nix :
Yes, in the end, I want it to be like CTF is in Q3 and QL. Playwise as similar to TDM as possible.
Even when you want it as TDM as possible, typical DM players must keep in mind that CTF is not TDM.
Invest some time in it... play DMish, then you discover while playing how to do some things different

That learning curve is fun.
I also want to tryout this dm-ish CTF of yours, just because it has Flags... and just because I'm not a typically DM player

I would say to keep the runes in it. Then I can live with the fact that you want to take out the hook

Of course it sucks when the enemy team has the 2 most important runes. But thats all part of the CTF universe.
You must take a beating - without whining about those runes - while trying to obtain those runes, and then turn it around.
nix :
Like I said, Mushi and I will work on some stuff, that will allow us to play a bit more strategic.
I am pretty sure, that as soon as we developed some tactics and have some routine, the runes won't bring that much chaos to the game any longer.
Hehehe. Chaos ?
Your team switch the focus from base-defending and capturing TO -> base-defending and obtaining runes from the enemy, and after that switch back to capturing.
If the team is succefull is a different story.
You could call it CTR, capture the (important) rune(s) your team does not have, yet.
Strength and Regen, to be used for base defense [ in traditional 4v4 or 5v5 symetric 2-flag ctf that is ]
When your team only has Strength , 1 dedicated defender using it can most of the time defend alone.
Until the enemy does launch a dedicated CTR attack wave
Then the players in the team must switch roles [midfielders becoming extra defenders for the time being...]
You must have fluid position-roles all the time depending how you read the game situation at the moment.
Especially the midfielders.
Communication is very important. Especially for EFC interceptions. (enemy flagcarrier)
Peeps with not the best movement could go defense.
Or create diversions (and probably die a lot) that benefit obtaining the enemy flag. Just being very annoying for the enemy all the time can be a very handy role.
Remember : the objective is capturing the flag.