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General Discussion
2012-04-17, 18:33
News Writer
646 posts

Mar 2006
I'm looking to run a Hoonymode Duel Tournament. It will be a one day single elimination, div-1/div-0 invites only tournament. The winner will receive a video card that I won on but never gonna use (value 266 euro/2366 sek, its a sapphire 7870)

In order for this tournament to be possible, hoonymode must be available on the server, and that means the servers will need a new KTX. The latest KTX currently does not have the hoonymode code, so please slap qqshka and deurk so they can take my code and put it into KTX (In the meantime, if you are interested, you can try hoonymode on my servers on for example, just vote /hoonymode and ready up)

I would like to get attention of as many server admins as possible so we can update the servers (or maybe just one port if you're scared) so that we have low ping servers available with hoonymode

foppa - forsberg?
pangela - mr. pangela? madition?
troopers,qwfi - renzo
dybbuk - dyb|tuna
playground - ?

If you are a server admin, please post how best to get in touch with you to send you the code/ping you when the official ktx has the code as well. If you know a server admin, slap them with this thread. Thanks

The tournament depends on the above getting done first. Then, it will happen on a sunday.

I really think hoonymode is more than just a "gimmick" and a good way to reinvigorate duel with less spawn rape and more brains and ggs

Hoonymode is:
* exactly like /1on1, except:
* fraglimit 1
* reset and countdown between each frag
* first to X number of frags wins (currently X = 6)
* victory must be achievied by difference of Y or more frags (currently Y = 2)
* so 6-0 wins, 6-4 wins, 5-6 the game continues, 5-7 wins, etc (X and Y currently based on tennis)
* finally: spawn points are /1on1 spawns at the beginning. Then the next frag, its the same spawns, but reversed. Then the next frag, its /1on1 spawns again. And so it goes. So if you get a nice lotto-spawn, that means opponent will get the nice lotto-spawn next frag.
* (During countdown between frags it will say "new spawns" or "switch spawns" accordingly)
* that's all!

(Edited 2012-04-18, 15:25)
2012-04-17, 19:48
1329 posts

Apr 2006

troopers,qwfi - renzo

Anza takes care of qw-stuff these days, I just compile stuff for him (he paid the domain so I figured he should take care of the servers as well). As for myself, troopers and wargamez can be updated if qqshka himself adds/checks the code and commits it to KTX.

(Edited 2012-04-17, 19:49)
Servers: Troopers
2012-04-17, 22:48
26 posts

Mar 2006
This sounds hilarious and that is a crazy first price
2012-04-18, 07:20
231 posts

Jan 2006
Seems like fun!
2012-04-19, 10:33
1265 posts

Jan 2006
yea, i would like this to be integrated in all ktx servers, its a nice twist to regular duel!
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2012-04-23, 17:03
News Writer
646 posts

Mar 2006
KTX has been updated!

Please update your servers, and post here when you do so. I recommend, of course, making a backup of your qwprogs.
2012-04-23, 19:34
950 posts

Apr 2006
no more slapping
2012-04-24, 07:44
164 posts

Apr 2007
when will the tourny take place philly???
2012-04-24, 13:09
News Writer
646 posts

Mar 2006
When these lazy bum admins update their servers!!!
2012-04-24, 14:09
653 posts

Nov 2008
Hmm, I think I see one problem with this mode;

let's say we're on dm4

First frag:
p1 spawns high tele
p2 spawns ssg

both are gonna rush for LG, p2 is going to lose the battle and p1 takes lead 1-0.

Second spawn:
p1: knows that he's gonna spawn ssg and that p2 will spawn hightele, thus he will not rush for LG. P1 might find a way to turn this around, since he has the advantage this spawn, just like he had in the first spawn. P1 wins again, since he didn't rush for LG (of course, p2 might win this as well, but at least P1 knows that he can't win the fight for LG)

Third spawn:
p1 once again spawns high tele
p2 spawns mega
same thing happens again.

The one with the superior first spawn will always have the advantage even on the second spawn just because of pure knowledge where his enemy is gonna spawn.

