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2009-02-27, 20:48
8 posts

Apr 2007
To cut it short: my comp cannot keep fps stable with ezquake-gl like it used to. I want to fix it without buying a new computer, since it should be possible. I had stable (300) fps couple of years ago.

Its obvious I dont know anything about computers, so all tips are warmly welcome. What should I do to reach that not_so_magical thing called stable fps's and therefore make my QW-sessions more enjoyable?

If you ever have had to play QW with your fps jumping up and down constantly, you know how annoying it is and how much it messes up your gameplay. So please, help a fellow quaker!

I guess im the last human being left on earth who has unstable fps in qw but is still playing.


AMD Athlon XP 1900+ 1.60 GHz
Radeon 9700 PRO
512 kb RAM (if i remember right)
I've my quake on 38 GB Maxtor HD, which has over 6 gigs of free space.
2009-02-27, 20:49
2059 posts

Jan 2006
Post your config too perhaps?

Edit: Radeon gfx card is never a good sign tho ;}
2009-02-27, 21:25
1864 posts

Feb 2006
hehe, was just gonna mention the radeon too

But i doubt you are the last person, raz0 just bought a brand new killer machine, but he went the ATI way too, and now suffers :/
2009-02-27, 21:45
117 posts

Jan 2006
I know you meant 512mb ram but I can't help but point it out Have you changed/updated gfx drivers or something? Also, what OS are you on?
2009-02-27, 22:10
8 posts

Apr 2007
no gore i actually have 512 kb ram you think thats a prob? such a newbie.

edit: WinXP. And I havent done a thing to my gfx drivers since I got this comp some years ago and updated those then.

And here's my cfg without teamplay aliases and bindings etc. useless things:

/// ///
/// ///
/// E Z Q U A K E C O N F I G U R A T I O N ///
/// ///
/// ///

// //
// C O M M A N D L I N E //
// //

// ezquake-gl.exe -width 1280 -height 1024 -bpp 32 -conwidth 320 -zone 1024 -heapsize 64000 -ruleset smackdown -m_mwhook -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel -norjscripts +set cl_independentPhysics 1 +cfg_load vert2

// //
// V A R I A B L E S //
// //

//Only variables with non-default values are listed below.
//You can use "cfg_save_unchanged 1" to save all variables.

hud_ammo1_order "1"
hud_ammo2_order "2"
hud_ammo3_order "3"
hud_ammo4_order "4"
hud_ammo_order "3"
hud_armor_order "2"
hud_armordamage_order "3"
hud_clock_show "1"
hud_democlock_order "10"
hud_face_order "1"
hud_gameclock_big "0"
hud_gameclock_show "0"
hud_group3_order "1"
hud_group4_order "1"
hud_group5_order "1"
hud_group7_order "1"
hud_group8_order "1"
hud_group9_order "1"
hud_gun2_order "1"
hud_gun3_order "2"
hud_gun4_order "3"
hud_gun5_order "4"
hud_gun6_order "5"
hud_gun7_order "6"
hud_gun8_order "7"
hud_health_order "2"
hud_healthdamage_order "3"
hud_iammo1_order "1"
hud_iammo2_order "2"
hud_iammo3_order "3"
hud_iammo4_order "4"
hud_iammo_order "4"
hud_iarmor_order "3"
hud_key2_order "1"
hud_pent_order "7"
hud_quad_order "9"
hud_ring_order "2"
hud_sigil2_order "1"
hud_sigil3_order "2"
hud_sigil4_order "3"
hud_suit_order "8"
hud_teamfrags_order "1"

//Player Settings
b_switch "1"
w_switch "1"
bottomcolor "11"
topcolor "9"
name "^v^e^r^t"
rate "14336"
spectator "0"
team "cn"

//Teamplay Communications
tp_weapon_order "78653241"

//Skin Settings
enemyskin "enemy"

//Chat Settings
cl_fakename "vrt"
ignore_flood "1"

//FPS and EyeCandy Settings
cl_deadbodyFilter "1"
cl_fakeshaft "0.5"
cl_gibFilter "1"
cl_maxfps "300.36"
cl_muzzleflash "0"
r_drawflame "0"
r_explosionLight "0"
r_explosionType "5"
r_rocketLight "0"

gl_flashblend "1"
r_dynamic "0"

//Turbulency and Sky Settings
r_fastsky "1"
r_skycolor "0"

//Weapon View Model Settings
cl_bob "0"
cl_bobcycle "0"
cl_bobup "0"
r_drawviewmodel "0"

//Texture Settings
gl_max_size "64"

//System Settings
sys_yieldcpu "1"

//Video Settings
vid_colorbits "32"
vid_conheight "240"
vid_conwidth "320"
vid_displayfrequency "70"
vid_mode "8"

//Sound Settings
cl_staticSounds "0"
s_ambientlevel "0"
s_khz "22"
s_mixahead "0.06"
s_noextraupdate "1"
volume "0.1"

//Input - Keyboard
cl_backspeed "4096"
cl_forwardspeed "4096"
cl_sidespeed "4096"

//Input - Mouse
in_m_mwhook "1"
in_m_os_parameters "3"
m_pitch "-0.00022"
m_rate "500"
m_side "0"
m_yaw "0.00022"

//Input - Misc
lookspring "1"
sensitivity "320"

//Network Settings
cl_c2sImpulseBackup "2"

//Status Bar and Scoreboard
cl_parseFrags "0"
scr_scoreboard_teamsort "0"

//Crosshair Settings
cl_crossy "1.6"
crosshaircolor "0 255 0"
crosshairimage "crosshair6"
crosshairsize "0.75"

//Screen Settings
cl_clock_x "1"
cl_clock_y "-2"
cl_democlock "1"
cl_democlock_x "11"
cl_gameclock "4"
cl_gameclock_y "-1"
gl_gamma "0.7"
scr_teaminfo "0"
show_fps "1"

//Screen & Powerup Blends
cl_bonusflash "0"
v_contentblend "0"
v_damagecshift "0"
v_pentcshift "0.35"
v_quadcshift "0.4"
v_ringcshift "0.15"
v_suitcshift "0.65"

//View Settings
fov "110"
v_kickpitch "0"
v_kickroll "0"
v_kicktime "0"

//Item Names
tp_name_rockets "rox"
tp_name_cells "cel"
tp_name_mh "mh"
tp_name_health "hth"
tp_name_armor "amr"
tp_name_weapon "wpn"
tp_name_sentry "sent"
tp_name_disp "disp"
tp_name_enemy "nme"
tp_name_eyes "{r}"
tp_name_quaded "{q}"
tp_name_pented "{p}"
tp_name_at " $eq_arrow "
tp_name_nothing "--"

//Item Need Amounts
tp_need_weapon "87"
tp_need_ga "70"
tp_need_ya "70"
tp_need_ra "70"
tp_need_shells "0"
tp_need_nails "0"
tp_need_cells "0"

