
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
We have created a template that we would kindly ask you to follow, although it is not a requirement to fill out more than your Nick, it will help captains get more information about you during signup period and help them make better decisions on draft-pick night. This league follows a pretty strict schedule. As in any Captain mode based match/tournament, it is in the Captain's best interest to select the highest skilled players for his team. Having a cap of 10 teams and a total of 50 players in the tournament we are aiming for about ~70 signups. If you believe you are within that top range of the QW scene we urge you to signup. Ofcourse anyone is welcome to signup, but the likelyhood of low div2+ players getting picked this season will be lower. Players not chosen will be added to a 'free agents' pool of players, able to be traded into the teams during the season for various reasons. More can be read over at the rules section. If you are not able to play under those circumstances we ask you not to signup.Your nick: Nick Current clan: currently unemployed! Previous 2 clans: low div1 clan, random top div2 clan Voice: teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo Activity: I can play most days 17-22 except Tuesdays and Thursdays (handy if you wanna prac with your team, still required to be available in scheduled match dates) Best/worst map: Best: dm3, worst: e1m2 Anything you want to share? (strenghts, weaknesses, motivation for signing?)
My strenght is defintely aim and infight skills. My weakness is mm3, english is not so good, but I understand it very well so no problem taking orders over voice. Motivation? Great initiative, I get to play a very tight and competetive tournament, hopefully learn some things from one Any unrelated posts will be removed! But please feel free to use the rest of the forum to discuss or visit us at irc #draft.qwSignup period ends Saturday, March 17th.
Member 110 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
Your nick: d (dahmer) Current clan: Suddendeath 2 Previous 2 clans: a2k freedom Voice: teamspeak3 but can always install others. Activity: I can play 18-23 and a bit later and earlier on weekends. Individual Skill level: 3.5 on a good day and on dm2  Teamplay Skill level: 3, constant mixing have ruined the 5. Fav map: DM2 Least fav map: E1M2 500,000 goldrush $ if you pick me!
Member 31 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
Your nick: niw Current clan: Crazy 88 Previous 2 clans: cn, sr2 Voice: teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo Activity: I can play most days 18-22 Individual Skill level: 3 Teamplay Skill level: 4 Best map: dm2 Worst map: combo of dm3/e1m2
Member 21 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Your nick: xero Current clan: Suddendeath 2 Previous 2 clans: Chosen, Sega Voice: teamspeak3/ventrilo/Skype Activity: Most days after 19 (earlier on weekends) Individual Skill level: from: 3 Teamplay Skill level: 3 Best/worst map: DM2/DM3
Member 1 post
Registered: Mar 2012
Your nick: moje Current clan: ssc Previous 2 clans: hips/sr2 Voice: teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo Activity: I can play most days 17-22 Individual Skill level: 3-4 Teamplay Skill level: from 4 Best/worst map: dm3/e1m2
Member 125 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Your nick: rio Current clan: chosen Previous 2 clans: Team Freedom, Vagabond Voice: teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo Activity: I can play most work days 19/20 - 00 and Sundays Individual Skill level: 3 Teamplay Skill level: 4 Best/worst map: Best: e1m2, worst: dm2
Member 78 posts
Registered: Aug 2006
Your nick: lethalwiz Current clan: Smaragdpung2 Previous 2 clans: wP, Quakeklan Voice: teamspeak3 Activity: most weekdays and sundays Best/worst map: Best: e1m2, worst: dm2
Guuud vad det schpänner...
Administrator 181 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Your nick: swi Current clan: Too Cute Previous 2 clans: WarPigs, Sega Gubbar Voice: Preferbly Teamspeak3 or Mumble (Swedish or English) Activity: Very active, prefer to play any day after 19:00 Best/worst map: Best: dm3/e1m2, worst: dm2 Strength: Admin access, can fiddle with scores and stuff.
Member 2 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Your nick: grisling Current clan: suddendeath Previous 2 clans: suddendeath2 Voice: teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo Activity: I can play most days 17-22 Best/worst map: Best: dm2, worst: dm3
Member 21 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Your nick: trash Current clan: suddendeath2 Previous 2 clans: suddendeath2, suddendeath Voice: teamspeak3 or whatevvah u want Activity: I can play most days 19-00 Best/worst map: Best: dm2, worst: any kenya  Anything you want to share? no!
