139 posts
Feb 2011
would be nice to start a rookie ladder. So that we rookies or old timers can get into the game again without having to scan every server for a good match =)
793 posts
Feb 2006
News Writer
254 posts
Mar 2006
hey muff1n.
Some good news on that. Myself, foogs and grump have been working hard on a ladder system for qw and its getting very close to completion. This ladder will be a TB5 ladder for general community but we are coding it in such a way so that we can launch different ladders on request. So we will have main TB5 ladder, a Rookie ladder, a Pov/AIM maps ladder and so on... so on....
For starters it will just be the main TB5 ladder. But twill be easily configurable.
With the new Ladder system there will be ranks and once people are ranked in Divisions then we can easily pick out rookies and experienced players. So anyway more to come soon enough.
I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
139 posts
Feb 2011
pleuraXeraphim. DAMN! thats nice to hear !! =)
im really looking forward at getting into this game again, clan matches and duel. Hope everything turns out good for you guys, really looking forward to this !
News Writer
254 posts
Mar 2006
Great Welcome back Muff1n.
Make sure to stick around.
I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
811 posts
Jan 1970