//Unsorted Variables
ruleset "smackdown"

//User Created Variables
set dl "{%d}"
set eq_arrow " "
set eq_arrows " "
set eq_awaitspoint "powerups armor players mh lg rl gl sng ssg pack rockets cells"
set eq_blue "‰‰"
set eq_green "††"
set eq_green3 "†††"
set eq_left "{"
set eq_lightblue "ƒƒ"
set eq_normalpoint "powerups armor players mh lg rl gl sng ssg pack rockets"
set eq_purple "‹‹"
set eq_red "‡‡"
set eq_red3 "‡‡‡"
set eq_right "}"
set eq_white "„„"
set eq_white3 "„„„"
set eq_yellow "ˆˆ"
set l "{%l}"
set loc "{%l}"
set loc_name_ga "ga"
set loc_name_gl "gl"
set loc_name_mh "mega"
set loc_name_ng "ng"
set loc_name_ra "ra"
set loc_name_rl "rl"
set loc_name_separator "-"
set loc_name_sng "sng"
set loc_name_ssg "ssg"
set loc_name_ya "ya"
set nick "vrt"
set tp_name_attack "attack"
set tp_name_coming "coming"
set tp_name_dm2button "low-rl/button"
set tp_name_dm2quadlow "quad-low"
set tp_name_help "help"
set tp_name_lgpack "lg-pack"
set tp_name_need "need"
set tp_name_powdead "dead"
set tp_name_ratunnel "ra-tunnel"
set tp_name_rlpack "rl-pack"
set tp_name_soon "soon"
set tp_name_sync "sync"
set tp_name_teamp "team"
set tp_name_trick "trick"

// //
// S E L E C T E D S O U R C E S //
// //

sb_sourcemark "id limbo"
sb_sourcemark "Global"

// //
// M I S C E L L A N E O U S C O M M A N D S //
// //

mapgroup clear

skygroup clear

floodprot 4 4 10

2009-02-27, 22:28
51 posts

Sep 2006
I don't see anything strange in your config, just that the commandline is unneeded if you use latest ezQuake, and maybe try changing sys_yieldcpu.
2009-02-27, 22:45
1329 posts

Apr 2006
Vertigo wrote:
AMD Athlon XP 1900+ 1.60 GHz
Radeon 9700 PRO

300fps stable is very hard to ge with that kind of setup on newer ezQuakes. 7600GT is barely able to keep fps above 300 all the time (on conroe class cpu) at 1920 1200 but you have to realize 7600GT is almost as fast as 6800ultra, which is faster than 6800GT, which is two times faster than 9700 pro. Not to mention ATI's opengl ICD...

Perhaps older ezQuake could do it, at lower resolutions at least.
Servers: Troopers
2009-02-28, 02:34
60 posts

Apr 2006
Theoretically, newer versions of ezquake should run faster than older ones. The problem is that some new features are introduced and are made active by default. I also looked at the code and there's a lot of unnecessary string compares when an id should be used among other things. Ideally the whole project should be refactored from a structural 'c' to an ood environment. The possibilities and ease of implementing new complex features would be greatly enhanced imo.

I recommend you try loading my cfg which includes comments of all the main commands. A few of the commands have been deprecated so if they don't all work, don't be alarmed. Play around with the settings until you are comfortable with them. If you are using a CRT make sure you change the vid_displayfrequency to match your monitors refresh rate. If you don't know what I'm talking about do research or remove that line entirely. Refer to the resource links to do keep updated on new commands as newer versions of ezquake come out. Good Luck!

// FPS and EyeCandy Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09
// Resource #1:
// Resource #2:
// Comments Credit: JohnNy_cz & EZQuake Dev Team

// Don't filter backpacks.
cl_backpackfilter "0"

// 0 Don't filter dead bodies.
// 1 Filter dead bodies after they fall on the ground.
// 2 Body will disappear in the moment last damage is done to it.
cl_deadbodyFilter "2"

// Gibs are turned off.
cl_gibFilter "1"

// Disable rotating models & bob up and down like in Quake3.
cl_model_bobbing "0"

// All turned off.
cl_muzzleflash "0"

// Turns off client-side vwep support (drawing of other players' weapon models).
// Effective after reconnecting, this will disable vweps support entirely: no
// vwep models will be downloaded, and no vwep info will be sent by the server.
cl_novweps "1"

// Converts all rockets to grenades.
cl_r2g "1"

// Turns reflections on walls covered with liquids (water, lava, slime) when set to 1.
// Multi-texturing is required for this variable.
gl_caustics "0"

// no fog
gl_fog "0"

// used for mapping, leave as 1
r_drawentities "1"

// Display no flames.
r_drawflame "0"

// No explosion light.
r_explosionLight "0"

r_explosionLightColor "0"
r_explosionType "3"
r_flagColor "0"

// Enable Grenade Trail
r_grenadeTrail "1"

r_lerpframes "1"
r_lerpmuzzlehack "1"

// Disable rocket/explosion/flag/powerup light flickering.
r_lightflicker "0"

// Powerup glow on.
r_powerupGlow "1"

// Turn off dynamic lighting of rockets.
r_rocketLight "0"

r_rocketLightColor "0"

// No rocket trail.
r_rocketTrail "0"

// Disable lights blooming
r_bloom "0"

// Disable faster variant of the blooming effect.
r_bloom_fast_sample "0"

// Enables a flashing layer over players carrying powerups
gl_powerupshells "1"

// This enables independent physics. This means that you can achieve
// more FPS in game then the server allows. Amount of FPS used to
// communicate with server is set by /cl_physfps and amount of graphics
// FPS is set by /cl_maxfps. Useless if you use vid_vsync 1.
cl_independentPhysics "1"

// Sets amount of FPS used to communicate with server. This variable is
// used when +set cl_independentphysics 1 is set so your current amount of
// FPS is limited by cl_maxfps while this variable limits amout of FPS
// sent/received to/from server. When set to zero current cl_maxfps value
// is used. When cl_maxfps is set to zero too, client displays as much FPS
// as server and data rate allows.
cl_physfps "77"

// This variable sets the maximum limit for frames-per-second.
cl_maxfps "1000"

// Particle Effects
// OSF's Config Feb '09

gl_bounceparticles "0"
gl_clipparticles "0"
gl_part_blobs "0"
gl_part_blood "0"
gl_part_explosions "0"
gl_part_gunshots "0"
gl_part_inferno "0"
gl_part_lavasplash "0"
gl_part_spikes "0"
gl_part_telesplash "0"
gl_part_trails "0"
gl_solidparticles "0"

// Lighting
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// 1 Enable "fullbright" colors on bsp models (World, health boxes, etc).
// 0 Might give you a couple more fps.
gl_fb_bmodels "1"

