
News Writer 646 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Ok, its not really a poll, since I don't know how to make polls on the new site yet (is it possible?) The idea is a sort of combination of a) the live commentary videos and b) the quake show I used to do with paradoks and others. Such a show will be primarily for new players, players who are learning basics of quake. Reply in this thread if you are interested, with any questions/comments. The idea is this: I pair up with a div-zero guy for example para or whoever has time. The real reason for this is so I don't blab for the whole time, and it is more interesting that way, and it will give some credibility  I will prepare a topic and talk about it for 5-10 minutes with the co-host, maybe with demo examples and the like. Then the rest of it is Q&A, demonstrations, that sort of stuff, all feeding off the chat of whoever is watching. The conclusion will be in a form of a homework assignment for those who attend the live stream  As usual it'll be on my twitch.tv, and you can participate in the chat there or on IRC with questions, commentary, etc, as the show is running. And I'll put it on my youtube for those who can't make it live. What do you think? What's a good timeslot for this? Is 10 minutes too short? 30 minutes? Topics? (I'm thinking first topic will be extreme duel basics)(Edited 2012-09-06, 18:17)
Member 245 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Teacher Phil have finally put up with a winning concept again. It would be nice if you introduced Bulat in duel talk ! (or is he tatar only?)
Best Regards
Member 49 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
Great idea phil, I think you already mentioned it but analysis of some rookie games I feel would be very helpful, so pointing out mistakes made by either party, chances for the player out of control to take control back, times when the player in control should push and be more aggressive (I'm passive myself even when controlling RA,YA and mega on ZTNDM3 I never get many frags).
You could consider getting the best div0 player for each specific map and they could let us in on general game plan, helpful tricks, reading sounds and where to spam.
Anyway enough of my drivel, I look forward to the show your NukeProof
Member 253 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
I would prefer to watch back demos with the commentary of one of the players and on the next week or right after it we would watch it from the other point of view and with the commentary of the other player.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Start out with an overall duel basics episode and then give the various aspects episodes on their own, extending on them a bit more. I immediately start thinking of Day9's newbie tuesday show for SC2 which was very helpful to me when i started playing and I'm not even sure that you would need an additional player for this. Just being a single person making the show should allow for more (loose) scripting of the show which should improve the quality. Make it 20 minute episodes where you play back certain parts of a demo that is related to the topic at hand and explain what is happening.
As said, the first episode could be a kind of duel basics intro and then extend onto more specific topics of 1on1: * Positioning/Map control * Timing * Aiming * Movement * Stealth/sneakiness etc
And then there is 4on4 as well which should have a lot more to cover. Lesson 1A there should be why it's not a good idea to drop RL pack to a guy at RA when your team is ahead etc, preferably showing exactly how it turned the tide of the game. Then another scenario could be shown where the RL guy simply decides to drop down dead instead in the same situation, and things are all fine and dandy. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 1 post
Registered: Oct 2012
Total newcome here, and Yes! I would love like "General" videos from the most populare 1v1 maps, explaining basic tactics on each of em. And maybe showing off why these tactics are good, and different rocket jumps to practice.
I am a total newcomer, and actually learning how people rocket jump everywhere is really hard.
// siMN
Member 5 posts
Registered: Nov 2012
since im new in the scene. i summary of all usefull jumps and tricks would be neat. (with speedometer etc) also some how to play tdm (ctf if there are still players)
Member 3 posts
Registered: Nov 2012
Another newbie here(coming from q3/ql so I kind of know 1v1 and 4v4 basics), the concept sounds fun! And yes,10 minutes time would be way too short I think.
Member 43 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
Member 11 posts
Registered: Nov 2012
I think that this would be a fantastic idea to help new players (such as myself) ease themselves into QW. One of the biggest complaints I hear from people is that "the game itself is fantastic, but it's just too hard to get into/everyone is a pro and I'll never have a chance, ever."
Member 5 posts
Registered: Nov 2012
its amazing how many new players there are  i feel really comfortable as a noob coming from q3/ql in here. there should be a qw noob channel or site like a fb group to find trainpartners xD
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
its amazing how many new players there are  i feel really comfortable as a noob coming from q3/ql in here. there should be a qw noob channel or site like a fb group to find trainpartners xD Well, that's what #qwrookie is supposed to do 
