
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
It's really sad that the small server doesn't work, 27500 should have a player limit of 8 too so players would split on both servers, and it would not be stupid random shit with 16 players on aerowalk And as you say, more real maps, half the maps are never played anyway...
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dont lower the max players........ I really NEED my victims. Love the chaos, the more people running around the better. Always someone to hit somewhere. Anywhere! So hard to please all eh.  Seems not possible.
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
At least you'll agree some of the maps sucks and are never played :p
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Yes, I will agree with that How about a list like Ultrav, Aerofix, Pkeg1, Ztndm3, Ultrav, Aerofix, Ztndm3, Pkeg1, some weird map for a pee and/or smoke break, Ultrav, Aerofix, weird map for quickly getting a beer break, Pkeg1, Ztndm3, Ultrav, Aerofix, weird map for having a chat break .... etc etc Dm4 can be thrown in for the lava dipping and Dm6 because camping behind teleport at MH is ultrafunny. Sounds good to me no? All problems fixed. There are some maps that are really liked by quite a few players. Other maps seems really to be liked by nobody. (With the occasional exception that will comfirm the rule but that is probably nobody's brother.) Therefor the voting system seems to work well since majority is always right.  A voting system where you can type the map of your liking and hop to there if majority asks for it might be a nice option too. But I have absolutely no idea if that is hard to make or fit in. The voting system as it is now, gives new maps a fair chance too. And lets be honest, some maps just take a while before they sink in and are nice to play. Other maps though...... are not nice to play and will never be nice to play. And that are the maps that are always skipped instantly witht he voting for next_map. Zo. Still it's a hell of a job to keep everyone pleased with a mapcycle that fits. Players are different and each has their own likes or dislikes. You can't please them all.
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I'm with Jissse and Sissy on this one. I used to play a lot on XS4all but the current maplist and maxplayers make it not enjoyable at all.
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
This will never, ever change or be solved unless we stick to 5 maps only. But then people complain there aren't enough maps in the rotation. Since I"m still away I have no idea how popular the server still is and what will happen if we disable next_map for a period of time  Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 13 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
How about a list like Ultrav, Aerofix, Pkeg1, Ztndm3, Ultrav, Aerofix, Ztndm3, Pkeg1, some weird map for a pee and/or smoke break, Ultrav, Aerofix, weird map for quickly getting a beer break, Pkeg1, Ztndm3, Ultrav, Aerofix, weird map for having a chat break .... etc etc Dm4 can be thrown in for the lava dipping and Dm6 because camping behind teleport at MH is ultrafunny. Sounds like someone with 26 ping just wants another small maps server. 
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
I have like ping 16 i think.  But yes, small maps are better for me. Man i get lost on the huge maps. Running around like crazy and never finding a weapon. And when with super good luck I respawn close to a weapon I can find nobody to shoot! Nah.... small maps are good 
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Yah sorry, I get older and I change haircolours a lot. so yeh.....different. 
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I know, aint that the truth! I started playing Quake in 1998 when i was only 28! EEk! Some of the people i see from time to time, now they are in their 20s/30s and it makes me laugh that they were just kids when we used to play hardcore!  I think I'll still be playing games in another 40 years. Seems younger kids now want uber realistic graphics and 1 button gaming.  To keep on topic, BloodRun(ZTNDM3) should be on the list for any FFA server. It's perfect for a 2on2 or 8-FFA. 
Member 375 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
ZTNDM3 BEST MAP OF ALL ETERNITY!!!!!!! (only loses to 1x1 dm4, but since 2x2 is much more fun, usually, then ZTNDM3 IS THE KING OF THE MAPS) (QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
ULTRAV IS THE MAP OF THE MAPS! Aaaaaaallways makes me laugh  ))) The more players the better. HUGE chaos. Hahaha. Love it. Ultrav should be at least 6 time in every map cycle.
Administrator 181 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
The current map list 2012-12-20 is: aerowalk castle cleaver cmt4 dark-terror-ffa dm2 dm4 dm6 head-shot hohoho pkeg1 schloss spinev2 ultrav xmastree ztndm3 ztndm6
These maps are picked by me, so don't whine to anybody else than me about shitty maps. It will just lower their motivation to make further changes. Many of these maps are from suggestions in this thread (and the traditional shitty xmas-maps ofc =)). Keep posting your suggestions here and also which maps in the current rotation you would like to see kicked out. It's impossible to please everyone so there will always be whine, but that's okay. Hopefully we can have the map list changed a bit more often for more variation. Also, I didn't realise that people needs ultrav in every rotation so i will try to slip that one back in. (Edited 2012-12-21, 17:03)
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Ultrav needed!!! Please! Badly! Really.......  Please?  Ultrav needed... 
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
swi is extremely brave to take this pile of whine onto his neck <3 indeed
Member 13 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
Many thanks for changing up the map rotation.. I'm excited to see the new ones.
However it seems there's some kind of problem with ctl4. If you don't have it, the server gets stuck trying to send it. 0% downloaded ... I have to leave and come back later. wandii said it happens to everyone...