// 1 Enable "fullbright" colors on alias models (grenades, player models, etc).
// 0 Might also give you more fps.
gl_fb_models "1"

// 0 No glow bubbles.
// 1 A glow bubble will appear on explosions and flag/quad/pent carrier.
// 2 Same as (1), but also around rockets in the air.
gl_flashblend "1"

// Helps customize rocket light independant of gl_flashblend.
// 0 - treated as feature off.
// 1 - rocket light looks like with gl_flashblend 2, but no dynamic lighting.
// 2 - rocket light looks like with gl_flashblend 0 or 1.
// 3 - rocket light looks like with gl_flashblend 2, with dynamic lighting, exactly the same.
gl_rl_globe "0"

// 0 Makes the map lighter, but fullbrights don't look as good. (0% overbrights)
// 1 Makes the map darker, but makes fullbrights stand out more (looks better). (33% overbrights)
gl_lightmode "1"

// Zero disables lit files.
gl_loadlitfiles "0"

// 1-Light shaft. 0-Dark shaft.
gl_shaftlight "0"

r_shadows "0"
// Switch on/off colour of lighting from glowing
// items (quad, pent, flags in TF, etc)
gl_colorlights "1"

// Disable dynamic lighting
r_dynamic "0"

// Enable light sources on the map.
r_lightmap "1"

// Do not display shadows for entities.
r_shadows "0"

// Turbulency and Sky Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

gl_caustics "0"
gl_fog "0"
gl_fogend "0"
gl_fogsky "1"
gl_fogstart "0"
gl_turbalpha "1"
gl_turbfog "0"
gl_turbfogDensity "0"
r_fastsky "1"
r_fastturb "1"
r_lavacolor "80 0 0"

// This variable toggles the use of VIS information from the map data. When this
// variable is set to "1" the game will calculate it's own VIS information on the
// fly instead of using the information stored in the map data, this will cause
// a severe performance penalty in the game. When "r_novis" is set to "1", the
// variable "gl_turbalpha" has a value lower than "1" and the server allows the
// client to display liquid transparently the player will be able to see through
// liquids. This is a nice effect to see but it is not recommended to keep this
// variable set to "1" because of the huge performance penalty.
// It is possible to enable transparent liquids and still keep this variable set to
// "0" (and thus not experience such a severe performance drop) by using maps that
// are VISed accordingly. You can visit the official Water VIS site at
// "" and download the vispatch program along with the patch
// data files which you would use to update the VIS data for all of your game maps.
// There are also map packs available that contain VISed versions of the original
// ID maps.
r_novis "0"

r_skycolor "40 80 150"
r_skyname ""
r_slimecolor "10 60 10"
r_telecolor "10 10 10"
r_watercolor "50 80 120"

// Weapon View Model Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

cl_bob "0.0"
cl_bobcycle "0.0"
cl_bobup "0.0"
cl_filterdrawviewmodel "0"
r_drawviewmodel "0"
r_viewmodelSize "0.3"

// Texture Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Disables support of alternate 24bit textures
gl_no24bit "1"

r_fullbrightSkins "1"

// Enable reducing memory held by textures on cards that
// support it (but textures loaded slower and may have less quality).
gl_ext_texture_compression "0"

// Disable loading of external 24bit textures for
// non-world .bsp models (any .bsp that isn't the
// actual map. Ex. health and ammo boxes).
gl_externalTextures_bmodels "0"

// Disable loading of external 24bit textures for the
// world .bsp model (i.e. the actual map).
gl_externalTextures_world "1"

// Faster loading maps (not more fps), lower texture quality
gl_lerpimages "0"

// Turns using of luma textures (named *_luma) ON when set
// to 1 and allowed by server.
gl_lumaTextures "0"

// This variable determines the detail level for loaded textures.
// When set to "1", the objects and walls will be textured with
// 1x1 pixel textures.
gl_max_size "1"

// It is essentially a GL 'equivalent'to d_mipcap in software.
// It has no affect when loading external 24bit textures.
gl_miptexLevel "3"

// This variable determines the the level of detail for textures
// used on walls. You can use this variable to lower the texture
// detail used on walls thus increasing the game's performance.
gl_picmip "5"

// Determines the level of detail of player models. This variable
// is useful if you are experience game slowdown during multiplayer
// games when there are lots of players on your screen by shrinking
// the texture detail, but this will make the player models more blurry.
gl_playermip "5"

// Zero disables scale model textures.
gl_scaleModelTextures "1"

// Zero disables gl_picmip/gl_max_size/gl_miptexLevel
// affect turb textures (lava, water, slime, teleports).
gl_scaleTurbTextures "1"

// This variable sets the division value for the sky brushes.
// The higher the value the better the performance, but the
// smoothness of the sky suffers.
gl_subdivide_size "1024"

// True textureless map textures, but preserving original colors.
// For custom colors - look for r_drawflat.
gl_textureless "1"

// GL_NEAREST Point sampled (software-like). Lowest quality, highest performance.
// GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST GL_NEAREST but with a bit more quality for far objects.
// GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR GL_NEAREST but with even more quality for far objects.
// GL_LINEAR No blending.
// GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST Bilinear interpolation.
// GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR Trilinear interpolation. Highest quality, lowest performance.
// GL_NEAREST* modes are often used with gl_miptexlevel 3
gl_texturemode "GL_NEAREST"

// Disables textures and walls and floors them with a solid color
// (/r_wallcolor or /r_floorcolor) depending on the angle.
// 1 Use a solid color for walls and floors
// 0 Use textures for walls and floors.
r_drawflat "1"

// Changes color of walls when r_drawflat is set to 1.
// Enter RGB value here, e.g. r_wallcolor "128 128 128" goes for gray walls.
r_wallcolor "1"

// Changes color of floors and ceilings when r_drawflat is set to 1.
// Enter RGB value here, e.g. r_floorcolor "128 128 128" goes for gray floor.
r_floorcolor "10 25 100"

// 0 Off.
// 1 Blend map textures.
// 2 Blend map textures and bsp entities (ammo, health etc.)
r_max_size_1 "0"

// Turns on/off fine detailed textures.
gl_detail "0"

// OpenGL Rendering
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Makes texture rendering quality better if set to 1
gl_affinemodels "0"

// This variable will toggle the clearing of the screen between each frame. This
// can be helpful when specing a game and flying out of the map or during map
// development when the map maker must fly outside of the map to look has his map
// from the outside. Enabling this command will clear the areas which are not
// rendered outside of the map thus preventing the flickering effect when images
// repeat themselves repeatedly. However it causes problems when playing and
// going through the surfaces of a liquid (for example when diving into liquid), as
// you will see a red flash where the liquid texture would normally be repeated.
gl_clear "0"

// Sets clear color (gl_clear 1)
gl_clearColor "0 0 0"

