User panel stuff on forum

Member 2 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
Hello QW community  ! I have been off the QW radar since 2005/2006 more or less, playing other games, and doing IRL stuff  . I've been keeping an eye on though and im surprised every time i visit, that there is still ppl playing this game, organizing leagues, and other things for the community, impressive! So who the hell am i?My nickname was/is, Legioneer, or Legio!, not sure if that rings any bells for anyone  ? I was one of the co founders of the clan called HellFire Clan together with Icarus (a.k.a Icce), i played from 1996 to 2005/06. I was administrator for the NQR league several seasons together with Icarus (founder of NQR) & Nepra and other admins aswell i can't remember the name of atm. At this stage i just wanna peak my head in, and see if i get the QW bug again, try stuff out, i will play very causally in the begining, you might see me at Axes 4 all or some other server  . Don't have a single clue what client to use anymore (last i used was some version of FUHQuake i belive), any recommendations would be welcomed. I saw advertising about Nquake on, so i guess i'll try and download that client and see how it plays. LONG LIVE QUAKEWORLD! // Legioneer
Member 459 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
First, and most importantly:
Welcome back!
I personally don't know you, but looking at the stuff you participated in, I'm pretty sure others do.
The client most use these days, is EzQuake. It's the most actively developed client, but there some alternatives like FodQuake, and I still think latest FuhQuake is allowed in most leagues. nQuake is more like a package, including all the files you need (except pak1.pak) and the EzQuake client. It's a really good starters kit, and I'd recomment to download that if you just want to get going again.
These forums, #ezquake and #qwrookies on QuakeNet are the places you wanna go if you got more questions.
Hf fragging!
Member 693 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Very nice to see you showing up here again, i actually thought about the Veterans days the other day.  What is Icce up to nowadays? And do you have any idea what a player like Its4real does?  Welcome back!  (And if you're on Facebook, don't forget to join  )
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Welcome back Legio.
I do remember Hellfire, you were one hell of a clan (in the truest meaning of the word). You worked your way up from absolute beginners to topdogs within a few years and spawned some very remarkable names of the QW scene.
Good to have you back :-)
Member 2 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
Thanks for the warm welcome guys! (Hi Gaz hehe). Icce is still alive and kicki'n i'll see if i can get him to try QW again  , regarding Its4real we lost contact in 2007 or 2008, he took over as clan leader of Vets after Icarus and me left the scene, and then i think he quit QW or atleast told us he was going to put Veterans to rest, after that i have not talked to him. Was on axes4all server a while ago and got my ass handed to me thouroughly, but i loved every bit of it, im a bit dizzy from the "speed" of the game. I remembered i also got like that before when i played and i took longer breaks, i'll get used to it again  . And who knows, maybe HellFire Clan will revive aswell, you never know, not promising anything yet though. Yes Andy we grew as a team, and we had very good players in the clan (not that i was any of the "good" i was more of average heh), Mrlame, Wigorf, Drejfus, Mutilator and so on.
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Welcome back, yep, much has changed! One of the biggest impacts on later days is the custom hud layouts: example hereYou can check the "what does your qw looks like?" thread here to get ideas. And cl_fakeshaft 0 up to 2, with decimals of course. (0.63%) etc. And the biggest diffrence imo, is the cl_independentphysics, that allows you to have as much fps smoothness as you want, it still sends only 77 fps to the server so you cant jump longer nor run faster. There is a tutorialwiki for smoothness here. It needs some tweaking to get the perfect smoothness. My fps/smooth setup: 120hz / 1680x1050 res / 1000hz mouse / 1001 fps - widescreen. And if you want some config/settings ideas, here you have my cfg: Grab itVisual effecs can now easily be changed from the menu ingame. Hope to see you active on the - 28010 servers!
Member 20 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Haha Legio 
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
welcome back, bring friends =) never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
hej Legio, welcome back  Join us on
