User panel stuff on forum
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Advanced Configuration
2012-04-17, 14:02
5 posts

Mar 2012
So this is my first teamplay script made.
I've taken slackers report script, and tvS point script just to be clear with that part .

//** BINDS **
//** **

// bind F1 "__safe"
// bind F1 "__help"
// bind F1 "__lost"
// bind F1 "__took"
// bind F1 "__took2"
// bind F1 "__point"
// bind F1 "__status_report"
// bind F1 "__point"
// bind F1 "__replace"
// bind F1 "__coming"
// bind F1 "__utake"

//** ALIAS **
//** **
// (TOOK ) __took echoing respawn like ( RA SPAWNS IN 20 SEC or RL SPAWNs IN 30 SEC )
// (TOOK ) __took2 regular no echoing.

tempalias __took "if ('$took' == '$tp_name_nothing') then else if ('$took' isin '$tp_name_rl') then _timeRL else if ('$took' isin '$tp_name_lg') then _timeLG else if ('$took' isin '$tp_name_ra') then _timeRA else if ('$took' isin '$tp_name_ya') then _timeYA else if ('$took' isin '$tp_name_ga') then _timeGA else if ('$took' isin '$tp_name_pent $tp_name_quad $tp_name_ring') then .powerup else .took"
tempalias __took2 "if ('$took' == '$tp_name_nothing') then else if ('$took' isin '$tp_name_pent $tp_name_quad $tp_name_ring') then .powerup else .took"
tempalias _timeRL "say_team $\$tpname took $tp_name_rl $amfw_loc;.rltime"
tempalias _timeLG "say_team $\$tpname took $tp_name_lg $amfw_loc;.lgtime"
tempalias _timeRA "say_team $\$tpname took $tp_name_ra $amfw_loc;.ratime"
tempalias _timeYA "say_team $\$tpname took $tp_name_ya $amfw_loc;.yatime"
tempalias _timeGA "say_team $\$tpname took $tp_name_ga $amfw_loc;.gatime

tempalias .rltime "echo &cf11rl in 30&cfff"
tempalias .lgtime "echo &c5aalg in 30&cfff"
tempalias .ratime "echo &cf00ra in 20&cfff"
tempalias .yatime "echo &cff0ya in 20&cfff"
tempalias .gatime "echo &c0b0ga in 20&cfff"

tempalias .powerup "say_team $\$tpname {&c0b0team&cfff} %p"
tempalias .took "say_team $\$tpname took $took $[{%Y}$]"

// (HELP ) help script

tempalias __help "if ('$health' < '1') then __lost else if ('$bestweapon' = '$tp_name_rl') then __helprlcheck else if ('$bestweapon' = '$tp_name_lg') then __helplgcheck else .help"
tempalias __helprlcheck "if ('$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then .helprlg else .helprl"
tempalias __helplgcheck "if ('$tp_name_rl' isin '$weapons') then .helprlg else .helplg

tempalias .helprl "say_team $\$tpname $Y$Y{&cff0} help $amfw_loc $bestweapon"
tempalias .helplg "say_team $\$tpname $Y$Y{&cff0} help $amfw_loc $bestweapon"
tempalias .helprlg "say_team $\$tpname $Y$Y{&cff0} help $amfw_loc {&c5aarlg&cfff}"
tempalias .help "say_team $\$tpname $Y$Y{&cff0} help $amfw_loc"

// (LOST ) lost script

tempalias __lost "if ('$weapon' = '$tp_name_rl') then .lostpack else if ('$weapon' = '$tp_name_lg') then .lostpack else .lost"

tempalias .lost "say_team $\$tpname $R$R{&cf00} $[{%d}$] %e"
tempalias .lostpack "say_team $\$tpname $R$R{&cf00} $[{%d}$] %e {&c5aadropped&cfff} $weapon

// (SAFE ) safe script

tempalias __safe "if ('$health' < '1') then __lost else if ('$bestweapon' = '$tp_name_rl') then __saferlcheck else if ('$bestweapon' = '$tp_name_lg') then __safelgcheck else .safe"
tempalias __saferlcheck "if ('$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then .saferlg else .saferl"
tempalias __safelgcheck "if ('$tp_name_rl' isin '$weapons') then .saferlg else .safelg

tempalias .safelg "say_team $\$tpname $G$G{&c0b0} $amfw_loc{&cfff&cfff} $bestweapon"
tempalias .saferl "say_team $\$tpname $G$G{&c0b0} $amfw_loc{&cfff&cfff} $bestweapon"
tempalias .saferlg "say_team $\$tpname $G$G{&c0b0} $amfw_loc{&cfff&cfff} {&c5aarlg&cfff}"
tempalias .safe "say_team $\$tpname $G$G{&c0b0} $amfw_loc{&cfff&cfff}"