// This variable toggles the use of internal OpenGL functions for removing covered
// objects. When this variable is set to "1" the game will depend on the OpenGL
// driver to use it's culling functions to remove certain objects from the
// calculations because they are covered up and would not be seen anyways. It is a
// good idea to leave this toggle enabled because it will increase rendering
// performance.
gl_cull "1"

// Misc trails that appear on objects that frequently move, such as TF grenades,
// caltrops, etc. Railguns in TF also leave behind unique trails.
gl_extratrails "0"

// This variable toggles the calling of the gl_finish() OpenGL function after each
// rendered frame.
gl_finish "0"

// Changes speed of gl_inferno missile trail.
gl_inferno_speed "0"

// Changes type of gl_inferno missile trail.
gl_inferno_trail "0"

// Zero turns off coronas on lightning beams
gl_lightning "0"

// Adjusts size of ligtning particle beam.
gl_lightning_size "0"

// If enabled adds sparks fly from walls when hit by lightning gun.
gl_lightning_sparks "0"

// When enabled, flags and keys leave behind a kind of after-image.
// Fiends also leave trails when they pounce.
gl_motiontrails "0"

// Same as gl_motiontrails but works for all players and creatures.
gl_motiontrails_wtf "0"

// If enabled adds a white trail onto nails as they fly around.
// This feature wont work on servers not running with sv_nailhack set to 1.
gl_nailtrail "0"

// If enabled adds a blue plasma trail to nails.
gl_nailtrail_plasma "0"

// Switches between two type of bubbles nails leave behind in water.
// 0/small 1/large bubbles
gl_nailtrail_turb "0"

// 1 Don't use top/bottom colors.
// 0 Normal.
gl_nocolors "0"

// Zero does not smooth the textures on models.
gl_smoothmodels "0"

// Triple buffering of head up display graphics.
// If you have problems with screen graphics, turn this on.
gl_triplebuffer "0"

// This variables toggles the use of a trick to prevent the clearning of the
// z-buffer between frames. When this variable is set to "1", the game will not
// clear the z-buffer between frames. This will result in increased performance
// but might cause problems for some display hardware.
gl_ztrick "1"

// Can be used to overcome vision being limited to 4096 units in GL clients
// (good for xpress2 etc).
r_farclip "4096"

// Anisotropic filtering. Basically improved texture quality.
gl_anisotropy "0"

vid_vsync "0.0"

// Screen & Powerup Blends
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Controls weapon and item pickup flash.
cl_bonusflash "0"

// This variable sets the percentage value for palette shifting effects
// (damage flash, powerup blend). (needs gl_polyblend 1)
gl_cshiftpercent "100"

// 1 Hardware palette changing.
// 0 OpenGL routines.
gl_hwblend "1"

// Controls a short burst of screen tinting on various events. Variables
// to look at are: gl_cshiftpercent (controls overall palette shifting)
// v_damagechisft v_quadcshift v_pentcshift v_ringcshift v_suitcshift.
gl_polyblend "0"

// 1 On (palette shifts when you're in liquid).
// 0 Off (no palette shifting when you're in liquid).
v_contentblend "1"
v_damagecshift "1"
v_dlightcshift "1"
v_pentcshift "1"
v_quadcshift "1"
v_ringcshift "1"
v_suitcshift "1"

// Mouse & Input
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Allows you to use your system mouse settings in the client
in_m_os_parameters "2"

// System Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Disable winkeys from alt-tabbing you (only works in
// NT/2K/XP, and only when the client is in focus).
sys_disableWinKeys "1"

// -1 Sets process to low priority.
// 0 Sets process to normal priority.
// 1 Sets process to high priority.
sys_highpriority "0"

// Prevent freeing of CPU when the client is minimized or not in focus.
sys_inactiveSleep "0"

// 1 Less CPU power is allocated to ezQuake.
// 0 More CPU power is allocated to ezQuake.
sys_yieldcpu "0"

// change to your monitor hz refresh speed
vid_displayfrequency "150"

// Network Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Experimental rockets/grenades/spikes smoothing code.
// Default value 0.1 means: use 90% of our 'vision' and 10% of server
// 'vision'. Should be OK for most case, but floating ping
// This smoothing algorithm works good only with stable ping.
cl_newlerp "0"

// Allows you to disable the linear interpolation (lerp) of objects in the game.
// Information about objects' states arrive periodically via the net connection.
// By default between these moments the client tries to interpolate where
// the objects are. After the new packet arrives client corrects the position of
// the object. If the interpolation is disabled, client will leave object in the
// state described in the last received packet until a new one arrives.
cl_nolerp "1"

// speed at which packets are updated to the server
rate "10000"

// Packet filtering (a la Qizmo's .c2spps command). Use this to reduce network
// traffic if you're playing on a 28800 (or worse) connection and can't set
// cl_maxfps 72 because it causes lags.
cl_c2spps "0"

// Used with cl_c2spps, it controls how many backup copies of packets with non-zero
// impulses are to be sent to the server. The recommended value is 3, but you can try 2
// or even 1 to reduce traffic if you don't have any packet loss.
cl_c2sImpulseBackup "1"

2009-02-28, 02:38
793 posts

Feb 2006
try cl_maxfps 200. maybe that's smoother and hopefully gives better gameplay experience.
edit: try the more qualified help in this thread first, obviously.
2009-02-28, 03:30
156 posts

Mar 2006
Vertigo wrote:
I guess im the last human being left on earth who has unstable fps in qw but is still playing.


AMD Athlon XP 1900+ 1.60 GHz
Radeon 9700 PRO
512 kb RAM (if i remember right)
I've my quake on 38 GB Maxtor HD, which has over 6 gigs of free space.

Nope, count me in there too.
Our computers are similarly shit, although my graphics card is (even) worse. I never switched to ezQuake because I don't get anywhere near stable fps. Even with the more resource-friendly fuhQuake, I need to close every application running in the background to reach somewhat stable 77 fps.

These days of suffering will come to an end on monday though, seen as I will buy a new computer then. I suggest you do the same.
Save a cow, crucify a christian!
2009-02-28, 04:10
1329 posts

Apr 2006
oneshotflinch wrote:
cl_independentPhysics "1"
cl_physfps "77"
cl_maxfps "1000"
gl_ext_texture_compression "0"
gl_lumaTextures "0"
gl_max_size "1"
gl_miptexLevel "3"
gl_picmip "5"
gl_textureless "1"
gl_texturemode "GL_NEAREST"
r_drawflat "1"
gl_ztrick "1"
in_m_os_parameters "2"
vid_displayfrequency "150"
cl_nolerp "1"
rate "10000"


Pretty messed up stuff you got there.

You use fps-i but disable lerping, you disable texture compression which actually increases framerate (especially on slower machines), you have way too small rate (unless you have ISDN of course), you let the OS fuck up your mouse, you enable ztrick on modern hardware and even disable luma textures (no perfhit) that can be used as brights. Also changing just one of the max_size, textureless and drawflat should be pretty much enough to get the wanted effect, and if you have to choose then drawflat is the one. What's with the vid_restart command, hopefully it isn't in the config.