Member 54 posts
Registered: Jul 2006
Your nick: Adde Current clan: Too cute Previous 2 clans: oclan, a2k Voice: teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo Activity: Can play most days after 20 (19 if needed) Best/worst map: Best: e1m2, worst: dm2
Anything you want to share? (strenghts, weaknesses, motivation for signing?)
My strenght is knowing timings for items all over the map, and having control over the boring spots on the map (ya tele @ dm2, ya @ e1m2 and ra @ dm3) My weakness is my aim Motivation? I want to know what this tournament does for the activity of the community. I think it is a great initiative and i wanna participate to further the cause. And if im not picked to played i can help out with commentary and such.
Member 20 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Your nick: nEpra Current clan: Suddendeath 2 Previous 2 clans: Team Freedom, fom Voice: teamspeak3 Activity: Any time baby Invidual Skill Level: 4 Teamplay Skill Level: 3 Best/worst map: Best: dm2, worst: e1m2/dm3
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Your nick: dimman Current clan: Slackers Previous 2 clans: Fusion Quakeklan Voice: teamspeak2&3/mumble Activity: Most evenings about 19-22 except friday/saturday Best map: dm3, worst: dm2
Used to have hot aim (trying to get it back), good overall view of the game and knowledge of nmy weapondudes location.
Nice initiative, I like the challenge!
Member 1 post
Registered: Nov 2007
Your nick: wille Current clan: mini-cute Previous 2 clans: none Voice: teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo Activity: I can play most days 17-22 Best/worst map: Best: dm3, worst: dm2
Weakness: Still new to qw tp Strenght: LG, learning fast.
I'd like to practice as much as possible and play whenever I can to improve my qw skills as fast as possible!
Member 3 posts
Registered: Feb 2010
Your nick: juho Current clan: Paras Voice: If needed, currently I don't have a mic Activity: Available "24/7", just remember to remind me of an upcoming match/prakkinen /msg Best/worst map: dunno Skill: Low?!
Member 22 posts
Registered: Oct 2010
Your nick: heddan Current clan: Too Cute Previous 2 clans: Immortals, Rusty Voice: dark wisky voice (teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo)  Activity: Anytime after 3:rd of April since I will be on holiday without access to computer Best/worst map: Best: e1m2, worst: dm3 Strenght: good aim and is very aggresive in flooding weak enemys with sg, looses very few RL: packs to enemys Weakness: Could be a bit uneven in my gameplay depending on if I had a hard day at work and am tired. Can sometimes lose track of timing. Motivation: Improve my gameplay by playing with people I normaly don't play with.
Member 2 posts
Registered: Feb 2010
Your nick: netspider Current clan: Paras Previous 2 clans: - Voice: mumble Activity: from ~20 CET onwards. Update: Not available 30.3-.6.4. Best/worst map: Best map dm3, worst map: dm2
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Your nick: Åke Vader Current clan: None Previous 2 clans: SR2, Veterans Voice: (teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo - will install on request. Speaks Swedish and English) Activity: Will be abroad until the 29th of March which unfortunately means i will miss the first two games and any prior practice. After that it's game time during evenings (18-22) sunday-thursday. Best/worst map: Best: dm3, worst: e1m2 Strength: Movement and willingness to do the dirty work for the greater good of the team. Weakness: Aim, inconsistency and current form. Motivation: Back from a very long QuakeWorld absence (as an actual player), awaiting a new gaming rig and then this league pops up. Need i say more?  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Your nick: Hooraytio Current clan: Chosen Previous 2 clans: olW, Thangorodrim Voice: teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo Activity: Tues, Wed, Thurs & Sun from 20cet (+matchdays) Best/worst map: Best: dm2/e1m2, worst: dm3
Strenght: SG RL GL, keeping stuff for mates Weakness: LG, quadruns & timing Motivation: Learning smth from better players
Member 6 posts
Registered: Apr 2008
Idk if its open for us players, but heres my apply!  Your nick: Vegeta Current clan: OCLAN -6- Voice: teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo Activity: Schedule very flexible, just msg me and ill b on Best/worst map: Best: dm3, worst: e1m2 Anything you want to share? (strenghts, weaknesses, motivation for signing?) Strenght : able to listen My weakness : ping ! Motivation? play moar qw!
