
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I've been wondering for a while whether I should request this, but, although annoying at times, I also somewhat consider it "no biggie". What bothers me a little is that when during a mix a player votes for e1m2 and later gets elected, the map will change to e1m2 even if the election was held several minutes after the desired mapchange by the player. The same goes for rpickup. We've had it quite often that someone votes rpickup (but gets no majority) and then later elects as admin (to kick an idle player or so from mix). As soon as player is elected admin, rpickup will be executed, at which point people get a little annoyed. I would, if it's not too much hassle to implement/code/etc, suggest that a player's desire for mapchange/rpickup is annuled when elected and that the admin would have to vote rpickup/mapchange again, this time aware of being admin and being responsible for mapchange/rpickup.
Like I said, it's no biggie, but if it's not too much effort, it might be worth adding. Any opinions? _________________________________________________________ Save a cow, crucify a christian!
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Sounds even like a bug to me. But why writing it here and not submitting it to the appropriate project site?
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Because I'm not quite sure it's even worth "fixing", or perhaps there's even a reason why it is like this. I want input/feedback first, or perhaps suggestions of improvement. _________________________________________________________ Save a cow, crucify a christian!
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
If you have admin status, it always means commands given are given as absolute and if it means changing map or kicking someone or making rpickup to happen, it will. This is what you'd expect from being an admin on a server, right? It's by no means a bug, just how admin level status was designed to work.
As you might have noticed already, the admin status will stay unless you leave the server or give them up by typing /admin in the console. So if you have already done your kicking/whatever the reasons you were elected in the first place, perhaps it's time to give up the rights.
As for the coding part, well, it's just bothersome and waste of time (my favourite line) since it has been like that for ages and you are the first one to mention about it. Also considering such implementation should not interfere with user levels, most likely a new command would have to be added for maximum hassle.
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I still think it is a bug in the sense it does something that is not expected. When you do /dm2 and then /admin (or /elect) you had your reason why you did /dm2 only as a regular player and not an admin. If you want to force something as an admin, you can always type /dm2 (or /rpickup or whatever) again, after you gained the admin status (that's how I think it should be fixed). Is it worth fixing? I don't dare to answer that as I won't be the one spending the hypothetical time fixing it.
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Sorry Renzo, but the fact that you felt it necessary to explain what elected admin access is made for shows me that you either didn't understand or you chose not to. JohnNy_cz nicely pointed out the issue and I'd like to elaborate a little further about situations that have occured from this:
- We're 8 people on a server. After having played five consecutive dm3s I think "hey, i'd like to play something else" and I vote for /dm2. - I don't get a majority vote and we stay on dm3. We wait for ages until everyone is ready, but there's one player that doesn't go ready and doesn't respond. We decide we don't want to wait any longer and let a spec in instead. I elect, the majority votes for /yes - At this point I become elected admin and the map will AUTOMATICALLY change to dm2 even though i wrote /dm2 ages ago prior to electing, had totally forgotten about it, and mapchange is no longer even in debate. Just because *I* want to play it, it doesn't mean I want to force the other 7 players to play it. - We're back to square one. Nobody is ready, we're now on dm2, random-dm3-only-swede says "men cp. dm2 suger" and leaves the server. We're nowhere near gamestart even though all I wanted to do is kick or force spec a player.
Believe it or not, this is a common scenario and cannot possibly be "how admin level status was designed to work". So, my suggestion would be that if /dm2 (or whatever desired mapchange) was written before electing, it is annuled (for the person electing only) when receiving admin access. And then if you really do want to force a map change, you can just write it again. But you won't get any unwanted mapchanges. Same would go for rpickup. All clear now? _________________________________________________________ Save a cow, crucify a christian!
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Yeah, I didn't actually bother reading the full message so that I'd have seen the problem (I only read project trackers properly regarding any/all issues, this really isn't one) at the first time. Now I see where the... uh, bug is. So yeah, go make a issue on KTX tracker and it will probably be fixed at some later date in the future. I'll update servers as necessary if and when the fix is there.
Well, not everyone in KTX project agrees that it's a bug even if I do. The key words here are, let's see, "it's by design", "it's not a bug" and "you get admin rights so your vote is highest, map gets changed".
Perhaps in the future elect isn't necessary anymore, but there's a command /votekick for kicking dickheads.
Member 125 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
I would consider this a bug, the voting priority should be counted when vote is cast not in the future, that's just basic logic. But yeah, vote kick should be the real solution to kicking idle players