Vertigo said himself that "Its obvious I dont know anything about computers" and yet I see display frequency being set to 150Hz. It's almost granted that it won't work on his computer, even if he had CRT he would have had to install monitor .inf in order to get there and it's quite unlikely to have happened. Also seeing he actually specifies the res from the cmdline just confirms that it won't work.

Otherwise that "very ugly mode" could work (except for some of the variables mentioned above) in keeping his fps around 300, but I wonder if he wants it using that kind of graphics.
Servers: Troopers
2009-02-28, 09:41
8 posts

Apr 2007
Renzo wrote:
Otherwise that "very ugly mode" could work (except for some of the variables mentioned above) in keeping his fps around 300, but I wonder if he wants it using that kind of graphics.

TBH I dont care if my fps are 300 or 77. That 300-thing is just my current setting. The only thing im looking for is smooth gameplay.
2009-02-28, 12:40
1329 posts

Apr 2006
Try setting the following values:

gl_ztrick 0
gl_clear 0
gl_finish 0
gl_triplebuffer 0

At first. You can also try changing the value for gl_maxtmu2 between 0 and 1 to see if it has any effect, don't forget to use vid_restart after changing the value.
Servers: Troopers
2009-02-28, 13:47
793 posts

Feb 2006
try lowering your max fps to the highest value that is still stable. start up using "no 24 bit textures", see if that helps with the slow grafics. same goes for -bpp setting, try 16 instead of 32.
2009-03-01, 08:35
60 posts

Apr 2006

Actually, this isn't the cfg I use to play qw with. I actually enjoy a little eye-candy. It's an experimental cfg to see how many fps I could possibly achieve in ezquake. I provided it knowing that Vertigo was after a solid 300fps but more so because he could use it as a template to teach himself the commands and how to experiment for himself knowing what the commands actually do. It wasn't meant to be a here this will fix your problem solution but a learn and fix it yourself approach. “Teach a man to fish...” kind of approach.

You wrote: "You use fps-i but disable lerping"
True, thank-you for pointing out how that would be detrimental when using i-fps.

You wrote: "You disable texture compression which actually increases framerate (especially on slower machines)"

Yah, sure that's probably true but I don't see it in my benchmarks on my machine which is what this cfg was designed for

You wrote: "You have way too small rate (unless you have ISDN of course)"

I do play qw on isdn, I could of pointed that out but it was the graphics I was concerned with helping him with.

You wrote: "You let the OS fuck up your mouse"
I use a software program that truly disables acceleration in windows (not the hacky one most people are aware of.)This setting works/feels best for me. Again graphics was the focal point here.

You wrote: "You enable ztrick on modern hardware"

As it is unnecessary (and even though it uses a dodgy method of clearing the depth buffer) it has no affect on my setup so I just left it as "1."

You wrote: "and even disable luma textures (no perfhit) that can be used as brights."

Oh, good to know! =)

You wrote: "What's with the vid_restart command, hopefully it isn't in the config."

Why, what's wrong with doing that?

You wrote: "Also changing just one of the max_size, textureless and drawflat should be pretty much enough to get the wanted effect, and if you have to choose then drawflat is the one."

They give a similar effect but are not the same, I even examined the src code for this when I initially set this up. I see how you would see these settings as redundant as they do have a similar end-result. Like I said, I provided this cfg as an educational tool, to take him from self-proclaimed noob to knowing more how the commands work and for me it was an experimental cfg.

You wrote: "Vertigo said himself that 'Its obvious I dont know anything about computers' and yet I see display frequency being set to 150Hz."

I explained that and I'll quote myself: "Play around with the settings until you are comfortable with them. If you are using a CRT make sure you change the vid_displayfrequency to match your monitors refresh rate. If you don't know what I'm talking about do research or remove that line entirely. Refer to the resource links to do keep updated on new commands as newer versions of ezquake come out. Good Luck!"

Also to treat him as a complete computer illiterate is assuming way too much imo.

I think I achieved my objective and expected there to be some criticisms to my cfg which I suspect will provide Vertigo more of an understanding of these settings
2009-03-01, 12:32
1329 posts

Apr 2006
oneshotflinch wrote:
I do play qw on isdn

You have to be kidding

I use a software program that truly disables acceleration in windows (not the hacky one most people are aware of.)

In_mouse 2 and 3 both disables the acceleration even if there were no hacks used. Out of those in_mouse 3 should be the "perfect" one, unless user has some sort of problem with mouse buttons (should be fixed in 1.9.3 or later, I hope).

You wrote: "You enable ztrick on modern hardware"

As it is unnecessary (and even though it uses a dodgy method of clearing the depth buffer) it has no affect on my setup so I just left it as "1."

It affects performance, especially on low-end machines, that's why I mentioned it.

Why, what's wrong with doing that?

There's no need for it, unless you use commandline stuff.

If you are using a CRT make sure you change the vid_displayfrequency to match your monitors refresh rate. If you don't know what I'm talking about do research or remove that line entirely. Refer to the resource links to do keep updated on new commands as newer versions of ezquake come out. Good Luck!"

The problem with this particular command is that it has tendency of doing strange things. Sure, on CRT it will give an error or it just displays black screen with "out of range" message. But if you actually have TFT it just messes up your graphics, making them look dark and 8-bit.
Servers: Troopers
2009-03-01, 13:30
485 posts

Feb 2006
Vertigo wrote:
If you ever have had to play QW with your fps jumping up and down constantly, you know how annoying it is and how much it messes up your gameplay.

Doesn't sound like a QW problem as such. Test with some other game. Search the forum for common OS/driver problems.
2009-03-01, 13:50
2058 posts

Jan 2006
What's so bad with Radeon? Is Radeon support bad in ezQuake?

I have a Radeon X1950 in this computer and a fresh nQuake install runs with 308 stable fps but it feels more like 20 fps.
2009-03-01, 14:16
1864 posts

Feb 2006
ATI got bad opengl support, and all fuhquake based clients have bad ATI support, so never go ATI for qw
2009-03-01, 14:17
2058 posts

Jan 2006
Then make a Direct 3D version of ezQuake
2009-03-02, 06:46
60 posts

Apr 2006
"There's no need for it, unless you use commandline stuff."

I do use the cmd line but the reason I put vid_restart in the cfg is because I exec the cfg after launching qw because it was just to run perf-tests.

Here is the gfx portion of the cfg again with your suggested changes. Please let me know if I got it right or there is anything I am missing. Thanks.

