
Member 47 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
euro tdm quakeworld cup?
there must of been something like this before.... but I thought id bring it up to see if anyone would be interested in getting it set up??
knockout competition of course and I was thinking that it should be just one map play per game till quarter final stage when it will revert to best of 3 because this will hopefully keep the interest up and the comp moving quickly..... map pick will be random till later stages.....all div's included.
anyways your thoughts???
Member 27 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
I've never heard of anything like this taking place in the past, but then again, I don't know much about what happened between 2000 and 2006. The idea is compelling to say the least. Knockout 4 on 4 competitions is something one isn't exactly spoilt with. I take it the cup would engage clans and not national teams (the latter also being a compelling idea).
On the topic of the form of the games, I find myself polemic, though. I'd say a knockout competition is swift enough in its structure to keep "moving quickly" even if every game is played best of three maps. The most natural thing to do in my opinion would be to have the tournament games be played best of three up until the quarter/semi finals or so. Everyone is used to the best of three model when playing clan games anyway. Rather, what needs to be discussed on the topic of a smooth and quick progression of the spectacle is, in my opinion, whether to have it be single or double elimination.
What division system should be employed by the cup might also need some discussion. I don't have an opinion readily available on that right now, though.
On "getting it set up": I don't find myself in a position to play a key role in such matters, but if needed, I'd be happy to contribute by doing simple things like confirming games etc.
Member 47 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
"What division system should be employed by the cup might also need some discussion. I don't have an opinion readily available on that right now, though."
in relation to breaking the competition into divisions.... again I didn't really want something like an eql setup where teams are grouped.... this will be a cup competition so its down to the luck of the draw as to who you will face. this was another reason in suggesting best of one games rather than best of 3 till the latter stages...
Member 27 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
all div's included. This kind of implies a division system.  I completely agree with you that five divisions à la EQL would be quite out of place in a cup. Inspiration might instead be gathered from the FTK tourneys and the 4on4 tournaments at QH-LAN, where, as I've understood it, a system of two divisions has been employed (please correct me if I'm wrong though). Alternatively, all participants meet all other participants and compete for one common title. This might scare low-divers off though. Hopefully, what is the most suitable alternative will become clear as the discussion commences. this will be a cup competition so its down to the luck of the draw as to who you will face. this was another reason in suggesting best of one games rather than best of 3 till the latter stages... I still don't see the reason for the games to played on one map only. Best of three, or even best of five, is frequently employed in knockout competitions such as for example Duelmania, Ownage and the recent Summerjam tour -- the latter having been arranged with the explicit aim to make the spectacle run as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I'd say a knockout competition is swift enough in its structure to keep "moving quickly" even if every game is played best of three maps. Agreed. After all, the biggest part of the problem is to get 8 people to agree on a time to play and a server to play on. Once you got 8 people on the server, there's no reason not to play best of three. _________________________________________________________ Save a cow, crucify a christian!
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
This kind of implies a division system.  I completely agree with you that five divisions à la EQL would be quite out of place in a cup. Inspiration might instead be gathered from the FTK tourneys and the 4on4 tournaments at QH-LAN, where, as I've understood it, a system of two divisions has been employed (please correct me if I'm wrong though). Alternatively, all participants meet all other participants and compete for one common title. This might scare low-divers off though. Hopefully, what is the most suitable alternative will become clear as the discussion commences. qhlan used to have tournaments without divisions. Sucked every time. Dont go there if u plan on playing in a fun tournament... But sure it is a great LAN in other perspectives
Member 47 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
by "all divisions" i had just meant that its open to everyone to partake in. Its fine by me if its best of 3 or whatever through-out.. finals could be played at qhlan aswell??? I know teams wont be too interested in getting owned by high div clans but thats the essence of a cup system, low div teams coming up against FOM or whoever, "GIANT KILLING FEATS" etc  and for this to work and be a success you need the big teams to take part.
Member 51 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
there was a smallish nqr invite-cup once. wiki site herethe idea of a cup is nice but i dont think it will work.the skill gap between most divs is just too big to overcome.i dont think we would see alot of surprises like in national football cups for example where lower league teams actually have a chance to win when they give 200% in the game vs. the top 1st div club. in qw that will never work.even if a clan like fom has a real bad day and the div2 opponent has alot of sr-luck they will get slaughtered by fom  the positive thing about a cup is that it always has this EPIC-FEELING.i always loved duelmania for it: over 200 participiants and in the end , after the hundreds of battles , only one will still be alive =) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I went on a diet, swore off drinking and heavy eating, and in fourteen days I had lost exactly two weeks.
