
Member 55 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
When I am watching how were created the CFGs of MVDSV + KTX, I wonder how hard it is for players in order to make a server... Many files to modify, everything goes crazy in order to be joinable for others, etc... Also, the basic maps are here, not custom ones too. So, I thought it would be easier to make a ready-for-use pack, making the server configurations much esier (well, not really, since we STILL HAVE to have those 2pac files  ) That's what I have trying to create since a moment already : I have created a config' pack, adding new serveraliases, new mapaliases, and so on, in order to be a little more "complete" than the original pack, and, of course, to be configured much easier. BUT! I cannot be sure of the configurations I have done. And as I want to make professionnal configurations for any game, I have to get some feedbacks to improve it a lot. So here's the package (V1 atm) : http://fragaming.sytes.net/server/files/quake/quakeworld/qwserver_betaCFGv1.zipThanks for the help folks =) (Edited 2012-04-09, 00:47)BaseQ.fr Administrator o/
Administrator 335 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
what a slow slow host  Maybe try http://upload.files.dk  Few things I'm wondering about. automaps.cfg is useless: Since long time ago there is no need for map aliasses anymore, it simply reads from map dir. If a map name match what you type in console, it will change to that map. If the map name conflict with client/server command, use /votemap <mapname>. Although I like the mapslist, I will make a zip with those. Maybe you should too? Install fresh nquake, zip the maps, include with this server pack  Another thing that bothered me. You removed all the "readme" parts from the configs. The normal server packs .cfg files had // description after each setting. Was easy to go through them and edit, even for server newbie like me. --- IMPORTANT !! SET YOUR EXTERNAL IP + USED PORT IN THE BATCHS!!!! ---\\ //sv_serverip "" // <-- Just as a reminder. Perhaps include that info in the bat/startup files. Also I think you made this for linux, but this has windows batfiles? So this must be made for windows... but all/most files are made with some linux formating that shows all wrong in notepad. (work around, use notepad++). MASTERSERVERS: Please add: master.quakeservers.net:27000 What is up with alias.cfg? set k_allowed_free_modes 63 // allowed free modes (bit mask): // 1=1on1, 2=2on2, 4=3on3, 8=4on4, 16=10on10, 32=ffa 64=ctf This bit of code provides aliases for those modes. And server is by default already executing configs/usermodes/xonx/default.cfg - don't need to make special alias.cfg for that - Also don't see the point of forceloaded 4on4 print etc. Redundant info as it is already printed in console. Perhaps make a seperate /logs/ for the logging, so base dir won't get so messy with rcon/player logs. That's all from me at the moment. Solid work putting this together though (Edited 2012-04-09, 04:22)
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I'm pretty sure the MVDSV+KTX server package is all you need, as it is preconfigured and there is not documentation only on the project site, but the installation README comes with the package also, and the documentation contains information about the installation itself and mandatory changes like passwords (you know, you HAVE to change at least passwords, even if the server runs straightly out of box without changing them...). PAKS can't be distributed, as it is illegal. As for the maps, there is some mappack available that is maintained by Deurk. Just a reminder, even if it is on server talk forum's sticky topic: 1) http://qw-dev.net/projects/ktx/files2) http://qw-dev.net/projects/ktx/wiki/Ktx_server_(to_be_rewritten)3) http://qw-dev.net/projects/ktx/wiki/ConfigurationI suggest people use only officially built packages and use the readme's shipping with them or from the project site (urls above). (Edited 2012-04-09, 09:46)
Member 55 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
@Renzo : Yes, for sure, it is preconfigurated, but it's a serious mess, at least for me, when I want to modify a few commands only about the gameplay, and obviously not the systems CVARs. But BOTH are mixed on my eyes, so I can't find a proper way to configure it correcly. So that's why I wanted to remake from scratch my CFG.
@Paradoks : Hehe, it's not my own fault if that's server is at home =p !
Anyway, about automaps, I know it is useless on ktx-matchmode. But what if I run a ktx-ffa server, and an admin would like to change it to a better map for people, while the votes are forbidden? And about classic Quake =p ?
About the mappack, I was thinking of it too, as I was making a batch/bash file downloading automatically the newest maps. However, I have to find where I could directly have the maps/custom resources. It is more flexible when there will be new maps, but I like too having a "all in one" mappack sometimes quickly... Well, w&See.
