
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Since we finally getting closer to official statement with proofs that dc (DisCredited) shamoth faked as three players in multiple divisons as sniegowy and predator I would like you (beside of admins) ask - do you think clan leaders : panczo and fluartity should be punished also . Theres no doubt they were know (theres proof for that also) and they hiding this fact even mislead with kloze on their site .
Member 117 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
oh please let this be true
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
This has a lot of drama potential. Please eloborate on that 
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
oh please let this be true its not even subject of discusion - will be proven , but i guess reputable piece of PL scene could give you insta feedback if there is any.
Member 117 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
well good job whoever found this out then  can't see much happening to the guilty players though judging by previous :/ http://eql.quakeworld.nu/eql2/matches.php?id=330 seems familiar? 
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
From that EQL2 site gore linked: A juz kompletnie nie rozumiem jak mozna donosic na swoich. = "Also I absolutely don't understand how one can grass on own people." + A few more comments on why vert (he has some Polish ancestors or what?) betrayed his own (polish) people. Perhaps that explains the attitude of some part of pl scene... Quite sad. It's similar in .cz too tho, if you inform police about a corruption in your own company or office, you don't become a respected whistle-blower like e.g. Julian Assagne, most people think that you are just plain crooked.
Member 398 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
No wonder shamoth/predator/sniegowy has improved a lot. Must be great to get to play that many official games!
Weird how some people still don't know how to behave :E
Member 198 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
It's similar in .cz too tho, if you inform police about a corruption in your own company or office, you don't become a respected whistle-blower like e.g. Julian Assagne, most people think that you are just plain crooked. It is not so sad when you realize WHY all of the sudden someone breaks out of the "silence". It's quite simple and very similar to all the big corruption cases - all of the sudden someone realizes he is in a less favourable position than he could be, but is denied additional benefits. In the big world this usually means money or power. In QW someone must have had his ass raped by someone from DC. From my pov: *meh*.
Member 48 posts
Registered: Jan 2010
So... Where's the proof? ;>
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
From that EQL2 site gore linked: A juz kompletnie nie rozumiem jak mozna donosic na swoich. = "Also I absolutely don't understand how one can grass on own people." + A few more comments on why vert (he has some Polish ancestors or what?) betrayed his own (polish) people. Perhaps that explains the attitude of some part of pl scene... Quite sad. It's similar in .cz too tho, if you inform police about a corruption in your own company or office, you don't become a respected whistle-blower like e.g. Julian Assagne, most people think that you are just plain crooked. I could do this anounymous , like majority would do , its not a problem make new account and surf throught proxy . You are an admin and you not understand what if violting rules it seems , tell straight in eyes ppl in div3 its ok when div1 shamoth raped them badly for three seasons . And ist fair play ofc . And i dont now why that personal becouse i liked you JohnNy_cz . Anyway i dont owe anything to anybody .
Member 398 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Ehm, your post doesn't really make much sense flost :S
JohnNy_cz is not an EQL admin? And he hasn't said anything that indicates that he thought it was OK to fakenick so not sure what you are going on about?
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
he is forum admin , and should know rules are rules , a i told i am dissapointed he write in here to teach moral subject but not replay on real issue.
Member 693 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
If this is true, I'd like to know when we can replay our EQL13 quarter-final vs Machinery  Second time this happened - we lost in NQR7 vs Veni Vidi Vici when Purity faked as Trev (but we could never quite get enough proof*). *We had an IP match of the guy who played QW vs Purity's IP address, but they simply said that Trev was playing at Purity's house because his internet was broken. We then got a recording of their TeamSpeak from the semi-final and you can very clearly hear someone saying "sorry Alex" (Alex bein Purity's real name), but we then got some other horseshit excuse and we didn't quite have the balls to go through with a ban/reversal of the result!
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
If this is true, I'd like to know when we can replay our EQL13 quarter-final vs Machinery  its not that funny tbh , they ruined the league . season after season and we should wait that someone in pl change his nationality to grass on "not" own people .
Member 117 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
wait so he has always faked as sniegowy and not just this season? Edit: guess this just got answered 
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
some time ago shamoth have announced that " polish scene will have like 100 new players" guess what ? nothing happened , but wait - kurwas are smartasses so he imagined couple of players and kloze even fake interviewed them on quakeworld.pl . how smart ?
*in 96 there was Sniegowy player but this nick is used to mislead public
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Probably some misunderstanding there hal.flost. I am on your side basically. I was just speculating why the whole Polish scene (except for you now) was quiet about this - on the other hand majority probably had no idea, so I don't want to make any wild generalizations here either.
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
so ok , iam not very good in english. 
Member 693 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
If this is true, I'd like to know when we can replay our EQL13 quarter-final vs Machinery  its not that funny tbh , they ruined the league . season after season and we should wait that someone in pl change his nationality to grass on "not" own people . I find it quite amusing that they pulled the wool over people's eyes for so long to be honest. And really, it only "ruined" last season when Machinery won the playoffs - the other seasons they have been quite a weak team and it hasn't affected anything (not that that makes it any better).
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
and as for that silence and ppl in first post - you must understand that we as comunity dont ever need that kind of ppl as admins or other public positions (not credible and trustworthy )
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
What to expect from ex Slacker...
Ban clans and players.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
And the proof is nowhere to be found?
Member 398 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
So there was a guy called Predator before, but now it's Shamoth fakenicking? Or how would otherwise this game be explained:
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Ive seen sniegowy and shamoth on same server playing as well...
also sniegowy has played 647 4on4 games... talk about building a background story? i would imagine a faker playing like the official games and a few pracs like 30-50 maps perhaps? but 647 maps over 3-4 seasons?
Member 398 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
It's actually quite interesting to look at qw stats. - On the 1st of November for example Sniegowy is playing 4on4 mix at 20.25 and 21.16 while Shamoth is not playing. - At 21.45 and 22.08 Shamoth wakes up to play an EQL game with DC (Sniegowy goes for a break). - At 22.52 Sniegowy is back from his break to play prac with Machinery against DC. Shamoth is now having another break, and is not playing in the DC team in any of the 5 maps they played 
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Please all you question and doubt disscuss in admin crew . Its beyond my mind what you are doing here again . Please dont mislead but is you are so shure about somiething - state this clear so we can remeber you .
Member 198 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
We then got a recording of their TeamSpeak from the semi-final and you can very clearly hear someone saying "sorry Alex" (Alex bein Purity's real name), but we then got some other horseshit excuse and we didn't quite have the balls to go through with a ban/reversal of the result! All this time I thought Purity's real name is JAAP... wtf man? 
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
lest put this straight (if we dont strict to the topic) - why dont we (community) dont hear what clanleaders have to say ? ist to late to save face but lets look - words vs proofs .
Member 48 posts
Registered: Jan 2010
So... Whre's the proof? Why They have to explain anything? YOU have to prove that Sniegowy=Shamoth=Predator, until You do this He is innocent 
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
i dunno from where you got that , but you basicaly dont understand your situation .