If you like this setup consider turning on ("1" r_rocketLight & gl_shaftlight to make those projectiles easier to see. Then make any cosmetic changes you like from there while checking your framerate after each change. Also change cl_maxfps to "300" or whatever is stable for you with this setup. Also, upgrade your O/S and video, sound card and MB drivers if you can and do a full system check for spyware and viruses. After you do those steps, let us know of your progress and we can assist you from there.

// FPS and EyeCandy Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09
// Resource #1:
// Resource #2:
// Comments Credit: JohnNy_cz & EZQuake Dev Team

// Don't filter backpacks.
// Default: 0
cl_backpackfilter "0"

// 0 Don't filter dead bodies.
// 1 Filter dead bodies after they fall on the ground.
// 2 Body will disappear in the moment last damage is done to it.
// Default: 0
cl_deadbodyFilter "2"

// Gibs are turned off.
// Default: 0
cl_gibFilter "1"

// Disable rotating models & bob up and down like in Quake3.
// Default: 1
cl_model_bobbing "0"

// All turned off.
// Default: 1
cl_muzzleflash "0"

// Turns off client-side vwep support (drawing of other players' weapon models).
// Effective after reconnecting, this will disable vweps support entirely: no
// vwep models will be downloaded, and no vwep info will be sent by the server.
// Default: 0
cl_novweps "1"

// Converts all rockets to grenades.
// Default: 0
cl_r2g "1"

// Turns reflections on walls covered with liquids (water, lava, slime) when set to 1.
// Multi-texturing is required for this variable.
gl_caustics "0"

// no fog
gl_fog "0"

// used for mapping, leave as 1
r_drawentities "1"

// Display no flames.
// Default: 1
r_drawflame "0"

// No explosion light.
// Default: 1
r_explosionLight "0"

r_explosionLightColor "0"
r_explosionType "3"
r_flagColor "0"

// Enable Grenade Trail
// Default: 1
r_grenadeTrail "1"

r_lerpframes "1"
r_lerpmuzzlehack "1"

// Disable rocket/explosion/flag/powerup light flickering.
// Default: 1
r_lightflicker "0"

// Powerup glow on.
// Default: 1
r_powerupGlow "1"

// Turn off dynamic lighting of rockets.
// Default: 1
r_rocketLight "0"

r_rocketLightColor "0"

// No rocket trail.
// Default: 1
r_rocketTrail "0"

// Disable lights blooming
// Default: 0
r_bloom "0"

// Disable faster variant of the blooming effect.
// Default: 1
r_bloom_fast_sample "0"

// Enables a flashing layer over players carrying powerups
// Default: 1
gl_powerupshells "1"

// This enables independent physics. This means that you can achieve
// more FPS in game then the server allows. Amount of FPS used to
// communicate with server is set by /cl_physfps and amount of graphics
// FPS is set by /cl_maxfps. Useless if you use vid_vsync 1.
// Default: 1
cl_independentPhysics "1"

// Sets amount of FPS used to communicate with server. This variable is
// used when +set cl_independentphysics 1 is set so your current amount of
// FPS is limited by cl_maxfps while this variable limits amout of FPS
// sent/received to/from server. When set to zero current cl_maxfps value
// is used. When cl_maxfps is set to zero too, client displays as much FPS
// as server and data rate allows.
// Default: 0
cl_physfps "77"

// This variable sets the maximum limit for frames-per-second.
// Default: 0
cl_maxfps "1000"

// Particle Effects
// OSF's Config Feb '09

gl_bounceparticles "0"
gl_clipparticles "0"
gl_part_blobs "0"
gl_part_blood "0"
gl_part_explosions "0"
gl_part_gunshots "0"
gl_part_inferno "0"
gl_part_lavasplash "0"
gl_part_spikes "0"
gl_part_telesplash "0"
gl_part_trails "0"
gl_solidparticles "0"

// Lighting
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// 1 Enable "fullbright" colors on bsp models (World, health boxes, etc).
// 0 Might give you a couple more fps.
// Default: 1
gl_fb_bmodels "1"

// 1 Enable "fullbright" colors on alias models (grenades, player models, etc).
// 0 Might also give you more fps.
// Default: 1
gl_fb_models "1"

// 0 No glow bubbles.
// 1 A glow bubble will appear on explosions and flag/quad/pent carrier.
// 2 Same as (1), but also around rockets in the air.
// Default: 0
gl_flashblend "1"

// Helps customize rocket light independant of gl_flashblend.
// 0 - treated as feature off.
// 1 - rocket light looks like with gl_flashblend 2, but no dynamic lighting.
// 2 - rocket light looks like with gl_flashblend 0 or 1.
// 3 - rocket light looks like with gl_flashblend 2, with dynamic lighting, exactly the same.
// Default: 0
gl_rl_globe "0"

// 0 Makes the map lighter, but fullbrights don't look as good. (0% overbrights)
// 1 Makes the map darker, but makes fullbrights stand out more (looks better). (33% overbrights)
// Default: 2
gl_lightmode "2"

// Zero disables lit files.
// Default: 1
gl_loadlitfiles "0"

// 1-Light shaft. 0-Dark shaft.
// Default: 1
gl_shaftlight "0"

// Switch on/off colour of lighting from glowing
// items (quad, pent, flags in TF, etc)
// Default: 1
gl_colorlights "1"

// Disable dynamic lighting
// Default: 1
r_dynamic "0"

// Disable light sources on the map.
// Default: 0
r_lightmap "0"

// Do not display shadows for entities.
// Default: 0
r_shadows "0"

// Turbulency and Sky Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

gl_caustics "0"
r_fastsky "1"
r_fastturb "1"
r_lavacolor "80 0 0"

// This variable toggles the use of VIS information from the map data. When this
// variable is set to "1" the game will calculate it's own VIS information on the
// fly instead of using the information stored in the map data, this will cause
// a severe performance penalty in the game. When "r_novis" is set to "1", the
// variable "gl_turbalpha" has a value lower than "1" and the server allows the
// client to display liquid transparently the player will be able to see through
// liquids. This is a nice effect to see but it is not recommended to keep this
// variable set to "1" because of the huge performance penalty.
// It is possible to enable transparent liquids and still keep this variable set to
// "0" (and thus not experience such a severe performance drop) by using maps that
// are VISed accordingly. You can visit the official Water VIS site at
// "" and download the vispatch program along with the patch
// data files which you would use to update the VIS data for all of your game maps.
// There are also map packs available that contain VISed versions of the original
// ID maps.
r_novis "0"

r_skycolor "40 80 150"
r_skyname ""
r_slimecolor "10 60 10"
r_telecolor "10 10 10"
r_watercolor "50 80 120"

// Texture Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Disables support of alternate 24bit textures
// Default: 0
gl_no24bit "1"

// Enable reducing memory held by textures on cards that
// support it (but textures loaded slower and may have less quality).
// Default: 0
gl_ext_texture_compression "1"

// Disable loading of external 24bit textures for
// non-world .bsp models (any .bsp that isn't the
// actual map. Ex. health and ammo boxes).
// Default: 1
gl_externalTextures_bmodels "0"

