
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Member 347 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Ask Zalon. I believe he brought one to QHLAN. 
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
I have the same, but eh.... heheh, made it with pink and purple colours (of course, same as my quake dress) and for me that is the most cool thing about it. The mouse is too big for me, I can't reach all the buttons and it's driving me totally nuts for being so fast that I constantly have no clue where I am anymore. I guess for skilled players with yeti claws it is an excellent mouse. It is fast and obviously handy for all kinds of things one can do with the buttons.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
BuurVrouw, change the sens?  Murdoc, yeah - all buttons work, my mouse however don't anymore, i broke it somehow :/
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Ah Zalon, I just blame Bigfoot. Last time he was here to collect the promissed chocolate pies he changed something on the mouse for he said it was impossible to learn to bunnyhop with the settings as I had it for it being totally unlogical. I had absolutely no clue what he was talking about so I nodded and smiled and let him change what he thought was right. And, oh shock horror, now all of the sudden the mouse is slow when I move it slow and is all crazy quick when I move it quick. That's horrible. I'm not an easy slow gentle careful player. I'm wild! and furious! And I want to wiggle around and shoot whatever I see! Well. With the settings now, I see more walls then I want really. Hahaha. I am seriously thinking of going back to some el cheapo mousie again of just a few euros. Small, light, simple, slow and replaceable every few months. I really think that is better for me. I can't strafe, I can't bunnyhop and I can't rocketjump. But I was always playing pretty ok in FFA, or at least with a lot of fun and laughter, now it feels like a constant struggle and after a few maps my pink feels like it's going to fall off.  Maybe I'm just too old. 
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
hmm I got my mouse today and did some testing,
First of all the shape of the mouse doesn't fit my hand very well, i thought it was more like the mx500/510/518 g5 serie, but it has different shape on the right side of the mouse which forces me (or it feels unatural)to move my ring finger to the right instead of ontop of the mouse. This is giving me real cramps in my fingers.
Second thing is that it seems to skip, tried loads of different settings 500hz/1000hz 3200dpi/2400dpi/2000dpi etc
But it just skips once in a while, also tried kalibration.
My impression so far: worst mouse I ever had, even worse then the copperhead.
I am gonna return it to the shop:/
1. Logitech MX500 2. Razer Deathadder 3. Logitech MX518 4. Logitech MX510 5. Logitech G5 6. Razer Copperhead 7. Roccat Kone
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Skips? In what way? I not noticed that. And i only have my pinkie on the right side of the mouse but that is because i tend to lift it a lot and have to hold it like that (also when i get scared if one nutter jumps in front of me). But it hurts indeed. I have my index finger on the left button, middle finger on the wheel and ring finger on the right button, bit clawed. Also I find the mouse too long and too high, but that maybe is just me for not having big enough hands.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
I think I will just go for the hello kitty mouse with the shape of a cats head. 
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
BuurVrouw you should try Razer Diamondback. This mouse is much smaller and has excellent performance.
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
hmm I got my mouse today and did some testing,
First of all the shape of the mouse doesn't fit my hand very well, i thought it was more like the mx500/510/518 g5 serie, but it has different shape on the right side of the mouse which forces me (or it feels unatural)to move my ring finger to the right instead of ontop of the mouse. This is giving me real cramps in my fingers.
Second thing is that it seems to skip, tried loads of different settings 500hz/1000hz 3200dpi/2400dpi/2000dpi etc
But it just skips once in a while, also tried kalibration.
My impression so far: worst mouse I ever had, even worse then the copperhead.
I am gonna return it to the shop:/
1. Logitech MX500 2. Razer Deathadder 3. Logitech MX518 4. Logitech MX510 5. Logitech G5 6. Razer Copperhead 7. Roccat Kone Yeah I tested it too and had the same problem that my ring finger gets tired after a while. I used to use mouse like that keeping 3 fingers on top but with da it's impossible and need to use just 2. However roccat was a bit too wide for 2 finger hold. Like all laser mouse it will skip if u pull really fast. Otherwise I didn't have probs and it felt like a quality product. But I went back to da because it fits my hand better and never skips.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
BuurVrouw you should try Razer Diamondback. This mouse is much smaller and has excellent performance. Hmm terrorhead, I have tried every (really every) mouse available in 3 different towns, last shop was the mediamarkt where they had loooots of mice what i could test. And I have held them all. The only one that REALLY felt instantly good for my hand had only two buttons.  not even a scroll thing or nothing. I can't remember all the names anymore but I am pretty sure I tried a few Razers. And none felt good. Talking of feeling good and adding something positive to the roccat kone: the skin of that mouse is absolutely adorable. It feels so.... so.... well... sexy. It feels sexy. It's like a real skin and it takes over your body temperature right away and its so soft and nice and ... automaticly I keep gently very gently rubbing my finger over the top of the left button, slowly sliding up and down. Really a good feel and I have felt that with no other mouse. I was at first running up and down the shops looking for the Pink Iron Lady mouse from the Steel series. I really really really had set all my hopes on that one. But when I finally had one in my hand I was so disappointed. It felt even bigger than the Roccat.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Now I might go for this one
Member 108 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
BuurVrouw, you should check out the razer salmosa, its a very light "oldschool type" 2 buttons mouse with a very good sensor (same sensor as razer deathadder) Its about 30 euros, so cheaper than most gaming mice. Its nice for 3 fingers on top grip too since one can rest the middlefingertip on the space in front of the wheel.
