
Member 950 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Happened in the past, will probably happen again in the future, but I'm trying to compile a list of tricks maps here. If any of you can contribute to this list and make it more complete, please comment on it!
Current tricks maps list:
- 2bfree - cfree1b1 - cfree1b2 - cfree2b1 - cfree2b3 - escape2a - hoppa2 - jqdf2 - madhops - qw_ubj_pro - qw_uj_pro - qw_urj_pro - sj - ssj - tr2 - tr3_b1 - trick - trick1 - trick11 - trickj1-beta - trix - trix2 - way2ez - way2ez2 - zediit - zediit2t1 - zediit2t2 - zjumps - ztrain - ztrain2 - ztricks - ztricks2
Member 186 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
zediit2t2 or w/e its name is, the two-player zediit-map
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jul 2009
boostjumpa boostjump emdtr2b.bsp hj jqdf1.bsp jqdf2.bsp (you have this one) jqdf3.bsp jqrace1.bsp ninerooms.bsp rokket2.bsp v_kjump2.bsp v_kjump.bsp
Quasi-trick maps: fltest hd1a jqfs1.bsp jqfs2.bsp jqfs3.bsp kekekeke.bsp levnat.bsp p_freestyle.bsp
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Which one is a newbie trickmap? ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jul 2009
Which one is a newbie trickmap? ztrain ztrain2 ssj
Member 150 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Can the list be updated at first message and include list for race and arena ?
Member 37 posts
Registered: May 2012
Racemaps: ---------------- race1-10 (Annis race maps) slide1-7 (Slide Challenge race maps) slidefox subslide rawspeed those above have routes via KTX i believe. CLICK to download most Trickmaps (from OPīs), and all the Racemaps above.to race on it: /race (enables racemode) /race_route_switch (in case a map has several routes) /ready (well, joins lineup) also, i want to mention (as those are crazy hard), that DM2, DM4, DM6, DM3 do have built in race routes too. Switch with race_route_switch, type ready to start racing. Why doesnt someone make a nice aerowalk route? Would be hot to see locust and kingpin race there  Ztnroutes also ? Do it naow  good servers to race on are "dm2.se" by raket , or "badplace.eu" by meag or "ktx.allround" by dopeskillz. Those have new ktx versions and .ent files for race1-10 available. <3 (Edited 2016-10-04, 22:25)
Member 11 posts
Registered: Jul 2016
Trick maps <3
I came back to the game recently after 15 years and after switching to left handed mouse having fucked my right arm in a climbing accident. I've been doing loads of trick maps to improve control, so far I've completed ztrain, ztrain2, ztricks, ztrick2, zjumps and ssj. Working on hoppa2, 2bfree and zediit. Will upload a video nearer xmas (with hud keys / speed etc) to showcase rookie development if there's any interest.
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jul 2009
Absolutely, _mike_. Release demos too 
Member 110 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
escape (not escape2a)
are madhops or ninerooms on any server? didnt have those
Member 94 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
I know that quakeworld.co.uk got Ninerooms.
Member 110 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
I know that quakeworld.co.uk got Ninerooms. yep! was a cool but hard map
Member 37 posts
Registered: May 2012
added ninerooms and madhops to the google drive. Thx nelag hehe zombie90 "appears" in the very last map of ninerooms (Edited 2016-10-04, 22:25)
Member 110 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
Racemaps: ---------------- race1-10 (Annis race maps) slide1-7 (Slide Challenge race maps) slidefox subslide rawspeed those above have routes via KTX i believe. CLICK to download most Trickmaps (from OPīs), and all the Racemaps above.to race on it: /race (enables racemode) /race_route_switch (in case a map has several routes) /ready (well, joins lineup) also, i want to mention (as those are crazy hard), that DM2, DM4, DM6, DM3 do have built in race routes too. Switch with race_route_switch, type ready to start racing. Why doesnt someone make a nice aerowalk route? Would be hot to see locust and kingpin race there  Ztnroutes also ? Do it naow  good servers to race on are "dm2.se" by raket , or "badplace.eu" by meag or "ktx.allround" by dopeskillz. Those have new ktx versions and .ent files for race1-10 available. <3 there's also slide8 and slide9. and slstart which is the start map of the mod. slide8 is broken in race mode but slide9 is kinda ok but with a real annoying start. gonna check my maps and see what i have that's not on here. would be great if we could get all these maps onto a reliable server (i.e foppa or troopers). dm2.se is highly unreliable (as is raket!)