// Disable loading of external 24bit textures for the
// world .bsp model (i.e. the actual map).
// Default: 1
gl_externalTextures_world "0"

// Faster loading maps (not more fps), lower texture quality
// Default: 1
gl_lerpimages "0"

// Turns using of luma textures (named *_luma) ON when set
// to 1 and allowed by server.
// Default: 1
gl_lumaTextures "1"

// It is essentially a GL 'equivalent'to d_mipcap in software.
// It has no affect when loading external 24bit textures.
// Default: 0
gl_miptexLevel "3"

// This variable determines the the level of detail for textures
// used on walls. You can use this variable to lower the texture
// detail used on walls thus increasing the game's performance.
// Default: 0
gl_picmip "5"

// Determines the level of detail of player models. This variable
// is useful if you are experience game slowdown during multiplayer
// games when there are lots of players on your screen by shrinking
// the texture detail, but this will make the player models more blurry.
// Default: 0
gl_playermip "5"

// Zero disables scale model textures.
// Default: 0
gl_scaleModelTextures "1"

// Zero disables gl_picmip/gl_max_size/gl_miptexLevel
// affect turb textures (lava, water, slime, teleports).
// Default: 0
gl_scaleTurbTextures "1"

// This variable sets the division value for the sky brushes.
// The higher the value the better the performance, but the
// smoothness of the sky suffers.
// Default: 64
gl_subdivide_size "1024"

// GL_NEAREST Point sampled (software-like). Lowest quality, highest performance.
// GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST GL_NEAREST but with a bit more quality for far objects.
// GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR GL_NEAREST but with even more quality for far objects.
// GL_LINEAR No blending.
// GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST Bilinear interpolation.
// GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR Trilinear interpolation. Highest quality, lowest performance.
// GL_NEAREST* modes are often used with gl_miptexlevel 3
gl_texturemode "GL_NEAREST"

// This variable determines the detail level for loaded textures.
// When set to "1", the objects and walls will be textured with
// 1x1 pixel textures.
// Default: 2048
// commented out to only use r_drawflat
//gl_max_size "1"
gl_max_size "2048"

// True textureless map textures, but preserving original colors.
// For custom colors - look for r_drawflat.
// Default: 0
// commented out to only use r_drawflat
//gl_textureless "1"
gl_textureless "0"

// Disables textures and walls and floors them with a solid color
// (/r_wallcolor or /r_floorcolor) depending on the angle.
// 1 Use a solid color for walls and floors
// 0 Use textures for walls and floors.
// Default: 0
r_drawflat "1"

// Changes color of walls when r_drawflat is set to 1.
// Enter RGB value here, e.g. r_wallcolor "128 128 128" goes for gray walls.
// Default: 255 255 255
r_wallcolor "1"

// Changes color of floors and ceilings when r_drawflat is set to 1.
// Enter RGB value here, e.g. r_floorcolor "128 128 128" goes for gray floor.
// Default: 50 100 150
r_floorcolor "10 25 100"

// 0 Off.
// 1 Blend map textures.
// 2 Blend map textures and bsp entities (ammo, health etc.)
// Default: 0
r_max_size_1 "0"

// Turns on/off fine detailed textures.
// Default: 0
gl_detail "0"

// Skin Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Determines the fullbright percentage of skins. Fullbright skins can always
// be used during demo playback. The f_skins response will indicate the brightness
// level being used as a percentage.
// 0 Being 0% fullbright.
// 0.5 Being 50% fullbright.
// 1 Being 100% fullbright.
// Default: 1
r_fullbrightSkins "1"


// OpenGL Rendering
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Makes texture rendering quality better if set to 1
// Default: 0
gl_affinemodels "0"

// This variable will toggle the clearing of the screen between each frame. This
// can be helpful when specing a game and flying out of the map or during map
// development when the map maker must fly outside of the map to look has his map
// from the outside. Enabling this command will clear the areas which are not
// rendered outside of the map thus preventing the flickering effect when images
// repeat themselves repeatedly. However it causes problems when playing and
// going through the surfaces of a liquid (for example when diving into liquid), as
// you will see a red flash where the liquid texture would normally be repeated.
// Default: 0
gl_clear "0"

// Sets clear color (gl_clear 1)
// Default: 0 0 0
gl_clearColor "0 0 0"

// This variable toggles the use of internal OpenGL functions for removing covered
// objects. When this variable is set to "1" the game will depend on the OpenGL
// driver to use it's culling functions to remove certain objects from the
// calculations because they are covered up and would not be seen anyways. It is a
// good idea to leave this toggle enabled because it will increase rendering
// performance.
// Default: 1
gl_cull "1"

// Misc trails that appear on objects that frequently move, such as TF grenades,
// caltrops, etc. Railguns in TF also leave behind unique trails.
// Default: 0
gl_extratrails "0"

// This variable toggles the calling of the gl_finish() OpenGL function after each
// rendered frame.
// Default: 0
gl_finish "0"

// Changes speed of gl_inferno missile trail.
// Default: 1000
gl_inferno_speed "0"

// Changes type of gl_inferno missile trail.
// Default: 2
gl_inferno_trail "0"

// Zero turns off coronas on lightning beams
// Default: 0
gl_lightning "0"

// Adjusts size of ligtning particle beam.
// Default: 3
gl_lightning_size "0"

// If enabled adds sparks fly from walls when hit by lightning gun.
// Default: 0
gl_lightning_sparks "0"

// When enabled, flags and keys leave behind a kind of after-image.
// Fiends also leave trails when they pounce.
// Default: 0
gl_motiontrails "0"

// Same as gl_motiontrails but works for all players and creatures.
// Default: 0
gl_motiontrails_wtf "0"

// If enabled adds a white trail onto nails as they fly around.
// This feature wont work on servers not running with sv_nailhack set to 1.
// Default: 0
gl_nailtrail "0"

// If enabled adds a blue plasma trail to nails.
// Default: 0
gl_nailtrail_plasma "0"

// Switches between two type of bubbles nails leave behind in water.
// 0/small 1/large bubbles
// Default: 0
gl_nailtrail_turb "0"

// 1 Don't use top/bottom colors.
// 0 Normal.
// Default: 0
gl_nocolors "0"

// Zero does not smooth the textures on models.
// Default: 1
gl_smoothmodels "0"

// Triple buffering of head up display graphics.
// If you have problems with screen graphics, turn this on.
// Default: 1
gl_triplebuffer "0"

// This variables toggles the use of a trick to prevent the clearning of the
// z-buffer between frames. When this variable is set to "1", the game will not
// clear the z-buffer between frames. This will result in increased performance
// but might cause problems for some display hardware.
// Default: 0
gl_ztrick "0"

