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Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Hi, I would love to play Quake1 with my friends, but when we connect using hamachi program, the game is terribly laggy (I play other games, even 3D shooter, with my internet connection smoothly). I think the multiplayer code of old quake is too slow (I had similar problem with Quake2), will quakeworld solve this problem? I use Joequake enhanced Q1 engine and I want to start server (with custom maps) so that others can connect to it (but I do not have public IP, thats why we used to use the hamachi program). I have dwnloaded qw230 program but it seems to be client only to join games, not to host. What files exactly will we need to play online? How to install them? How to setup the game? Just give me links please if it was explained somewhere else here before, thanks. icq 259689233
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Everyone simply download and install nQuake. Then play on a server from
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
its pretty easy after u get used to.
Your problem is that you were using JoeQuake (netquake client) which isnt the best for inet games (correct me if im wrong). What you need is a quakeworld client. This is included in nQuake package. nquake isnt the client. ezquake is. ezquake is a quakeworld client, the most updated.
Welcome aboard. Where are u from btw? never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
If you are from Czech rep. (judging from the name and IP), come to at QuakeNet on IRC, we'll help you.
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Yes nQuake and should provide what you need.(client and server) also if you really want too setup an server follow this link
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Is there any way to play OLD quake online? I have dwnloaded nQuake but it´s GL version with high definition textures. I do not like the new graphics much. What I was looking for is just enhaced multiplayer code, not graphics. Is it possible to setup nQuake to look like old quake?
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
nQuake runs fine online, but is there any way to make it look like old quake? disable the GL, disable hi-def textures? this no quake any more. thanks
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
and yes, I am from Czech Republic. "come to at QuakeNet on IRC": I have mIRC program. how do I find the IRC server? do I need to know port number?
Member 347 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Just type /server in mIRC, and it should connect to Quakenet. Then type /join
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
nQuake runs fine online, but is there any way to make it look like old quake? disable the GL, disable hi-def textures? this no quake any more. thanks yuss. it is possible. everything is in quake  The solution is simple. The default client shipped with nquake is ezQuake - gl version. There's a software version (old graphics) of ezquake also. Same version too. Download it from here: Also, even if you dont like new graphics, there's something you can "tweak". watch this: wads are the fonts/crosshair of the game. You can choose whatever you want but you can only run one at once. read HUDS FAQ on the site (not written???). (just put the gfx.wad files on /qw, should work. ruskie: I was searching for that site for ages! Thanks (why isnt it linked somewhere???) never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 27 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
The solution is simple. The default client shipped with nquake is ezQuake - gl version. There's a software version (old graphics) of ezquake also. Same version too. Download it from here: Alternatively, if you want ezQuake-GL to look like good old GLQWCL, start it with -no24bit, which will run it with the original Quake textures, models, sounds etc. ezQuake is indeed Quake -- the beauty of it is that everyone can have it look the way they want it to. My Quake has always looked pretty much the same thanks to -no24bit.
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Problem solved by downloading & running ezquake.exe :-) Thanks everyone for useful tips.
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
ezQuake-GL with -no24bit feels better to me than software rendered ezQuake. "if you want ezQuake-GL to look like good old GLQWCL, start it with -no24bit" that helped a bit.
"old GLQWCL": is there any nonGLQWCL? just Q1 (with original physics, models...) with improved multiplayer code? (that would be best for me, I just want to play old nonGLquake online with no lags, the less graphical improvements the better for me).
ezQuake-GL with -no24bit is ok, but: a)I will probably want to turn coloured lights off, b)any way to use old q1´s menu, sky and models? (nails look strange, supergrunts shoot grenades instead lasers, even keys look like grenades in game, I´d prefere old weapon models) d) old q1 was distorted while underwater (lower res I guess)-any way to simulate this in ezQuake-GL?
IRC: my Zone Alarm blocks it even after setting trust level to high so I can communicate with czech players from (and with all others interested too, of course) using icq only.
Thanks to all
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
IRC server is No old menus in ezQuake, sorry. Dunno why you get different models and stuff. Is your Quake install clean, without any additional packs? For other stuff you mentioned.. gl_coloredlights 0 r_skyname "" Water distortion is not possible in OpenGL version (in software-rendering it's r_turbwarp), there's only v_contentblend. I have not understood what's Q1 with improved multiplayer code. Maybe you'd prefer to go to id Software's web and download original qwcl.exe 2.33 from there.
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
I have qwcl230 but its not possible to host a game. It only wants me to use Gamespy or insert adress to connect to.
Member 253 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
I have a problem also. I dunno why but i can connect to servers only in ezquake-gl and fuhquake-gl. and can not in the software versions or other clients gl versions. how could i solve this problem?
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
qwCL is is only a client, you cannot host a game in there. You need a server, like MVDSV. Check your firewall settings...
Member 253 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
 I know this excactly. but thanks. the problem is that while the ezquake-gl connects for a server then the software client don't connects to the same server. software clients even don't see any available server in the server browser...
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
old qwcl seems to be the best choice for me. joining games is not so user-friendly as in ezQ, but at least its Quake. I do have qwcl230, latest version being 2.33. with 2.30 often get "Z_malloc failed to allocate xyz bytes.." message. I can not find this version, can you pls send me files to (qwcl233+qwsv233?). Is the qwsv233 right program to set up a server, right? thanks a lot!
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Heh, i tried launching ezQuake with -no24bit in the commandline the other day and thought it was awful. I can't imagine what you might be looking for then.
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
well it IS awful. it doesnt FEEL like quake. (my opinion only, I believe there are people who like it this way and the hard work of developers is appretiated). I only like old quake as it was. no special effects, no new models, muddy underwater... could any of you please send/link me the latest version of qwcl? (is that 2.33 or 2.4?) I would be very happy, thanks again. PS: have you played rpdm7, 8 and 10 maps? wow, they are SOOOOOOO good!
Member 21 posts
Registered: Feb 2006;3124372;/fileinfo.html
zip file contains client qwcl/glqwcl 2.33 and server qwsv 2.33.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
well it IS awful. it doesnt FEEL like quake. (my opinion only, I believe there are people who like it this way and the hard work of developers is appretiated). I only like old quake as it was. no special effects, no new models, muddy underwater... could any of you please send/link me the latest version of qwcl? (is that 2.33 or 2.4?) I would be very happy, thanks again. PS: have you played rpdm7, 8 and 10 maps? wow, they are SOOOOOOO good! You probably just need a standard config.
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
thanks for link Torch. sure Ake Vader, the config would help I believe. have you got config faithful to original quake? all special effects off, no GL etc.
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
QWSV.exe: after starting the program black table pops up only saying "cant find server.cfg, cant find qwprogs.dat". but this is real off-topic, is it not? this forum is dedicated to ezQ. will try to find proper forum, probably the one at thanks.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
thanks for link Torch. sure Ake Vader, the config would help I believe. have you got config faithful to original quake? all special effects off, no GL etc. Use Reppies config and you'll be fine.
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Reppies config, fine. any idea where to get one? 
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
im sure you can get it if you ask him on irc fs'reppie is the nick most of the time. he's in #qwrookie and #ibh i think
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
too bad my irc do not work
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
too bad my irc do not work If your pc isnt behind nasty firewalls, u can use a cgi:irc "site" to connect, such as server: qw230 is waaaayy old, i wouldnt recommend it. Have you tryed moreQuakeworld? has interesting features, keeping the good old feeling. I don't understand why ezquake.exe doesnt ping servers tho, strange. never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.

41 posts on 2 pages