- About the Readmes, let me explain : I was already rewriting the server commands, because it is a mess while modifying the original CFGs on nano/vi (linux) or on low res screens in general (win32). So I have been rewriting them on text files. (ktx/var/help to find them).
(abt linux, it is normal : i was NEVER BEEN ABLE to compile the program, whatever my proc / distrib is [AMD/ARM/i386] ) ,so I left it for a while.
- I have added them right now, but I thought that as a reminder... - Also added the masterserver at the list.
- The aliases are-again, used if my server is a ktx-ffa server. But about the configs already loaded, I didn't know of that, but I thought it would be more clearer, at least for me =p
Anyway, thanks for the huge feedback m8 :>
(Edited 2012-04-09, 10:39) BaseQ.fr Administrator o/
Member 950 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Ch0wW, let's work together to create a better package if you want, I have some corrections on how things are distributed too and we can host it afterwards where it should be: qw-dev.net.
We can also revamp the documentation, I could use some help with that as well.
Member 55 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
Deurk, no problem at all, I will gladly help you =) BaseQ.fr Administrator o/
Member 55 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
Sorry about the double post, but as Paradoks wanted, I have done a shell / bat file downloading -yet- 1on1 maps, TDM maps and Arena maps. No FFA maps has been put for the moment. I should continue it, adding more known maps, etc... feel free to ask me what to improve in order to make it easier for servermakers  also, thanks to maps.qw-dev.net to give us the ability to download maps faster than a normal link. Download links : Win32 : http://fragaming.sytes.net/server/files/quake/quakeworld/mappack_qw.zipLinux : http://fragaming.sytes.net/server/files/quake/quakeworld/mappack_qw.sh (think to chmod 711 it and to execute as root/administrator) Installation (win32): extract it to your id1 folder, and run the batch file. (linux) download the file in your id1 folder, chmod 711 it as an administrator, and run it. The mappack will download in my server the latest version of the maplist, and after downloading them, will copy them on the maps folder (the folder will be created if not present) BaseQ.fr Administrator o/
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Why would you run the script as root? Just chmod +x instead of 711 and go, if you've made it require root access you've done something wrong.
In the other matter, creating 3rd party configs etc like your first idea is bad. It creates more confusion than good. If you have good and proper suggestions, make sure to add them to the real package (upstream version) instead, that way there won't float around stuff that works different.
Member 55 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
Sorry about the wrong linux chmod rights... I'm fixing it in the few minutes following this message.
However, about the package, the only thing is that the original pack is already confusing, at least for me... How will beginners (if any) modify cleanly their SVCFGs without making the server being upside down? (when I think of that, I mostly think of the server:port cvar)
So that's why I wanted to make that cfg I'm currently restructuring, to be understood a bit better, to let beginners only modifying what they need for their servers, and letting advanced people to modify what they want on advanced CFGs. BaseQ.fr Administrator o/
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
However, about the package, the only thing is that the original pack is already confusing, at least for me... How will beginners (if any) modify cleanly their SVCFGs without making the server being upside down? (when I think of that, I mostly think of the server:port cvar) This is exactly the reason you WILL read the OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION that ships with the server pack and that can also be found from official KTX wiki. It is said clearly there: 5) Motd, sv_serverip and qtv_streamport are on qwserver/ktx/portX.cfg
sv_serverip tells your server on what IP it is located. It is VERY IMPORTANT to configure this variable properly
Being a beginner is not an excuse. If you plan to run a server, you should know what you are doing. If you don't, then you read and re-read the documentation as many times as it takes to finally make you understand and gain knowledge. While you are doing that, you can also experiment the different values, as they are documented in the configs. sv_serverip ip:port is one of the most important configuration items your server can have, and you have to configure it properly, noone else can do that for you, your server and your server's ip-address. The server package is made by a person who has run KTX servers for years, also been in the KTX/MVDSV projects for years, in cooperation with other KTX/MVDSV people. And it has been done so that it is has the least stuff to configure, only mandatory items (like I already stated above). (Edited 2012-04-11, 19:38)
Member 55 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
I won't say anything wrong, you are right about reading a documentation when we have a problem but yet, I don't see actually a complete documentation on MVDSV for exemple. It has been created, yep, but as you stated on 1 link, the documentation needs to be remade, as many commands aren't fully documented. Anyway, I strongly disagree about the fact that being a beginner isn't an excuse. What about people totally unexperienced in computers, wanting to run a server (especially on a home-LAN)? How could they understand anything about it, when a lot of terms are advanced terms? Are the CFGs even structured enough? Yea, I agree about trial and error, but people don't usually want to do that (as they mostly want to create a server and having fun without saying "oshi, how could that thing work?"  . But people may config as they seem to be the clearest as possible after all, and I thought that remaking the CFGs would help a bit too for other people. But I may be wrong at some parts after all. I'm sorry about this  BaseQ.fr Administrator o/
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I'm not saying anything about the actual documentation, but only that the way you proposed isn't the best way to go. It would be a better idea if you created a step-by-step guide for the _original_ package on how to set up things, and explain more ingoing in your guide on how to do stuff. Call it "QW server setup for dummies" or whatever, that would be good! 
