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  1119 posts on 38 pages  First page18192021222324252627Last page
Graphics Discussion
2008-01-22, 08:12
1026 posts

Feb 2006
dex wrote:

hud_planmode 1

Hasn't found any powerup icons i like.

post hud config pls
god damn hippies >_<
2008-01-22, 20:39
55 posts

May 2007
This thread should be organized and turned into qwdrama's top 100 of worst Quakeworld gfx. Disgusting.
Help me understand the little that I know.
2008-01-22, 21:05
628 posts

Jan 2006
What is disgusting? that hud he posted?
2008-01-22, 22:25
355 posts

Jun 2006
Lava Croft wrote:
This thread should be organized and turned into qwdrama's top 100 of worst Quakeworld gfx. Disgusting.

Surely you cannot be referring to my setup 8(?
2008-01-22, 22:31
1435 posts

Jan 2006
Makes me wonder, if it's possible to have a pro-gaming oriented setup without having to ass-rape original (= medieval, gothic, horror) Quake look.
2008-01-23, 10:25
80 posts

Mar 2007
Lava Croft wrote:
This thread should be organized and turned into qwdrama's top 100 of worst Quakeworld gfx. Disgusting.

Gotta love how people hate on other peoples configs. Why do you even care? It's not like it's affecting you in any way. Let people use whatever the fuck gfx they want.. I'm glad that customization is easy in quakeworld, it only adds to the game without taking anything from it.

Bottom line is: If you like your quake to look a certain way then keep it that way. No need to bash other peoples quakes.[/rant]
2008-01-24, 01:04
186 posts

Jan 2008
Aquashark wrote:
dex wrote:

hud_planmode 1

Hasn't found any powerup icons i like.

post hud config pls

hud_ammo1_align_x "before"
hud_ammo1_align_y "center"
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hud_fps_pos_y "-50"
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hud_gun2_align_x "before"
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hud_speed_place "screen"
hud_speed_pos_y "-65"
hud_speed_text_align "2"
hud_speed_tick_spacing "0.1"
hud_suit_align_x "bottom"
hud_suit_align_y "before"
hud_suit_order "393"
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hud_suit_pos_y "-5"
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hud_teamfrags_align_x "right"
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hud_teamfrags_extra_spec_info "0"
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hud_teamfrags_order "1"
hud_teamfrags_place "screen"
hud_teamfrags_pos_x "-10"
hud_teamfrags_pos_y "30"
hud_teamfrags_space_x "2"
hud_teamfrags_style "1"
hud_tracking_align_y "bottom"
hud_tracking_format "ôòáãëéîç: %n"
hud_tracking_order "2"
hud_tracking_place "screen"
hud_tracking_pos_y "-60"

old version of it don't have that one anymore
2008-01-24, 02:28
News Writer
646 posts

Mar 2006

includes fakefakeshaft for lg:

(left over from the old debate of wether to allow fakeshaft, when i was making the case that fakeshaft = crosshair)
2008-01-24, 03:29
805 posts

Mar 2006
Nice hud phil!

Falzzi wrote:
Lava Croft wrote:
This thread should be organized and turned into qwdrama's top 100 of worst Quakeworld gfx. Disgusting.

Gotta love how people hate on other peoples configs. Why do you even care? It's not like it's affecting you in any way. Let people use whatever the fuck gfx they want.. I'm glad that customization is easy in quakeworld, it only adds to the game without taking anything from it.

Bottom line is: If you like your quake to look a certain way then keep it that way. No need to bash other peoples quakes.[/rant]

Amem! - QuakeFiles
2008-01-24, 07:02
355 posts

Jun 2006
vegetous wrote:
Nice hud phil!

Falzzi wrote:
Lava Croft wrote:
This thread should be organized and turned into qwdrama's top 100 of worst Quakeworld gfx. Disgusting.

Gotta love how people hate on other peoples configs. Why do you even care? It's not like it's affecting you in any way. Let people use whatever the fuck gfx they want.. I'm glad that customization is easy in quakeworld, it only adds to the game without taking anything from it.

Bottom line is: If you like your quake to look a certain way then keep it that way. No need to bash other peoples quakes.[/rant]


Coming from #4 (or was it #3?)
2008-01-24, 08:13
80 posts

Mar 2007
PlaZmaZ wrote:
Coming from #4 (or was it #3?)