// (REPORT ) report script

tempalias __status_report "if ('$bestweapon' = '$tp_name_lg') then __status_report_lg_check else if ('$bestweapon' = '$tp_name_rl') then __status_report_rl_check else __status_report_normal else if ('$health' < '1') then __lost"
tempalias __status_report_rl_check "if ('$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then else if ('$cells' > '0') then else else if ('$health' < '1') then __lost"
tempalias __status_report_lg_check "if ('$rockets' > '0') then else else if ('$health' < '1') then __lost"
tempalias __status_report_normal "if ('$cells' > '0') then __status_report_normal_check else if ('$rockets' > '0') then else else if ('$health' < '1') then __lost"
tempalias __status_report_normal_check "if ('$rockets' > '0') then else else if ('$health' < '1') then __lost"

tempalias "say_team $\$tpname $colored_armor/{%h} $bestweapon $amfw_loc $powerups"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname $colored_armor/{%h} $bestweapon $amfw_loc {&cf13r&cfff}:{$rockets} $powerups"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname $colored_armor/{%h} $bestweapon $amfw_loc {&c2aac&cfff}:{$cells} $powerups"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname $colored_armor/{%h} $bestweapon $amfw_loc {&cf13r&cfff}:{$rockets} {&c2aac&cfff}:{$cells} $powerups"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname $colored_armor/{%h} $tp_name_rl:$rockets $amfw_loc $powerups"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname $colored_armor/{%h} $tp_name_rl:$rockets $amfw_loc {&c2aac&cfff}:{$cells} $powerups"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname $colored_armor/{%h} $tp_name_lg:$cells $amfw_loc $powerups"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname $colored_armor/{%h} $tp_name_lg:$cells $amfw_loc {&cf13r&cfff}:{$rockets} $powerups"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname $colored_armor/{%h} $tp_name_rl:$rockets $tp_name_lg:$cells $amfw_loc $powerups

// (POINT ) script

tempalias __point "shownick; if ('$point' != '$tp_name_nothing' and '$ledpoint' != '$G') then .point"

tempalias .point "say_team $\$tpname $x89$x89 %x at $[{%y}$]"

// (SLIPPED ) script

tempalias __slipped "if ('$mapname' = 'dm2') then __dm2 else if ('$mapname' = 'dm3') then __dm3 else if ('$mapname' = 'e1m2') then __e1m2"
tempalias __dm2 "if ('$location' = 'quad$.low') then .dm2slipped"
tempalias __dm3 ".dm3slipped"
tempalias __e1m2 ".e1m2slipped"

tempalias .dm2slipped "say_team $\ {&caa1enemy slipped $[tele$]&cfff}"
tempalias .dm3slipped "say_team $\ {&caa1enemy going $[ra$.tunnel$]&cfff}"
tempalias .e1m2slipped "say_team $\ {&caa1enemy going $[spikes$]&cfff}

// (YOU TAKE ) script

tempalias __utake ".utake"
tempalias .utake "say_team $\$tpname u take $amfw_loc"

// (REPLACE ) script

tempalias __replace ".replace"
tempalias .replace "say_team $\$tpname replace $amfw_loc"

// (COMING ) script

tempalias __coming ".coming"
tempalias .coming "say_team $\$tpname coming $amfw_loc

// (KILL ME ) script

tempalias __kill_me "if ('$bestweapon' = '$tp_name_lg') then __kill_me_lg_check else if ('$bestweapon' = '$tp_name_rl') then __kill_me_rl_check else __kill_me_check"
tempalias __kill_me_rl_check "if ('$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then else if ('$cells' > '0') then else"
tempalias __kill_me_check "if ('$rockets' > '0') then __kill_me_rox_check else if ('$cells' > '0') then else"
tempalias __kill_me_rox_check "if ('$cells' > '0') then else"
tempalias __kill_me_lg_check "if ('$rockets' > '0') then else"

tempalias "say_team $\$tpname {&cb1akill me [%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} $tp_name_rl:{$rockets}"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname {&cb1akill me [%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} $tp_name_lg:{$cells}"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname {&cb1akill me [%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} $tp_name_lg:{$cells} {&cf13r&cfff}:{$rockets}"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname {&cb1akill me [%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} $tp_name_rl:{$rockets} $tp_name_lg:{$cells}"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname {&cb1akill me [%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} {&cf13r&cfff}:{$rockets}"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname {&cb1akill me [%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} $tp_name_rl:{$rockets} {&c2aac&cfff}:{$cells}"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname {&cb1akill me [%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} {&c2aac&cfff}:{$cells}"
tempalias "say_team $\$tpname {&cb1akill me [%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} {&cf13r&cfff}:{$rockets} {&c2aac&cfff}:{$cells}"

//** **

tp_name_armortype_ga "{&c0b0g&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ya "{&cff0y&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ra "{&cf00r&cfff}"
tp_name_rockets "rox"
tp_name_quad "{&c05fquad&cfff}"
tp_name_pent "{&cf00pent&cfff}"
tp_name_ring "{&cff0ring&cfff}"
tp_name_mh "{&c0a0mega&cfff}"
tp_name_backpack "{&cf2apack&cfff}"
tp_name_enemy "{&cf00enemy&cfff}"
tp_name_someplace " "
tp_name_ga "{&c0b0ga&cfff}"
tp_name_ya "{&cff0ya&cfff}"
tp_name_ra "{&cf00ra&cfff}"
tp_name_rl {&c5aarl&cfff}
tp_name_lg {&c5aalg&cfff}

set_tp amfw_loc "$[{%l}$]"

tp_pickup powerups armor mh ssg sng gl rl lg pack rockets cells
tp_took powerups armor mh ssg sng gl rl lg pack rockets cells
tp_point powerups armor players mh ssg sng gl rl lg sng pack rockets cells

filter clear
2012-04-17, 17:38
2059 posts

Jan 2006
What're the main advantages with this script compared to ezquake commands?
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