Member 55 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
You're probably right, I usually do configs for "only 1 server". That can be not adaptable for others, but this is my own way of how to make a server with structuration and easy to navigate. Anyway, what a nice idea  ! nI could be able to create a s-b-s guide quite quickly, as I've nearly rewrote the docs for MVDSV + KTX! However, the main problem will be about compiling the server + dlls for Linux, as I have NEVER EVER been able to compile it on non-intel platforms ( ARM / AMD on debian/ubuntu/BusyBox for Synology). If someone can help me, that would be really nice~! But I will do it then as well as the documentation rewriting. Shouldn't take long. =) BaseQ.fr Administrator o/
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Well you can probably try to compile dll's for linux while that won't give you much  You'r looking for a .so (shared object) which briefly explained is used as a dynamically linked library for another application. It works to compile KTX/mvdsv on x86 (no matter if you have Intel or AMD). I'm not sure if both mvdsv and KTX compiles for 64bit target though, qqshka can fill you in on that. If you want to compile on an AMD64(/x86_64) just make sure to run the configure script(s) and it will build 32bit binaries if needed i think. (-m32 flag to gcc) ARM is a completely different architecture than x86 so it needs to be ported to that if you want that to work. (Edited 2012-04-12, 11:24)
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Anyway, I strongly disagree about the fact that being a beginner isn't an excuse. What about people totally unexperienced in computers, wanting to run a server (especially on a home-LAN)? How could they understand anything about it, when a lot of terms are advanced terms? Are the CFGs even structured enough?
The server package runs without any configuration out of box on lan, but you will need to add paks and maps. The only thing you might have to configure even in this case is the sv_serverip variable (I know I tested this some time ago but I don't remember if the server was connectable without making changes on LAN). Again, the most important variables that need configuring, are mentioned in the readme that ships with the server package. I'm not sure if both mvdsv and KTX compiles for 64bit target though, qqshka can fill you in on that.
MVDSV compiles automatically to the same as system is. KTX has compiled 64bits for a long time now, just use "make dl". If you want to forcefully compile it as 32bits, use "make dl32" (requires some libs, I put more information about this on qw-dev wiki back in the day, check the libs from there if needed). (Edited 2012-04-12, 15:46)
Member 55 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
OOps, sorry again about the dll/so confusion (I use that dll term too much that I litterally forgot to adapt my words to the correct OS =( )
Anyway, about ARM, I can understand (Too bad I can't make more abilities for my NAS then :p ).
But about AMD64, I tried it under Ubuntu x64 and Debian, run configure and was unable to compile them successfully, because of the same problem as ARM, about -m32 , whatever the choices given with 'make', even with the libs given. I can remove it (for ARM) to make it work, but it makes the server totally buggy (I was able to be stucked on the floor when I joined the server)...
I'll try to remake some tests tomorrow night in order to see what particular error I have. BaseQ.fr Administrator o/
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
You wrote: "But about AMD64, I tried it under Ubuntu x64 and Debian" Different distros call it differently, but you don't run "AMD64 on Ubuntu/Debian x64", you run Ubuntu/Debian AMD64 if you run 64bit _no matter_ if you run Intel or AMD. I have a Debian box at work which has a Intel Core i7 and I run 64bit Debian == AMD64  $ uname -r 2.6.32-5-amd64 I've done it myself so I can only imagine you are doing something wrong unfortunately (Edited 2012-04-13, 09:29)