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
there was a smallish nqr invite-cup once. wiki site herethe idea of a cup is nice but i dont think it will work.the skill gap between most divs is just too big to overcome.i dont think we would see alot of surprises like in national football cups for example where lower league teams actually have a chance to win when they give 200% in the game vs. the top 1st div club. in qw that will never work.even if a clan like fom has a real bad day and the div2 opponent has alot of sr-luck they will get slaughtered by fom  the positive thing about a cup is that it always has this EPIC-FEELING.i always loved duelmania for it: over 200 participiants and in the end , after the hundreds of battles , only one will still be alive =) I agree with this. Works fine for duel tournaments, but sucks for 4v4. Talking about dueling... Isnt it time for another duel tournament? :
Member 88 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Challenge Smackdown worked pretty well some of the time at least. That was random group selection (except for 1 or 2 seeds in a few NE seasons). And the first seasons of NQR didn't have skill based divisions either, if I remember correctly. A certain clan lost like 32 games straight without giving up either. So I don't see why it fundamentally couldn't work today.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
there was a smallish nqr invite-cup once. wiki site herethe idea of a cup is nice but i dont think it will work.the skill gap between most divs is just too big to overcome.i dont think we would see alot of surprises like in national football cups for example where lower league teams actually have a chance to win when they give 200% in the game vs. the top 1st div club. in qw that will never work.even if a clan like fom has a real bad day and the div2 opponent has alot of sr-luck they will get slaughtered by fom  the positive thing about a cup is that it always has this EPIC-FEELING.i always loved duelmania for it: over 200 participiants and in the end , after the hundreds of battles , only one will still be alive =) I agree with this. Works fine for duel tournaments, but sucks for 4v4. Talking about dueling... Isnt it time for another duel tournament? : I think a tournament like this would still be a welcome addition to the scene and i've wanted it alot. If it sucks, then you have the regular tournaments. If it's good, then you'll have the chance to play against the big guys under official circumstances. EQL and NQR wasn't that different as they both used a kind of division system, but this would be different and add to the spectra of QW. Also, the big clans might feel that having that 100% superduper lineup isn't that big of a deal in all games. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
EQL and NQR wasn't that different as they both used a kind of division system, but this would be different and add to the spectra of QW. Also, the big clans might feel that having that 100% superduper lineup isn't that big of a deal in all games. Things is, it has been tried @ qhlan and it has been tried in SD. And compared to the time you as a player put in, you get a lot more out from an eql-style league compared to the qhlan/SD-format. The only tournament i think would benefit of this, would be some nations cup thing.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
EQL and NQR wasn't that different as they both used a kind of division system, but this would be different and add to the spectra of QW. Also, the big clans might feel that having that 100% superduper lineup isn't that big of a deal in all games. Things is, it has been tried @ qhlan and it has been tried in SD. And compared to the time you as a player put in, you get a lot more out from an eql-style league compared to the qhlan/SD-format. The only tournament i think would benefit of this, would be some nations cup thing. Imo your QHLAN arguments are just silly as there were what...16 teams at last QHLAN? You'd get like 4 teams in each "division" if you went with such a setup there, gg.  The only tournament i think would benefit of this, would be some nations cup thing And why is that, because not as many teams would enter? (only one per nation?) I assume there wouldn't be as many teams entering a cup like this, as it is in a league with divisions - but imo it's still interesting and one of the things shouldn't exclude the other. editI mean, having ONLY cups like these would of course be fucked up now that we have opened up our minds concerning new players and making sure old players have enough fun to think it's worthwhile staying in the game.  It would offer a new (old) flavour of tournaments though, a more(!) competitive one imo, which is interesting. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Imo your QHLAN arguments are just silly as there were what...16 teams at last QHLAN? You'd get like 4 teams in each "division" if you went with such a setup there, gg.  Last qhlan we had 4 groups with 3-4 teams per group. Just as you said. Meaning a group would look like this (div1,div2mix,div4) the 3 games played were rape,rape,rape. with 4 divisions the games would have been better. But i know it is silly to have 4 divisions for 16 teams, how about only two divisions then...
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
willgurht, I will make the QHLAN tourney's perfect for everyone, div0's, div3-4's and div.rookies.
Member 78 posts
Registered: Aug 2006
I remember a football-cup that I played in many years ago where it was possible for a div5 team to win vs a div1 team. The reason for this was that you would have a penalty shot for every division in between the two teams (in the case div5 vs div1 that means 4 penalty shots). These games were often very even and fun to watch (and play) because of the balance it created. What kind of advantage a high division team should have in a qw-cup is another issue... 50 frags x map? just a thought!
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
I remember a football-cup that I played in many years ago where it was possible for a div5 team to win vs a div1 team. The reason for this was that you would have a penalty shot for every division in between the two teams (in the case div5 vs div1 that means 4 penalty shots). These games were often very even and fun to watch (and play) because of the balance it created. What kind of advantage a high division team should have in a qw-cup is another issue... 50 frags x map? just a thought! No real offence meant, but that's like the handicap bullshit in golf -> umm, I shot the course with 30 over par and you were 5 under, but since I suck so bad, by handicap I win. Makes no sense to me. It doesn't make you better, you're not really beating anyone, just a retarded way to even out games that are nowhere near even to begin with. What's the point?
Member 47 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
lads everyone seems to be concentrating on getting owned by div0 teams, this is meant to be something that runs alongside the likes of eql and nqr but this should have a more fun element to it... I know in reality that most div1 clans would rape even div2 clans but say a high div3 v top div4 could be close likewise between div2 and div3 and we could have some great games played and a few upsets along the way....
Member 47 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
there isnt the interest in this then i take it??
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I'm interested if it's not some kind of gimmick tournament  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 47 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
i might try it after the eql/nqr if theres enough interest.