Member 110 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
alright here's some maps in a zip: http://upload.foppa.dk/files/trickmaps-dahmer.zip
dungeonsurf (slide-ish map) hj (trickmap) jqfs1 (all three pretty strange) jqfs2 jqfs3 jqrace1 jump2 (very early trick map, made for tf scout i think which was faster. me/milton/fifi used to play this a lot. some ideas were used for way2ez later) jump3 (way2ez beta) jump4 (way2ez2 beta) nepjump1 (beta version of a nepra trick map, never completed) speedrush (awesome race map) yogic (one of the coolest maps in qw, you can get 15 000 speed by getting caught in a bug. getting caught in the bug is not as easy as it used to be tho. not really a trick map but added it anyway!) ztricks-beta (Zaqwer trickmap with rocket/gl, beta and never finished)
edit: oops, some were already mentioned.
Member 110 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
is madhops on any server? can you even complete it? some of the rooms feels unfinished
edit: its up on dm2.se now
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
mvdsv-kg.bsp ztricksrocket.bsp
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jul 2009
yogic (one of the coolest maps in qw, you can get 15 000 speed by getting caught in a bug. getting caught in the bug is not as easy as it used to be tho. not really a trick map but added it anyway!)
Do you have a demo?
Member 110 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
ztricksrocket.bsp finished? where?
Member 110 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
yogic (one of the coolest maps in qw, you can get 15 000 speed by getting caught in a bug. getting caught in the bug is not as easy as it used to be tho. not really a trick map but added it anyway!)
Do you have a demo? no i thought i had, might have deleted it edit: lol got it to work first try, here it is: http://upload.foppa.dk/files/yogic.qwd only got 5000 speed there, you can get lots more.
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
ztricksrocket.bsp finished? where? It have only 2 rooms. I'll upload it.
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
ztricksrocket.bsp finished? where? It have only 2 rooms. I'll upload it.
Member 245 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
ztricksrocket.bsp finished? where? It have only 2 rooms. I'll upload it. dm2.se upgraded with ztricksrocket.bsp. /raket
Member 110 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
is madhops on any server? can you even complete it? some of the rooms feels unfinished
edit: its up on dm2.se now so anyone understand madhops? is it for like... ctf hook? you start off with an impossible room... even co-op with a mate shafting you isnt making it remotely close. edit: seems like it was made with TF in mind... some specific weapons there?
Member 37 posts
Registered: May 2012
well the first few rooms on madhops are easy, until that rocket jump under the ceiling... that really seems non-qw :/ updated the list... something missing now? 2bfree boostjump boostjumpa bunny_xl cfree1b1 cfree1b2 cfree2b1 cfree2b2 cfree2b3 dungeonsurf escape escape2a emdtr2b fltest halfpipe hd1a hop1 hop3 hoppa2 hop_high jqdf1 jqdf2 jqdf3 jqdf3beta jqfs1 jqfs2 jqfs3 jqrace1 kekekeke levnat madhops mvdsv-kg nepjump1 ninerooms p_freestyle qw_ubj_pro qw_uj_pro qw_urj_pro race1 race2 race3 race4 race5 race6 race7 race8 race9 race10 rawspeed rokket2 sj slide1 slide2 slide3 slide4 slide5 slide6 slide7 slide8 slide9 slidefox slstart speed speed2 speedrush ssj subslide tr2 tr3_b1 treerace trick trick1 trick11 trickj1-beta trix2 v_kjump v_kjump2 way2ez way2ez2 yogic zediit zediit2t1 zediit2t2 zjumps ztrain ztrain2 ztricks ztricks2 ztricksrocket (Edited 2016-10-06, 13:46)
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jul 2009
You missed at least v_kjump2.bsp, hoppa2, emdtr2b, hj.bsp, jqrace1, zediit2t1.
If you are listing maps like hop1, hop3, bunny, then also get vmk.bsp from VVD, and run.bsp
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
If you are listing maps like hop1, hop3, bunny, then also get vmk.bsp from VVD, and run.bsp ahtoh.bsp :-D
Member 37 posts
Registered: May 2012
hi drowsy. Done ! Thanks. Found all maps you mentionened and added to the gdrive and the list. <3 @VVD, can you up ahtoh.bsp run.bsp and vmk.bsp somewhere? Its the only maps i cannot find online on any server nor Google it. Also up anything else you think is hoppable. You probably have the better archive 
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Just a quick check, does the map treerace that's included in this zip work for anyone? I get Allocbloc: full as soon as i enter the map and client exits.
I'm not eager to play it, just curious to know if anyone else has the same problem. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
