, we need to make content to them. And remember that playing kenya is about fun, not about fame

So give it some feedback and let me know if you are interested to play kenya this winter.

- Old'n'pwnd
Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
2012-12-01, 21:15
230 posts

Jan 2006
This is a nice initiative Link!
I always tried to participate in the Kenya's in the past.
Unfortunately I can not help you with anything than #4, myself that is, if I'm able to find the time?
Between 21.00 and 23.00 CET would be the best possible time for me for some FFA action.
Good luck
2012-12-02, 11:59
News Writer
275 posts

May 2006
Thats nice now we are 2 players !!
Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
2012-12-02, 14:48
459 posts

Mar 2008
Would be nice indeed. Specially a 4on4 tournament with Kenyas again would be sweet. I think muffin and kloze wanted to start something like this not too long ago, and I'm even now a bit bewildered to why it never happened. Hopefully this will happen. At least count me in as a player
2012-12-02, 15:27
News Writer
275 posts

May 2006
It will happen if enuff players show interest here. My kenya-CV should speak for it self...i started CMT tournament, i also did a duel tournament with custom maps (rwild, skull and rf2test ... i think). I got no clue where those webpages are now
Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
2012-12-02, 17:27
890 posts

Jan 2006
Beam me up, Scotty!
Join us on
2012-12-02, 20:15
7 posts

Mar 2011
we havent crowned a ffa-champ in years, i vote for ffa., not the most interesting mode to play, but crowning who the current ffa-champ is

just check these scoresheets for example:
2012-12-02, 20:33
News Writer
275 posts

May 2006
ye ride my rocket was nice

need to see what players want
Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
2012-12-03, 01:47
383 posts

Jan 2006
Count me in as a player and admin of NA players.
With best wishes, B1aze.
2012-12-03, 11:06
News Writer
275 posts

May 2006
Ok so .... lol ... i found the old site i did last time in 2006:

Dont laugh!

As you can see the site sucked, but the content is there. You can see here that some 4vs4 games were played and we even got to finish the FFA tournament. Interesting to see from that time was that there always were curious specs who wanted to see clans playing kenya's vs each other.

And how about this great game:

Dead Rabbits vs MNY

Hot! :>

So there is hope ... but we need some more players
Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
2012-12-03, 22:25
286 posts

Sep 2012
I don't like ffa, i'm not good at 4on4, but i'm always here for new maps ! Count me in as a player.
And maybei could give you a hand with your iframed website
2012-12-06, 10:22
News Writer
254 posts

Mar 2006
Id' be interested in FFA depending on the time and date.
I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
2012-12-08, 10:15
26 posts

Apr 2012
FFA : Yes
4on4 DM? : dunno
4on4 CTF: Yes

- 6_6_6 / SLU99ISH

edit : Playing I mean
2012-12-08, 13:27
News Writer
275 posts

May 2006
So when i sum it up now we got about 8 players?

I am gonna need about 10 more before i can start a FFA tournament/league.

And for the 4 vs 4 rpickup i still need some more players that commit to it.

I cant do this on my enthusiasm alone...need some more players
Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
2012-12-08, 14:58
28 posts

Oct 2011
Go-go FFA
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