
Administrator 335 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
in my opinion there is not many things more addictive than the Q3 hitsound "DING DING" or with the LG "D-D-D-D-DING". It's FUCKING awesome and I don't understand why we don't have this option in QW still after so many years.
I think I requested this when it got introduced to QW scene via the PRO-X arena mod many years ago. But it never got implemented to the mainstream KTPro and later KTX.
I know several Q3/CPOMA players that tried out QW and really missed that hitsound and I'm convinced that many QW'ers will enjoy it as well. So anyone interested in this feature being an available option give some feedback in this thread. Are there any cons to implementing this? It's is game breaking or cheating somehow? Give us your opinion.
And if there are any active server developers listening, we would love to hear your feedback as well.
Member 49 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
+1 I would like to see this implemented
Member 46 posts
Registered: Aug 2011
News Writer 69 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
I remember hating the hitsound when I first tried q3a. Although now I think it works and fits q3a / qlive, I would never even consider adding it to official qw games, because it just would affect the gameplay too much by making it a lot easier to notice rocket/grenade hits around corners.
Of course the feature could be added as an option, just like we already have railgun etc.
Administrator 335 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
But we already have a form of hitsound.. how about just making it possible to replace that with the q3 hitsound.
Member 152 posts
Registered: Feb 2012
Btw just recently while watching some QL event I thought that not having an exact sound damage indicator is a major gameplay difference. In QL you always know if you hit the enemy and you know within certain boundaries how much damage you've dealt. That's not the case in QW, of course. It won't make a much of difference in a straight RL fight, because you can see what you do. But what if you don't, what if you just spammed across the map - let's say it's aero. Currently there's ton of scenarios possible when you won't know if you hit, let alone how much damage was done. You don't know where exactly your enemy was. You spammed and turned somewhere around not knowing your enemy actually catched your rocket with his teeth. And even if you heard the sound of him grunting/screaming - it makes a big difference to know without seeing was it a direct hit or a minor splash. So yeah, it could be nice to have as a feature for fun, but not for official games, I think. “If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
what Drake said basically. It takes some gameplay element out where you don't know if or how much you hit exactly. Then you have a situation where the attacker isn't sure how much health the other guy has left and might be reluctant to try and finish him off. the other player can use that to his advantage by pretending he's still stacked and he can go in boldly and maybe scare the other player away and secure some map control or something. but Paradoks, you should know that as a qw veteran, wouldn't you think that´s something that's taken away from qw gameplay? with q3 hitsounds?
Member 8 posts
Registered: Oct 2012
+1, MUST be added.
I know q3 players who have stop playing qw because of no hitsound. Yes, you can disturb qw gameplay with hitsounds, so as a work around you could add hitsound for hitscan weapons only, and direct RL/GL hits too. LG feels specially dull without a hitsound sound compared to Q3. The LG from QW is so powerful, but the feel is lacking because of no hitsound.
Add Q3 hitsound optional for hitscan weapon = everybody happy.
Another thing that must be added: Static simple items. Why they have to bob? Add the option to have static simple 2d items like in Q3/QL.
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
KILL sounds are even better. I set my QL to give me a light bell sound when I frag. Some gratification. QuakeLive killed my QW motivation completely. 
Administrator 181 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
+1, MUST be added.
I know q3 players who have stop playing qw because of no hitsound. Yes, you can disturb qw gameplay with hitsounds, so as a work around you could add hitsound for hitscan weapons only, and direct RL/GL hits too. LG feels specially dull without a hitsound sound compared to Q3. The LG from QW is so powerful, but the feel is lacking because of no hitsound.
Add Q3 hitsound optional for hitscan weapon = everybody happy.
Another thing that must be added: Static simple items. Why they have to bob? Add the option to have static simple 2d items like in Q3/QL. I like the idea of having an option to enable hitssounds for LG and maybe direct hits RL/GL. To disable simple items bobbing in ezQuake: cl_model_bobbing 0
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Well, I come from Q3 and I play QW because it is QW meaning that everything is right as it is. Adding hitsounds would be awful. What's next? headshots?  1) Why would someone deserve to know if he hit someone (Q3) on the other side of the map or even how much damage he did ala QL when he can't be bothered to stay close enough to find out? 2) Hitsounds only on hitscan weapons would turn this into a LG fest. People want to win so they often choose the most reliable weapon. With unlagged and hitsounds that would almost always be LG because most people would almost always hit their xx% of shaft with hitsounds helping "measuring" that a lot while with RL you never can be sure. Look at online QL, beep-beep-beep-beep-beep all day After years of hitsound helpers in Q3 and QL I really enjoy that QW enforces me to develop a feel for the damage I did. So, please not.