I actually thought the list was pretty hilarious seeing that the guy who wrote it obviously had no clue what he was talking about. Obviously to HIM it was really ugly but it's only his oppinion, not everyones. And I'm not saying my taste is everyones taste, I'm just saying that it IS a matter of taste. People who come here saying "LULZ PLZ NO HIGH-QUALITY TEXTUREZ IT RUINZ QUAKEHH" are pretty much retarded.

Let people customize their quake into something that they like.
2008-01-24, 09:10
355 posts

Jun 2006
Falzzi wrote:
Let people customize their quake into something that they like.

I agree, but I was just being a smartass :<
2008-01-28, 19:37
628 posts

Jan 2006
Made some changes, added blue r_lgbloodcolor
r_drawviewmodel 0.3
also using fov 112.5 (yes that 0,5) is important.
And made an own nice crosshair...
2008-01-28, 20:04
28 posts

Jan 2007
Tell me phrenic, how can you play with qw, that is every week totally different ?
2008-01-28, 20:12
284 posts

Oct 2006
jebak wrote:
Tell me phrenic, how can you play with qw, that is every week totally different ?

Because he's addicted to the Holy Grail of qw configging, like so many poor souls (hey MooseMan >
2008-01-28, 20:37
628 posts

Jan 2006
jebak wrote:
Tell me phrenic, how can you play with qw, that is every week totally different ?

I've been playing with my last qw setup (~ 6months) just updated it abit now
Feels good!
2008-01-28, 22:12
355 posts

Jun 2006
Only used my 'previous' setup until like Thursday night or so when I changed back. Ok seriously this time, what I'm currently using:
I've been using that same hud config, conres, and font like 90% of my time in QW Since July, but there were a few stints with different setups like the one I posted not too long ago. As much as I liked some of the ones I've used, I miss this one way too much :< I still change up the wad, gamma and contrast a bi. Must be my CRT just fading or something, because this gamma and contrast values look as good as they did on the CRT I used at Quakecon and the LCD I have here :> For ULT!

Also I have no idea wtf is up with the gun8, it's something that I've noticed in ezquake 1.9 alphas but always thought it was my inva#_lightning images until I tried them in ezq 1.8.2 again just a few mins ago :E
2008-02-19, 09:42
231 posts

Jan 2006
Made some changes, this is how my qw setup looks like now:
2008-02-19, 09:55
12 posts

Feb 2006
niomic wrote:
jebak wrote:
Tell me phrenic, how can you play with qw, that is every week totally different ?

Because he's addicted to the Holy Grail of qw configging, like so many poor souls (hey MooseMan >

Hehe, I do not know what you are talking about here Niomic

When quake gets booring just change your settings and new obsticales appear
2008-02-19, 10:35
1265 posts

Jan 2006

never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2008-03-02, 22:51
186 posts

Jan 2008
2008-03-02, 23:48
1435 posts

Jan 2006

Yet another qw setup with locust's crosshair
2008-03-04, 14:46
51 posts

Nov 2006
got some graphical problems atm...
I went on a diet, swore off drinking and heavy eating, and in fourteen days I had lost exactly two weeks.
2008-03-04, 17:40
405 posts

Jan 2006
playable, u get used to it at some point.
2008-03-04, 18:00
355 posts

Jun 2006
spooink wrote:

Kind of reminds me of
2008-03-05, 15:43
1026 posts

Feb 2006
omg need that texture set ^_^
god damn hippies >_<
2008-03-06, 09:13
405 posts

Jan 2006
PlaZmaZ wrote:
Aquashark wrote:
omg need that texture set ^_^

Not a texture set though. I just remember connecting to a server and seeing that. It went away after restarting ezq That one was from ezq 1.8.2 stable btw
Some more funnies (from koovak in ezq 1.8.2 stable as well):

Ah, you must see how mine ezquake looked when I ported vid_restart...
2008-03-23, 09:47
231 posts

Jan 2006
Made a "new" oldschool hud. Clean and simple:
2008-03-23, 18:03
355 posts

Jun 2006
I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome jOn to the "never satisfied with qw so we change it constantly" group, featuring niomic, mooseman, and myself (and many others I have yet to encounter or discover)
2008-03-23, 18:11
231 posts

Jan 2006
PlaZmaZ wrote:
I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome jOn to the "never satisfied with qw so we change it constantly" group, featuring niomic, mooseman, and myself (and many others I have yet to encounter or discover)

  1119 posts on 38 pages  First page18192021222324252627Last page