// Can be used to overcome vision being limited to 4096 units in GL clients
// (good for xpress2 etc).
// Default: 4096
r_farclip "4096"

// Anisotropic filtering. Basically improved texture quality.
// 0 and 1 means turned off, 16 is usually the highest quality
// Default: 1
gl_anisotropy "0"

// Screen & Powerup Blends
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Controls weapon and item pickup flash.
// Default: 1
cl_bonusflash "0"

// This variable sets the percentage value for palette shifting effects
// (damage flash, powerup blend). (needs gl_polyblend 1)
// Default: 100
gl_cshiftpercent "100"

// 1 Hardware palette changing.
// 0 OpenGL routines.
// Default: 1
gl_hwblend "1"

// Controls a short burst of screen tinting on various events. Variables
// to look at are: gl_cshiftpercent (controls overall palette shifting)
// v_damagechisft v_quadcshift v_pentcshift v_ringcshift v_suitcshift.
// Default: 1
gl_polyblend "0"

// 1 On (palette shifts when you're in liquid).
// 0 Off (no palette shifting when you're in liquid).
// Default: 0.33
v_contentblend "1"
v_damagecshift "1"
v_dlightcshift "1"
v_pentcshift "1"
v_quadcshift "1"
v_ringcshift "1"
v_suitcshift "1"

// System Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Disable winkeys from alt-tabbing you (only works in
// NT/2K/XP, and only when the client is in focus).
sys_disableWinKeys "1"

// -1 Sets process to low priority.
// 0 Sets process to normal priority.
// 1 Sets process to high priority.
sys_highpriority "0"

// Prevent freeing of CPU when the client is minimized or not in focus.
sys_inactiveSleep "0"

// 1 Less CPU power is allocated to ezQuake.
// 0 More CPU power is allocated to ezQuake.
sys_yieldcpu "0"

// Video Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// change to your monitor hz refresh speed
// Enable this only if you are using a CRT make sure you change the
// vid_displayfrequency to match your monitors refresh rate. If you
// use the wrong setting on CRT it will give an error or it just displays
/// black screen with "out of range" message. But if you have TFT
// it just messes up your graphics, making them look dark and 8-bit -Renzo
//vid_displayfrequency "150"

// Determines the color mode. Highest quality is "24"
vid_colorbits "16"

// Turn-off vertical synchronization
// Default: 0
vid_vsync "0.0"

//vid_nopageflip "0.0"

// Will restart your video renderer. Needed for some changes to take affect.

// This command will print out useful information about your video card, GL version, and
// refresh rate, video mode (width/height resolution and color depth) to console. Useful
// to make sure everything is right, and also to screenshot to show other people.
2009-03-02, 16:19
113 posts

Apr 2006
Turn off r_drawflat for higher fps, it's more cpu intensive for ezquake than using textures from what I've seen.
2009-03-02, 21:07
10 posts

May 2006
My quake is really jerky atm after upgrading nvidia drivers & ezQuake. It was running fine 4 months ago. I haven't been playing alot though, but there is extremely low fps when there is quad or powerup glow on the screen.

2.4ghz duocore p4 with 8800gtx. Something fishy going on.
2009-03-02, 23:16
60 posts

Apr 2006
You should be able to search the net for older versions of your vid drivers.

As already has been suggested, you guys should also make sure there isn't any unnecessary memory/cpu/bandwidth intensive apps running in your system tray or processes in the task manager.

Sometimes you change your own settings and forget. Also, any custom mods could have at one time changed some of your settings. For this, you can try doing a fresh install of QW but before copying over your custom configs and files, test the default settings and find a way to slowly introduce your settings to the fresh build so you can monitor performance. To do this I like to organize my settings into a bunch of separate configs. For instance all my movement settings into move.cfg, video settings into vid.cfg, etc., and then when they are all exactly how I want them, batch execute them from game.cfg. This way you can better track which config is messing up your performance. The better you can break down your settings the better you will know what is causing the problem.

Keep in mind that if cfg_use_home is set to 1 ezquake can still load previously saved configs from "your profile/My Documents on Windows (~ in linux)/EZquake" so make sure it is not enabled.

Rabid: To get rid of glows you can set these variables to "0", although personally I think it sucks to disable them ;(

// 0 No glow bubbles.
// 1 A glow bubble will appear on explosions and flag/quad/pent carrier.
// 2 Same as (1), but also around rockets in the air.
// Default: 0
gl_flashblend "0"

// Powerup glow on.
// Default: 1
r_powerupGlow "0"

// Enables a flashing layer over players carrying powerups
// Default: 1
gl_powerupshells "0"

I also have a system with 8800gtx and similar cpu speed with no problems. What O/S and ver of ezquake are you using?
2009-03-03, 03:47
1329 posts

Apr 2006
Rabid wrote:
My quake is really jerky atm after upgrading nvidia drivers & ezQuake. It was running fine 4 months ago. I haven't been playing alot though, but there is extremely low fps when there is quad or powerup glow on the screen.

2.4ghz duocore p4 with 8800gtx. Something fishy going on.

Probably an issue with NVIDIA 180-series drivers. You should try reverting back to 178.24 WHQL in case you are using any of the 180-series drivers.
Servers: Troopers
2009-03-03, 04:30
60 posts

Apr 2006
DL 178.24 WHQL here:
2009-03-03, 06:07
485 posts

Feb 2006
Rabid wrote:
My quake is really jerky atm after upgrading nvidia drivers & ezQuake. It was running fine 4 months ago. I haven't been playing alot though, but there is extremely low fps when there is quad or powerup glow on the screen.

2.4ghz duocore p4 with 8800gtx. Something fishy going on.

Try turning off Threaded optimization in driver 3D settings. This was a problem with ezQuake atleast in the past.
2009-03-03, 13:41
1329 posts

Apr 2006
Kalma wrote:
Try turning off Threaded optimization in driver 3D settings. This was a problem with ezQuake atleast in the past.

If you have real dual-core processor (not just hyperthreaded p4) then you will end up losing around 10% of the fps you were getting it enabled.
Servers: Troopers
2009-03-03, 14:01
1265 posts

Jan 2006
when having fps problems i always go to menu options / graphics and set the preset to fastest. then i tweak a bit, because it has ugly colors.
also, to improve smoothness, i always tweak monitor hz (when is crt monitor) and mouse hz (500). Oh, in_mouse 3 also gives me a nice feeling. turn off vertical sync. for more tips visit:
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2009-03-07, 19:31
10 posts

May 2006
ok ... i've upgraded to very latest 182 drivers ... and get about 10fps without these set:


gl_flashblend "0"
r_powerupGlow "0"
gl_powerupshells "0"

When I have these set I achieve 150fps solid ...

you say you have no problems? is that with or without those settings? my sys has been very unstable with 180 series drivers, i'm going to attempt to install the older ones to see if perf is any better.

Cheers for advice guys, much appreciated.
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