
Member 226 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
I can see that we've somewhat constant flow of QuakeLive players coming to QW.
How could we help them and encourage this movement?
If you're a QuakeLive player who has moved to QW I'd like to ask you:
1.) Why did you move from QuakeLive to Quakeworld?
2.) How did you hear about Quakeworld? And how could we advertize QuakeWorld to QuakeLive players
3.) Did you have problems starting to play Quakeworld? What could be better?
Member 94 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
I come from Quake 3, Quake Live.
1.) Don't know really, but was tierd of all the whiners and immature people. I played against alot of them and it's not fun. 2.) Always known about QuakeWorld and played alot of Quake 1 when I was a kid. I played QW when I was younger to, but only with my brother and friends. 3.) It can be pretty hard to be new at the game. Theres alot of real skilled players and many rookies are real good to. But it's like in any game. And it its still good to play against them, beause you learn even from losing.
And on second question about get new people to the game, I think get the word out. maybe but demos and matches on youtube, like QuakePhil and his commentary videos. But it can be hard to. Many young players will most likley think the game looks old, and is bad. I blame the modern FPS.
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
young players will most likley think the game looks old, and is bad. I blame the modern FPS. Depends how something like nQuake is setup. FTE can look as modern as Quake3/Live if not better. But for a purest and almost retro look, the low-poly models and gritty textures can actually work if its simple and clean and not trying to look like BattleField 3. With all the FREE to PLAY hype out now building a HTTP front end with stats tracking and server matchmaking, Quake can be just as popular.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I think the single most important thing that we _all_ can do that takes no investment what so ever except for a few minutes of your spare time every day is to spread the game using the word of mouth method.
Imo advertising QW to QL players might be interesting to provide short-term increase of higher-tier players, but I'm also a bit more set on getting the stuff a bit more mainstream in order to grow it from the ground up. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
With all the FREE to PLAY hype out now building a HTTP front end with stats tracking and server matchmaking, Quake can be just as popular. There's already a project for doing something like http://fraglove.com/ I got no news from it, i think almost nothing has been done yet.  Imo this is the most important thing to do in QW today, aside from keeping leagues runing and etc. never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 10 posts
Registered: Jul 2011
1.) I expanded to Quakeworld, rather than moved, per se. I still primarily play Quake Live because there are more players and as such games are arranged much quicker - although there are few positive things I can say about QL, its friend chat and match info system is very useful. Despite this, I plan to continue playing QW in the long term provided that other players are available every now and then. I don't play QuakeWorld because the game has more depth to it than QL (which it does), I play it because I really enjoy it; moreso than QL. It's more suited to my temperament.
2.) How did you hear about Quakeworld? And how could we advertize QuakeWorld to QuakeLive players I read about Quakeworld on Wikipedia a while back, and later on I decided to dabble in it with another player I knew from QL, purely out of curiosity. Soon after that, a 1v1 tourney in my part of the world (OzQuake) was advertised on the local Quake Live community forum (4seasonsgaming.com). This well and truly got me into the game as I got to know the popular maps, watched a few demos to properly acquaint myself with the game and of course _played_ the game. Given the state of video games at the moment (short-term gratification = $$$ is one way of putting it) a person who can seriously appreciate QL is not too far from appreciating QW. I have noticed a certain prejudice towards QW and CPMA among Q3/QL players, however, as they seem to dislike its speed or something...I don't even know quite what they dislike about it, or what justification they have for hating on it. It could have something to do with what they see in the players of those games (elitism?), which is perhaps an image that the QW could work on (not that I've personally encountered much elitism). Other than that, Q3/QL players ironically seem to dislike QW for the same reasons that non-Quake players seem to dislike Quake in general - it's too fast, too difficult, too ruthless. I'm really not sure what it would take to get people over those initial obstacles, other than saying 'harden up, it's part of the game.' One thing I do know is that novelty ALWAYS attracts people. Fragvids are an excellent example of novelty - DDE3 was and is very inspiring for me - it doesn't show you what the game is really like but it is very, very cool nonetheless.
Here's an idea - try making a Quakeworld introduction video with a voice-over, an overview of the gameplay and the community and some guidance on how to get started.
3.) It took me a very long time to sort out my config. The ezQuake manual was brilliant but there were still things, particularly the HUD, that I just couldn't get right. I think a general guide on how to set up your Quake would be very useful, explaining the various options and preferences that most players would want to have. For example, it took me a while to learn that you could bind keys to instantly shoot weapons, which is not something I was familiar with in QL - things like that that many players use that I had know prior knowledge of. Though you may be used to it and take it for granted, configuring Quakeworld is very complicated and at first quite daunting to new players.
There are many things I could explain, and I may add to this post, but that is the general gist of what I have to say.