There is probably no way to fix this though, and of course p2 might get lucky spawns as well (and get the advantage when the spawns switch)

Anyway, I'll definetly sign up and this sounds fun
2012-04-24, 14:48
News Writer
646 posts

Mar 2006
Andeh: Indeed. There are various little spawn situations like this. This is why you have to play smart from the very first moment. Sacrificial rushes are sometimes ok in a 10 minute game, but not when every frag matters. So, really, p2 should not have rushed for ssg in the first frag, he should have behaved in the way you describe p1 would in the second spawn, even though he doesn't know where the enemy spawned.

On the third spawn, p1 will get the kill (assuming no voodoo rockets from mega) and then p2 will get the kill because the spawns are reversed, so not sure what same thing you are talking about here.

DM4 (and aero) will be interesting in particular in hoonymode, because right now people love to rush rush rush and just rely on "aim of the moment"
2012-04-24, 16:07
188 posts

Feb 2008
Wouldn't it be possible and helpful to announce/show the spawnpairs beforehand each round?
2012-04-24, 16:16
1329 posts

Apr 2006 and (wargamez) have been updated to support honeymoonmode.
Servers: Troopers
2012-04-24, 21:40
News Writer
646 posts

Mar 2006
Be sure to enable it in your .cfg as well by adding 128 to your k_allowed_free_modes

set k_allowed_free_modes 159 // allowed free modes (bit mask):
// 1=1on1, 2=2on2, 4=3on3, 8=4on4, 16=10on10, 32=ffa 64=ctf 128=hoonymode
2012-05-05, 18:35
News Writer
646 posts

Mar 2006
This is "on hold" indefinitely due to complete lack of interest from the scene after 3 weeks.

I'll probably end up selling the video card or something.

P.S. Honorable mention goes to Renzo who updated ktx but never actually tested it/enabled it in .cfg and has been unresponsive to repeated slaps from me ever since

(Edited 2012-05-05, 18:36)
2012-05-05, 19:09
1329 posts

Apr 2006
It is enabled, I added the value to the bitmask a while ago. Also why not check your timezone and stop messaging me around 04:00 in the morning, I might not be awake at that hour anymore, and sometimes messages get lost on disconnection due to shitty proxy/mirc combination.

EDIT: ports might need recycling (connect+disconnet and/or change map) if noone has joined them in a while.

EDIT2: also this feature doesn't need command lock, since it's similar to yawnmode, midair, clan arena and rocket arena, like an extension to game modes, so I guess qqshka needs to make some fixes... (allowable modes should be only 1on1 2on2 3on3 4on4 10on10 ctf and ffa)

(Edited 2012-05-05, 19:21)
Servers: Troopers
2012-05-05, 20:23
News Writer
646 posts

Mar 2006
It was not enabled when I checked earlier today, and my instructions about enabling it are from two weeks ago (you can scroll up in this thread and see the timestamp in the upper-right corner)

Thanks for finally getting this working.
2012-05-07, 12:13
459 posts

Mar 2008
Like with almost everything else in this scene, you actually have to run a tournament before expecting any interest. I think it's a shame you're putting it on hold, because to me the concept is really appealing.
2012-05-07, 17:00
1265 posts

Jan 2006
its enabled on the portuguese servers for some time now.
plz, league. doesn'tneed to be fancy. just do brackets and ppl will play =)
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2012-05-10, 12:42
653 posts

Nov 2008
After a while of testing this mode, this is my opinion;

The idea is great and it was damn fun playing. HOWEVER, I don't think "kills" should be the score really. Say you spawn mega on dm4, you're likely to die 99% of the times and so is your enemy. However, sometimes you might even get your enemy down to 1 hp if you get some real good shots on your opponent. In the end though, this doesn't matter, even though your enemy might die from the same spawnpoint without causing a single damage to you. My point being; you should be rewarded if you do something remarkable.

The only way to do this would be through damage given. Not exactly sure how to tweak it, but I feel that damage given is more important than kills in this mode. A problem to this would be that the game changes though, since one would hesitate to pick up armors since you might take more damage then - one would cut his losses by not picking up armors and staying on 100 health - hence he cannot lose more than 100 health. I don't know... Was really annoying when you made a really good spawn anyway, perhaps hitting 2 rockets from mega but then die nevertheless without being rewarded in any way.

Oh well, no idea. Fun mode anyway and I'm looking forward to Sunday!
2012-05-11, 00:16
164 posts

Apr 2007
Soo, no tourney on sunday?!
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