Member 26 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
lol BuurVrouw  )
Member 66 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
i wonder why doesnt anyone make a real "gaming mice" with three real buttons on it. scroll could be relocated to thumb or something.
i have yet not seen a real contender to replace my good old mx500.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
true fix! This one, just with thumb scroll would pwn  http://www.smartcomputing.com/images/smartcomputing/fullsize/00293212.jpg
Member 66 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
true, and with good optical engine..if i recall right vana had one homemade edition back in the days..it had mx310/mx500 engine inside it. which is pretty killer when used on high hz mode.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Yeah, I've seen some custom ones too, got one myself - might mod it some day
Member 108 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Wonder if this mouse is any good for gaming. 4 sizes available. Looks kinda heavy though http://www.applelinks.com/index.php/more/review_contour_perfit_mouse_optical_with_sidemount_scrollwheel_and_rocker_s/ http://www.contourdesign.com/pmo/
Member 92 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
Thx for info Shikari. I was looking for a light mouse and that Razer looks interesting. I'm going to buy it soon  . P.S: Some words about those lazors. I tried to play with MX400 (even two of them for test purposes), and that was an unpleasure for me. Maybe it needs some special surface or so, coz it works and slides a bit better on plain desk than on my current mousepad (ss qck). Anyway it's much worse than my current one (BT58).
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Hmm..... thought I'd tried all razors in my hand but never seen that one with the tattoo on it. And the lack of shine....ah.... maybe it has that nice surface too.... hmm... Still it does look very "long" to me. How you say that. Stretched? I would have to feel it.
Member 6 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
locktar also made some advertising for a gaming mouse. which one was it?
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
So.... I have put the Roccat Kone Pro Gaming Mouse in his cute fake rock box again. I have bought myself a cheap tiny light mousie in stead. And voila.... no more hurting pinkie when I play. I have to admit, the quick responses on movements and accuracy in aiming is MUCH better with the roccat compared to this mouse. But I will get used to the slowness of this new mouse again and then it is all good. It is MUCH nicer playing when it doesn't hurt, a few extra frags is not worth all the hassle and trouble in my opinion. Also, if I'm really honest, I sort of like the slowness. It makes me feel less seasick when I play quake. I have now a Logitech laser LS1 mouse with no extra tooters or bells. Black with screaming orange. No lights, no weights no fancy buttons. But hihi all the buttons on the roccat made me confused anyways.  So all in all, I think I am happy with this new mouse. The difference in size is amazing.
Member 347 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
true fix! This one, just with thumb scroll would pwn  http://www.smartcomputing.com/images/smartcomputing/fullsize/00293212.jpg The Fatal1ty mouse 1010, which is supposed to much like the Wingman Gaming Mouse in shape and size, turned out to be way too small for my hand when I tried it. I think the Wingman would have the same problem. I guess it only fit back then because I was still a kid. Though the best thing about the Wingman, which indeed I haven't seen on any mouse since, is that you would naturally hold it in a way where your middle finger would be on the middle mouse button. This meant you never had to move your finger like you have to on basically all mice today. Anyway, I guess that's what fix meant by relocating the scroll to the thumb.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Terrorhead said: BuurVrouw you should try Razer Diamondback. This mouse is much smaller and has excellent performance. Shikari said: BuurVrouw, you should check out the razer salmosa, its a very light "oldschool type" 2 buttons mouse with a very good sensor (same sensor as razer deathadder) Its about 30 euros, so cheaper than most gaming mice. Its nice for 3 fingers on top grip too since one can rest the middlefingertip on the space in front of the wheel. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3249/2908431226_00c9c9a0ba.jpg?v=0Guys.... I was JUST about to get the roccat kone out of his box again just for i got totally totally totally annoyed and desperate for not being able to hit a single thing in quake, except walls, but thats normal. But the hurt and pain for the way too big and heavy roccat is not worth it. So hm. The thing I have now is so totally slow. That's so totally NO GOOD for quake. And that is weird since i have played 12 years with 3 euro mousies or so. And was doing ok. But now that I have tasted a real gamers mouse.... hihi  I will take both your advices with me and go test them in the shop. Thank you.
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Hey you can also try NZXT Avatar. This mouse is designed for smaller hands like Diamondback or Copperhead. My Diamondback just died and I'll replace it with NZXT Avatar.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
I'm still wondering though. I am so pretty sure that I have held Razer mice and found them too big. But to be honest, testing 40 mice in an hour or so is not good for remembering each and every one. I'll keep it in mind though. Thank you. 
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Ok here is my ranking.
1. NZXT Avatar 2. Razer Diamondback 3. Razer DeathAdder 4. Logitech MX518 5. Logitech MX510 6. Razer Lachesis with latest firmware 7. MS Explorer 3.0 8. MS Explorer 4.0 9. Razer Lachesis with old firmware 10. Logitech Mouseman Wheel
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Man I really like the new G5 version, also 'cause it runs @ 500hz default WITHOUT drivers or a patch.
And Buur: you can try whatever mouse you want, but if you don't REALLY experiment with SETTINGS, including the difference between standard 125hz or 500 + low and high sensitivity settings, you'll never have a really 'good' mouse, no matter which one you buy.