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Well, I did not "move" from QL to QW, but put down QW for "some" time and played few other games for fun. QL and Warsow were one of them. Also tried TF2. 1.) Why did you move from QuakeLive to Quakeworld? Quakeworld have something QL has not - community dominated by people that are using their brains. In QL there's a lot of random kids who only insult everyone around :/ Also, i was sick of balanced guns (and hate railgun too). I felt they are too weak, and balance ruins their purpose - shotgun should be weapon of choice in close combat, turns out you can use almost any other gun without splash damage if you are skilled enough. I feel like every gun deals the same damage per second, only way it is delivered is different. Same goes for Warsow. It takes too long to kill someone, and fights are boring because of it - it's too easy to escape and replenish health. Because of weak guns, even in situation when you catch someone by surprise, usually you aren't able to do significant damage before he will return fire. Also, too much ammo for every gun. People spam A LOT because of this. These things ruin the game for me. No tiered armors - in QW controlling RA is one of priorities, in QL armor isn't as important. I feel like map control isn't important in QL, there is no need to search for weapons, and in the end player with better aim wins. In QW aim is only a factor of larger image, you must be fast, you must think more, and actually care about your surroundings, ammo, items. I missed this. 2.) How did you hear about Quakeworld? And how could we advertize QuakeWorld to QuakeLive players Heard about QW long ago  As for advertising - i think QW should be labeled as more competitive game than QL. Good QL players who look for challenge, and faster gameplay should like QW. Forums are probably way to go. And every Quaker who play both games, should try to show QW to friends from QL. Or we can open bank account, throw in a bunch of money and buy ads in QL haha! If every QW player would put about 20 Euros, i think we should succeed  3.) Did you have problems starting to play Quakeworld? What could be better? I'm building up my config right now. I don't have much problems, but i'm used to QW. nQuake menu is good, but still console commands are way to go. I don't have idea how we could change this, unfortunately :/ Some other things: -I remember there were discussion about bunnyhop and how it's hard to learn. News flash - it's not. QW have simple "advanced" movement compared to other Quake games and Warsow - people manage to learn movement in those games, they'll learn how to bunny too. All we need is good bunnyhop tutorial (Warsow movement tutorials are great example how it can be done). -More Clan Arena servers for new players. It's most popular gametype among newbs in WSW and QL for a reason. It removes some parts of equation, making it more simple. In CA players are able to polish their teamplay, movement and weapon skills without worrying about map and item control - which are actually VERY important in QW. Don't worry, they'll learn these things too eventually. At least, with training done in CA, they won't be constantly raped in 2on2 or 4on4! I would say - less "wild" FFA servers, more CA.
Member 24 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
I gave QL a try this weekend. Also played some Q3 years ago. I feel like Herb. In QW 1 rocket is death, unless you have armor, and death comes fast. QL feels slow. And most importantly: no gibs -> no fun  Obstacles to get to QW: - nQuake installer doesn't work, fails to download the stuff it needs (Windows Vista) - You need the 2 pak files in addition to the client, QW impacted is illegal and its installer fails -> people give up - Not in Linux distribution repositories -> easier to get openarena, nexuiz... - stone age graphics I think QW impacted is a good idea, but it should be done legally. I mean, what's in the pak files that can't be replaced? There are new player and weapon models, other games also have remakes of quake maps, Rygel remade all textures.
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
I think QW impacted is a good idea, but it should be done legally. I mean, what's in the pak files that can't be replaced? Holy Grail of QW - DM maps and some episode maps. Also - textures. There were attempts to create free pak1.pak based on GPL map sources, but thing is, it's not clear it would be legal to distribute it with QW, and many people refuse to switch to such pak. I don't understand them, all that's lost are original textures for these maps. There was idea to make GPL maps compatible with original ones (server would "see" them as the same maps) but i don't know if someone tried it. also: -nQuake installer works fine for me, on Windows Vista. Depends on the mirror or windows security stuff i guess. -getting pak1.pak is not an issue. I have original Quake CD, but i don't bother to take it out of the case (it's precious!) i simply search "pak1.pak" in google and download it. Anyone can do it, it's illegal if you don't own original game, but so simple that anyone with half brains shouldn't see requirement of pak1.pak as obstacle. Of course, it would be better if they actually bought the game on steam... -actually nQuake gfx is not that bad. People are used to simple graphics nowadays - thanks to mobile platforms. Also, Quakelive doesn't have much better graphics than maxed out QW (actually worse if you use high res textures. And don't get me started on how you can pimp out QW using Darkplaces engine!). -keep in mind we are talking here how to attract other quakers to QW. Most people i know use simplified graphics in QL for better visibility. If someone picmip his game to hell he won't have anything against QW graphics.