I haven't been playing much for a week+ because I had to reinstall everything after some hardware problems. Upon installing the most recent nQuake, I found it comes with all kinds of weird default settings that are geared toward teamplay ... red overlays on all the enemies (which takes like 3 changes of I-don't-remember-what to get rid of), cl_weaponcrap = "1", different HUD graphics than before, and I still can't figure out how to see enemies' real topcolor/bottomcolor or get the mousewheel to rotate through the weapons. The binds seem to be OK, but obviously I'm overlooking something.
Member 87 posts
Registered: Apr 2011
Ah! That's good news, thank you, Swing! As for small, fast maps with lots of weapons: Skull, I've missed that one
Member 17 posts
Registered: Dec 2012
Many thanks for changing up the map rotation.. I'm excited to see the new ones.
However it seems there's some kind of problem with ctl4. If you don't have it, the server gets stuck trying to send it. 0% downloaded ... I have to leave and come back later. wandii said it happens to everyone...
I agree with fagboy here, and it also happens with subterfuge.bsp.
Administrator 335 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
did you try to delete those maps from your /qw/maps folder and then let it download from server again?
Administrator 181 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Whine has been heard, rotation has been revised and altered (I updated my maplist post above). The largest maps are gone, and ultrav has been reinstated by popular demand. There are 17 maps in the rotation which translates into 170 mins.
How to fix broken map downloads with ezQuake
ezQuake's chunked downloads feature is not compatible with this server, which causes map downloads stuck on 0%. You can disable chunked downloads by saving cl_pext_chunkeddownloads 0 in your config, and you will then be able to download maps from XS4ALL again. For now the 'new' maps are removed though to minimize this problem.
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
How to fix broken map downloads with ezQuake Just to clarify: that's a workaround and not a fix since you disable it in general by doing that. I'll dig into the mess.
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
I always just deleted the map and re-download it.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Whine has been heard, rotation has been revised and altered (I updated my maplist post above). The largest maps are gone, and ultrav has been reinstated by popular demand. . Thank you!!! <3
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I always just deleted the map and re-download it. That's whats not working on xs4all with ezQuake. Although you don't have to disable cl_pext_chunkeddownloads, just set cl_chunksperframe 1 and it will work on xs4all and should then work on any server with FTE's chunked download extension. (ezQuakes chunked download extension isn't fully compatible with the original extension, but its unfortunately called the same.)
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
I always just deleted the map and re-download it. That's whats not working on xs4all with ezQuake. Although you don't have to disable cl_pext_chunkeddownloads, just set cl_chunksperframe 1 and it will work on xs4all and should then work on any server with FTE's chunked download extension. (ezQuakes chunked download extension isn't fully compatible with the original extension, but its unfortunately called the same.) I admit I use Fodquake, even though it's not on drive right now, but I meant manually deleting the .bsp in a file explorer, not from within a quake client. I thought that always works...
Member 2 posts
Registered: Dec 2012
OK, here's an idea I have about how to hopefully resolve map whine over time in a way that most people should be happy with, with minimal disruption to the status quo (I know some people here really love that band)
Every so often, maybe every 3 months or whatever suits bigfoot, we have a vote where for every map currently in the pool, we each vote "Yes, keep this map", or "No, remove it". The votes are counted at the end and the 3 maps getting the most "remove it" votes are removed. Conversely, there is another list of maps currently not in the pool, including some great ones that have been on the server in the last 10 years but haven't seen the light of day for some time. For these we vote "Yes, let's add this map" or "No, lets leave it out". The 3 with the most "yes" votes replace the 3 that have been voted out. It doesn't have to be 3 - it could be 5 or whatever people think is best.
Thus we could replace maps in the pool in a way that corresponds to popular opinion in a quantitative way, without disrupting the order and flow of the map cycle. It's not just the maps that people get accustomed to - I find that the order is nice too. Say there is a run of 4 or 5 maps, all of which you like, then one day the mapcycle gets changed and your favourites get scattered about and mixed between maps you're not so fond of. Under this system, that would be far less likely to happen.
I suggest that a very few maps be considered "entrenched" and exempt from being voted out. These would be aerowalk, ztndm3, ultrav and andro9. Perhaps not everyone would agree with me on andro9 but I would be amazed if *anyone* (except cunt0r) thought that aero or ztn should ever, ever be removed from the cycle. It has been suggested to me that perhaps the vote should only be for the maps to be removed, and their replacements to be selected by an executive committee or somesuch. If voting did include the new maps, then it would be down to the voters to be responsibe for researching maps that they are not familiar with - as I said earlier, there have been some classics over the years that newer players might not have seen before, but deserve consideration.
I'm a noob to forums in general and have no idea how to embed polls in posts, or if what I have suggested is possible on this particular site. The current new cycle has had a few days to settle and perhaps it is a bit late (or not?) to adopt this approach now, but I would urge everyone to consider it for the short to mid-term future.
A Merry Christmas to all,
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
3 months is a little bit short to get to know a map or get used to it or start to like it. Some maps really take loooooooong before they...sink in a bit. dunno. Maybe thats just me
Member 60 posts
Registered: Nov 2010
xmastree and hohoho... I wish they were never created 