Administrator 335 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Why do people think that hitsound has to WORK exactly like Q3? Who is talking about knowing if you hit someone on the other end of the map?? Just make it play sounds the same way it CURRENTLY works. But using Q3 hitsound instead. How hard can it be??
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Why do people think that hitsound has to WORK exactly like Q3? Who is talking about knowing if you hit someone on the other end of the map?? Just make it play sounds the same way it CURRENTLY works. But using Q3 hitsound instead. How hard can it be?? You did ? in my opinion there is not many things more addictive than the Q3 hitsound "DING DING" or with the LG "D-D-D-D-DING". It's FUCKING awesome and I don't understand why we don't have this option in QW still after so many years. Which existing sound atm. would be to be replaced to get the 'LG "D-D-D-D-DING" ? Pardon my ignorance but so far I did not hear any sound working that way in QW when firing LG at someone. Is there some sound getting played for every LG cell that hits currently? I don't hear any but then I may be too def. As far as replacing the original pain sounds with q3 sounds (if it's that what you're after), why not. Wouldn't sound like in q3 anyway because of the distance effecting the volume. Or do you mean the actual LG sound?
Member 8 posts
Registered: Oct 2012
Why do people think that hitsound has to WORK exactly like Q3? Who is talking about knowing if you hit someone on the other end of the map?? Just make it play sounds the same way it CURRENTLY works. But using Q3 hitsound instead. How hard can it be?? You did ? in my opinion there is not many things more addictive than the Q3 hitsound "DING DING" or with the LG "D-D-D-D-DING". It's FUCKING awesome and I don't understand why we don't have this option in QW still after so many years. Which existing sound atm. would be to be replaced to get the 'LG "D-D-D-D-DING" ? Pardon my ignorance but so far I did not hear any sound working that way in QW when firing LG at someone. Is there some sound getting played for every LG cell that hits currently? I don't hear any but then I may be too def. As far as replacing the original pain sounds with q3 sounds (if it's that what you're after), why not. Wouldn't sound like in q3 anyway because of the distance effecting the volume. Or do you mean the actual LG sound? It just feels better. Hitscan weapons feel bland without a hitsound. Q3 hitsound is perfect. You can't know the damage of the guy (same tone everytime). It just feels better, more powerful, more addictive. Hitsound from Q3 is pleasing to hear. It makes you happy. 'im hitting'. It's amazing. It's fun. Seriously just add it. Will make some happy. If you don't like it, s_hitsound 0 and that's it. A cvar to change simpleitems would be good too. RA is barely visible when using simpleitems in ztndm3, you only see a pixel. Players who use 3D items see it easier.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
A cvar to change simpleitems would be good too. RA is barely visible when using simpleitems in ztndm3, you only see a pixel. Players who use 3D items see it easier. There are commands for changing like everything about the simple items, the scale/size, orientation etc. Staying on topic, I love the q3 hitsounds on the LG, it makes the q3 water hose fun to use. But I agree with Milton, it changes gameplay too much, at least if it was added for all weapons. Dunno about hitscan only, with the LG you can always see if you hit anyway, but I don't know if adding a sound would make it easier.
Member 405 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I should admit, that QW lg fire rate is 10 per second, and q3 is 20 per second, so DING DING DING will be more like DING pause DING pause DING, also, there is different servers around, alot of unmantained, so if you get used to play on server with support of such feature, you will sufer from playing on server which does not support it, and rejecting playing official game, just because you get used to DING DING DING... pathetic. Probably it will be ppossible to do it client side,but its kinda hard and unreliable I guess.
Ah, and we played this game for a decade without DING DING DING, I assume someone got tired from Diablo3 and played QL and came up with briliant idea... :>