Member 4 posts
Registered: Dec 2011
1.) Actually I come from the Doom scene, I just couldn't have the Quake trilogy sitting around in my HD gathering dust, and as much as I enjoy Q3 I came here because it was a smaller scene where everything's simpler in my opinion
2.) Read up about Quakeworld while researching the games, downloaded the REALLY old client that ran on the engine and played with a friend. As for getting Quakelive people to play QW... I honestly have no idea.
3.) I'm used to a rough start considering the online Doom community, I'd say it'd be a bit better if games could be started much more quickly and having more games to choose from, most of the time the only servers I see occupied are the TF servers and while I have nothing against TF, I really like Vanilla Quake more.
Member 5 posts
Registered: Dec 2011
1.) Why did you move from QuakeLive to Quakeworld? I still play QL, but QW is more similar to Warsow and I like that type of movement/speed/armor mechanics a lot better. PQL in Quake Live is nice, but I still prefer QW for the simplicity and 'vintage' appeal it has (god that sounds pretentious). 2.) How did you hear about Quakeworld? And how could we advertize QuakeWorld to QuakeLive players Knew about it for a long time, played it when I was younger, and then bought the silly Quake pack on Steam and decided to get back into it. Hard to advertise since QL is also a very small community, but I assume IRC channels would be the best place to start. QL is also very connected with a lot of other games (TF2, CSS, DODS etc). 3.) Did you have problems starting to play Quakeworld? What could be better? None of the problems I had were unexpected - lack of servers, small playerbase etc. It's pretty common for an old game to be like this. I would love to have some duel servers always occupied, since that's the only gametype I care about in the Quake games...but that's a bit of a selfish idea  I should get into some IRC channels for pickups and stuff, but I don't play much yet. A question to the community: are there any youtube channels (or similar things) I should look up for getting into the game? When I was getting into QL I watched every IEM duel tournament video on youtube to learn.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
If you want to watch and learn you should download some 1on1 demos with bps, rikoll, milton, locktar, reppie, griffin, dag, bulat at www.challenge-tv.com By checking who they play versus you will get more tips on what players demos to download. There are also some great duel demos on download.quakeworld.nu.
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
- You need the 2 pak files in addition to the client, QW impacted is illegal and its installer fails -> people give up 1. Open google.com 2. Type in pak1.pak 3. Press Enter!. Done! Alternatively just click here: [Administrator - link removed. DO NOT POST LINKS TO WAREZ ON THIS FORUM] If you want to buy Quake it is only €2,49 on steam right now.
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
It's on sale. The offer only stands for less than 11 hours at the moment I'm replying...
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
You could also ask someone on IRC, I'm sure some players know about other good offers.
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
http://store.steampowered.com/app/2310/ gives me
"An error was encountered while processing your request: This item is currently unavailable in your region"
which can be translated as
"What, you russkie actually trying to buy software? zomg lol! Go pirate it, lazy bum!"
Member 94 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
http://store.steampowered.com/app/2310/ gives me
"An error was encountered while processing your request: This item is currently unavailable in your region"
which can be translated as
"What, you russkie actually trying to buy software? zomg lol! Go pirate it, lazy bum!" lol  Well I think Steam has some problems I got same message when I got Portal 2 and some other games when I bought some on the sale. I just waited and could get them after a while.
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
http://store.steampowered.com/app/2310/ gives me
"An error was encountered while processing your request: This item is currently unavailable in your region"
which can be translated as
"What, you russkie actually trying to buy software? zomg lol! Go pirate it, lazy bum!" haha, well for 7.50 euros i got q1,2,3+ all mission packs etc if the sale is still on I can buy it, add you as a friend and gift it to you or something if you want?
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
I appreciate the offer dirtbox, but it's really all about being able to say "yes OF COURSE I bought my copy of Quake!" with a straight face
€2,49 sounded just low enough for my cheap soul to finally make it happen after abusing the game for a decade, but looks like it's not happening this year
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I appreciate the offer dirtbox, but it's really all about being able to say "yes OF COURSE I bought my copy of Quake!" with a straight face
€2,49 sounded just low enough for my cheap soul to finally make it happen after abusing the game for a decade, but looks like it's not happening this year Would it make you feel better if I made you send me €2,49 of russian rubles?
Member 1011 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Tonik: msg me your postal address and I'll air freight you a retail cd 
Member 49 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
Hi NukeProof here, 1&2) My main game before Quake was Natural Selection a Halflife mod, I learned to bunny there. I played all the Quakes at a young age but never got many frags  . last year I saw some IEM quakelive and thats how I started. I played FFA QL for a month and while lerking the forums read many people mentioning quakeworld, superior physics, faster etc. Thats how I got to QW. 3) Setting up my config was the hardest part, fps, refresh rate and just the sheer amount of settings I'm not used to it. Many thanks to the community for help, Slu99ish spent lots of time on xs4all explaing and helping me. thanks.
Member 26 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
You're welcome Nuki  - SLU99ISH
