
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
This topic is created to highlight some of the most common problems that may occur when installing nQuake on a new computer which typically comes with Windows 7. Post in the comments if you have more common problems that deserves to be put into this main post. I run ezQuake-gl.exe but the game never startsThis often happens the first times you try to run the game after a fresh nQuake installation on Windows 7. However, if you give the client some time to load (let's say 5 minutes) it will eventually start. The next time you try to start the game the loading times won't be as long. I run ezQuake-gl.exe but the game always crashes on loadMake sure you run the game with administrator rights (right-click ezQuake-gl.exe and choose "Run as Administrator"  and try to run it several times. I use cfg_save to save my config, but i get an error message stating that the config can't be savedAs the c:\program files\ folder is write protected in Windows 7, there are two solutions to this: a) When you run ezQuake-gl.exe, right-click and choose "Run as Administrator" b) Set the media and config directory to the Windows home directory by using the commands cl_mediaroot 1 (for automatic saving of demos and screenshots) and cfg_use_home 1 (for saving configs). Your demos, screenshots and configs can now be found in the directory C:\Users\<You>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\nQuake\... which is writeable for ezQuake. How do i adjust the mouse hz on Windows 7? (not really ezQuake/nQuake related but a very common question regardless)There is a guide you can use on the following url: http://www.ngohq.com/news/15043-how-to-increase-usb-sample-rate-in-windows-vista-7-a.html The author of this topic has successfully used the guide to set 1000hz but doesn't take any responsibility for any mishaps that can occur from it (just as a disclaimer  ). www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I sticky this and hope it will evolve into something useful. Please comment if you have more elaborate solutions to the problems or new problems not listed here. Edit: Especially the second bullet could use a better explanation, if there is more to it.  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Does it seriously need to be run with admin rights? Why?
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
cl_mediaroot 1 writes screenshots, demos and logs to your home dir cfg_use_home 1 writes configuration to your home dir What other issues there might be - server browser will try to write to C:\program files\nquake\ezquake\sb\cache Maps or demos downloads will try to write to C:\program files\nquake\demos\ Windows should allow the app to write there by redirecting the write to a dir like C:\Users\<You>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\nQuake\... Because the Windows security infrastructure processes the virtualization without the application’s assistance, the application believes it was able to successfully read and write directly to Program Files. The transparency of file virtualization enables applications to perceive that they are writing and reading from the protected resource, when in fact they are accessing the virtualized version. For some users the virtualization will not work, the reasons for that are unknown to me. The solution then is to run with administrator rights probably.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
cl_mediaroot 1 writes screenshots, demos and logs to your home dir cfg_use_home 1 writes configuration to your home dir What other issues there might be - server browser will try to write to C:\program files\nquake\ezquake\sb\cache Maps or demos downloads will try to write to C:\program files\nquake\demos\ Windows should allow the app to write there by redirecting the write to a dir like C:\Users\<You>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\nQuake\... Because the Windows security infrastructure processes the virtualization without the application’s assistance, the application believes it was able to successfully read and write directly to Program Files. The transparency of file virtualization enables applications to perceive that they are writing and reading from the protected resource, when in fact they are accessing the virtualized version. For some users the virtualization will not work, the reasons for that are unknown to me. The solution then is to run with administrator rights probably. Added this in the first post, hope i got it somewhat right  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
However, if you give the client some time to load (let's say 5 minutes) it will eventually start. Wtf??
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
However, if you give the client some time to load (let's say 5 minutes) it will eventually start. Wtf?? That's probably what many new players thinks aswell, which is why i stickied this thread. It would be interesting with an explanation however as i experienced the same problem when i upgraded to Win7, and so did my colleague and also this guy.  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I have had different systems and installations with win7 and never had any issues at all. Run in administrator mode... I have never done that. And I don't use the settings from Johnny_cz.
However I do have my quake folder on c:\quake and not in program files, not sure if that makes any difference.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
It probably does make a difference and the thing is that nQuake wants to install ezQuake in program files by default. :F www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 24 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
However, if you give the client some time to load (let's say 5 minutes) it will eventually start. Wtf?? That's probably what many new players thinks aswell, which is why i stickied this thread. It would be interesting with an explanation however as i experienced the same problem when i upgraded to Win7, and so did my colleague and also this guy.  Yeah getting to Quakeworld was quite a journey. I got quake in may, googled what to do to make it run on Vista. Installed JoeQuake and enjoyed SP. When I wanted to try MP, I chose MP from JoeQuake and found a lone server with 2 bots. Didn't know anything about the difference between netquake and quakeworld, but read that ezquake is great for MP. So I downloaded ezquake, it showed a grey screen for some time, so I decided to kill it with task manager, tried to launch the exe again but always got an error message from windows. Reinstalled ezquake, same grey screen, same error message after killing the grey screen. Forgot about it... Replayed SP last week, again downloaded ezquake to give MP another try. This time it launched quite quick but got stuck in the menu (maybe I should have waited for 5 minutes, but I chose to kill it). When I restarted it, it was finally working! Maybe you've seen me on the FFA in the last days  Making this thread sticky is OK, but I don't think frustrated installers will look here. This info should be put on the sourceforge site!
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Or rather, fix the issue I have a small feeling its the server browser lookup that fucks up? Perhaps the serverlist (cache) file thats old or something in nQuake. I want to remember someone else had the same problem making ezQuake take forever to launch because of it? Fill in johnny.
Member 693 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
There's also that issue to do with lag being caused by the multimedia service...
News Writer 309 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
I want to remember someone else had the same problem making ezQuake take forever to launch because of it?
Fill in johnny. I've had these issues too and there are more who had it. Johny did provide some solutions that worked to me but I cant remember them now.
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
There's also that issue to do with lag being caused by the multimedia service... With 99.9% certainty it has nothing to do with the long startup issue.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I also suffered from long startup! it took around 30 seconds to load - meanwhile i continued on desktop environment.
but it's solved now. if i remember correctly, it dissapeared after i installed FTE client, and ran it. the next time i ran ezquake-gl, it was instantly loaded! and it kept that way. i haven't change anything. you try.
I got win7 32bit + nquake and my nquake folder is on c:\nquake never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
The Asgaard source server changed its hostname some time ago, and ezQuake looks up all the source servers on startup, perhaps that causes the lag. It definitely shouldn't take 5 minutes tho  Perhaps nQuake still contains the old address?
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
cl_mediaroot 1 writes screenshots, demos and logs to your home dir cfg_use_home 1 writes configuration to your home dir What other issues there might be - server browser will try to write to C:\program files\nquake\ezquake\sb\cache Maps or demos downloads will try to write to C:\program files\nquake\demos\ Windows should allow the app to write there by redirecting the write to a dir like C:\Users\<You>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\nQuake\... Because the Windows security infrastructure processes the virtualization without the application’s assistance, the application believes it was able to successfully read and write directly to Program Files. The transparency of file virtualization enables applications to perceive that they are writing and reading from the protected resource, when in fact they are accessing the virtualized version. For some users the virtualization will not work, the reasons for that are unknown to me. The solution then is to run with administrator rights probably. Old thread but i noticed it wasn't possible for me to download maps from servers when running nQuake from c:\program files\nquake\ - is this something cl_mediaroot will take care of too? (I'd guess not) www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Nope, this issue is not resolved yet.