Member 139 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
Your nick: Muff1n Current clan: SpaceBalls! Previous 2 clans: Mofo, Ami Voice: teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo Activity: 20-23 cet Best/worst map: Best: dm3, worst: -
Strength: Teamplayer, Sneak kills. Weakness: Timings Motivation: QW, Learning.
Member 164 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Your nick: LocKtar Current clan: currently unemployed! Previous 2 clans: Suddendeath 2 mascott Voice: teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo Activity: I can play most days, but i work 24h, and drink alot on weekends.) Best/worst map: Best: dm2, worst dm3 Anything you want to share? Just liked the idea, and i generally suck on teamplay, but i can aim and move.
Member 1 post
Registered: Mar 2012
Your Nick: krab Current clan: Slackers Previous 2 clans: Leftovers, dno Voice: TS3,Mumble.Skype,Ventrilo Activity: 20-24 Most days. Best/worst map: All of them.
Strength: Axe Weakness: Dead Motivation: Qw Iz Dead, Ok?
Member 8 posts
Registered: Feb 2010
Your nick: anupko Current clan: Dinosaurus & noobs (d&n) Previous 2 clans: Chosen, Fallen angels Voice: mumble, ts3 Activity: I can play most days 16-21 Best/worst map: Best: dm3/e1m2, worst: dm2
My weakness is mm3, english is not so good, but I understand it very well so no problem taking orders over voice. Motivation? Great initiative, I get to play a very tight and competetive tournament, hopefully learn some things from one
Member 11 posts
Registered: Feb 2010
Your nick: mads Current clan: Fallen Angels Previous 2 clans: cpm, vm (random div3 clans) Voice: teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo Activity: I can play almost every evening Best map: e1m2 Worst map: dm3
My weakness is individual skill Motivation? learn some 4on4 from one
Member 5 posts
Registered: Jun 2011
Your nick: vermin Current clan: Fallen Angels Previous 2 clans: vm, ..... Voice: teamspeak3/mumble Activity: I can play almost every evening Best map: e1m2,w orst map: dm3 wanna [lay 4 on 4 games more and more !
Member 48 posts
Registered: Aug 2008
Your nick: razor Current clan: Suddendeath Previous 2 clans: Druidz, Firing Squad Voice: teamspeak3 Activity: I usually play monday/wednesdays/sundays. But some on other days as well. Best/worst map: Best: e1m2/dm2 Worst: dm3 Weakness: Pretty much always heavy pl lag. Strenght: 100% awesomeness.
Moderator 383 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Your nick: B1aze Current clan: Sporadic Previous 2 clans: USSR/CCCP, 3b Voice: Prefer mumble/can install others Activity: Schedule is very flexible, just msg me and I will be on for any official match. Will try to play couple of pracs too. Best/worst map: Best: dm3/e1m2, worst: e3m7 Anything you want to share? (strenghts, weaknesses, motivation for signing?) My weakness : ping will be around 170-200 on most EU servers! I live on west coast US.
Member 8 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Your nick: panic Current clan: cute2 Previous 2 clans: cant remember, vagabond maybe and ballistic maybe Voice: teamspeak3/mumble/ventrilo Activity: I can play most days 17-22 except Tuesdays and Thursdays (handy if you wanna prac with your team, still required to be available in scheduled match dates) Best/worst map: Best: dm2, worst: e1m2 Anything you want to share? (strenghts, weaknesses, motivation for signing?)
I won over paradoks 1on1 dm6.
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Your nick: phren Current clan: suddendeath Previous 2 clans: slackers 2 / immortals Voice: all Activity: really active Best/worst map: Best: dm2/dm3/e1m2, worst: dm2/dm3/e1m2 Weakness: i cant speak russian Strenght: i can speak english
