
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Hmm, while i thought id lost the start of escape2 i started this little sideproject. It wasnt meant in the start to get tricky but sure is now. Its not short, not slow, and demand you to manage your speed. Can you make it? http://www.badongo.com/file/7126471 Screenshot :> http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/hoder/ezquake072.jpg Or on SoumiCom servers! (mapname escape2a) thx Renzo (and hope it will survive there for a while  Seems to be on quakeworld.dk also now. edit: some seem to have the wrong settings for this map, make sure you got pm_ktjump 1 in your cfg. (im told this is the standard setting, but alot seem to have 0.5)(and if im wrong here ill change the first jump(got that version ready 
Member 38 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
really fun map, nice job!  didnt make it (yet) though 
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Thx man Who will be the first?
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
hoder, the master of Great Escape!
Member 15 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Great map, very addictive. Can someone get this on some servers please?  _________________________ Never assume it's just a fart!!
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Thx Best comments i could get. If some serveradmins read this pls get it on your servers. Im looking forward to spec someone on the map  (havent seen anyones attempts yet)
Member 15 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Here you go Hoder http://www.mediafire.com/?fbxiyy2nrgt Please make another  _________________________ Never assume it's just a fart!!
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
\o/  nicely done. more will probebly come in time, but need some buildingpaus now D: (think it can go abit longer and faster still now that i see ppl will play it, but this was pretty stretched) but its very nice to hear its a fun map, that should shorten the wait some  but probebly no building for a month or so. i dreamed this map 3 nights in a row while building and testing, waking up and constanly changing pillow as i was bunnyjumping with my head, felt somewhat fup :> (escape2 is coming some time though, but thats more 5-7 jumps per "stage" 
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
well done  This map makes me crazy ! 1-2 more maps like this and we can start a new slide contest
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
this map is nice! we (a handful of people) spent alot of latenight hours at qhlan trying to complete it, and finally dakoth did. credz  Join us on discord.quake.world
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Did you even know if it was possible? 
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
"Did you even know if it was possible?" If you ask me, yes, i had finnished it 2 or 3 times before posting it. But i took long time to test it, especially the last couple of jumps. (im not so good) Seems to be some small bugs that i didnt find before though.. Let me know if you find any big ones so i can avoid the same misstakes in next map. thx  (i dont know how to make that capturethingy, so no youtube from me 
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
any1 got a demo of this map finishing it?
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I am connected to but I'm only downloading at 3kb/s. What is the command to increase speed? setinfo drate 10000000 doesn't work btw.
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
uploaded to the shub-hub, this badongo site was acting weird. http://shub-hub.com/files/maps_singleplayer/escape2a.rar
Member 12 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
Here's a demo of going escape2a:
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Just letting you guys know im now actually working on escape2b, about 25% done! Escape 2 which will be much worse of a map will be still be delayed until i get a new pc.. (still halfway done since before 2a :/ 2b will be as fast and long, but not as difficult as 2a i think, im building and testplaying with an old laptop so im ALOT suckier bunnying than usual. But making good progress building! Will need 1 or 2 testjumpers in a week or two to test it in progress. Building as the previous without a sketch so grows like a monster Also wondering if a heavely colored textureset with colored lights would be wanted(something a little more arcade)? Now im texturing in basecolors. This map have "walls", and not sure if good or not; have a more basic apperence as it is now. (also wondering if anyone else then me would like to see some real QW singleplayer(/coop) maps? including "coop-jumps" and still monsters and everything? Doing some sketching but not sure if its worth it. this is a very very future project if im going for it. but collecting ideas on paper.. But like a singeplayer map that requires bunny/rj skill and some tp-demands (like pressing pent button on that cmt1b(?)) or shoting your mate to make some jump. Most of all i would like someone else to make this map for me to play :> Have shitloads of ideas to share if someone feel into it!
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
how long 'till we can play it?
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Sorry to say autumn earliest :/ After building some more i thought i got a hang on bhopping on that laptop, but hell, i couldent even finnish ztricks level 1 when i luckely tried it as reference. So all jumps are off atm and i need to stretch it with a real pc.. Sadly i wont buy one until the summer ends as i will work and fish all thru. I will finnish both maps at some point! ((lr nån sthlmare som vill bli av med ett hyffsat nätagg mot fiskeprylar eller nåt annat kul jag har så jag kan köra min gammla burk?  skulle snabba på saker,, kanske  Vill inte lägga pengar nu då jag tänkte köpa allt nytt sen, men byten är sommrigt, kul, billigt Å SÅÅÅ MILJÖÖVÄNLIGT :> <-local request..))
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
bumping out of interest. any progress hoder? 
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Sadly no. Both hd and backup hd crashed along with alot of photos dear to me  Hopefully i can get one of them fixed in the future. I want my pictures back so.. Im especially annoyed about loosing escape2 wich wasnt all that good but looked great(in my pov) and included jumps im not so keen in remaking.. We will see. Spend alot of time on that one. Dont think that many would play it, but still, i wanted it done. Im slowly getting the hang of bunnyjumping again(oh what fun it is  , that and all the screenshots i see of that new game mindcraft(wich i will never dare install) makes me wanna build stuff. And i still want to make my "wipeout" style map. Just abit afraid of installing quark again, relearning shit i was never good at will take its time and come very far down my list or prioritys. And for those who tried building a map know that searching for leaks etc might drive a man insane. Ah fuck, just thinking of it makes me tired  Qw-maps have so many strange boundrys. That part i dont miss much. Lets hope i can salvage one of the hd's in the future! So all the billions of ppl playing qw can enjoy these efforts ;-p And that i find time, lust and energy to make my new map. I want it personally so it will probebly happen. Hopefully before we all have grey hair.
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
how about some l33t skins in the meanwhile? you know you have the desire to create anyway, do something small. like a oo_hoder-pcx skin for my software quake - i would use it in 1on1, ffa and 2on2 anyway!
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
haha, what colour you want me in? ;-D And software? Is that the mode when its all text like in matrix? :F This makes me want to find my old skins! (also lost on my drives) I started on some new skins for me to use in OldOnes based(or completely ripped  on primevils but they are not as good as my old ones  Old old: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/hoder/ezquake010.jpg New old: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/hoder/oo_old.png Only one im somewhat pleased with is Biborodeks: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/hoder/oo_biborodek.png  Someone out there who got them? Filenames oo_hoder, oo_knast etc. Would be much appriciated!
