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Client Talk
2012-06-16, 20:27
1025 posts

Apr 2006
ezQuake dev seems pretty dead atm, but I should probably either remove the pulseaudio stuff or add it to the compiling_on_unix.txt in the repo, thanks.

The wiki page is pretty old and most of it outdated and it only focuses on ezQuake I would advise against reading it at all

As a side note: There are other engines out there too, like FTE and fodquake where fodquake atleast for me gives twice (!) the FPS compared to ezquake on my Intel Integrated Graphics in a Linux environment.
2013-10-02, 14:07
375 posts

Sep 2009
So, people, I don't want to use ezQuake 2.1 stable (build 3330) anymore (in Windows), because of the dwarf bug, it's real anoying and happens all the time while watching (demo_jumping) demos....

So, I tried many Nightly Builds, and 100% of them are unstable, very unstable, like un-playable, freezing for 1 second every 30 seconds, more or less...
And the ones that doesn't freeze: simply can't be closed... (it stays running, you can see in Task Manager, using lot's and lot's of RAM, and only restarting windows is the solution)

So, here is the catch: I want another version, other than 2.1 (build 3330), that has ONLY the Dwarf Bug resolved... anyone knows which Nightly Build version has only this bug-fix???
(QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
2013-10-02, 15:34
286 posts

Sep 2012
I've been using the 2.2 alpha for a while and never had a crash, are you sure ezquake is the problem ?
2013-10-02, 21:24
375 posts

Sep 2009
Jissse wrote:
I've been using the 2.2 alpha for a while and never had a crash, are you sure ezquake is the problem ?

oh I've forgotten this 2.2 alpha, I think it's the "first" nightly build which was still stable... I used it for a while, very good indeed!
but I can't find it (specifically).. there's hundreds of builds here: but it's all mixed up.. doesn't have the versions...

can you upload your ezquake-gl.exe to me? or send me via e-mail:
(QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
2013-10-02, 21:28
375 posts

Sep 2009
wernerml wrote:
(OMG I write too much uneeded explanations... I try to give my best english, over-explaining myself... arrrggg!!!)
(QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
2013-10-02, 22:18
286 posts

Sep 2012
2013-10-03, 05:14
357 posts

Mar 2006

ezQuake dev seems pretty dead atm,

FTE for the win!
2013-10-03, 07:33
1025 posts

Apr 2006
Me and hifi started working on a 3.0 version of ezQuake not long ago.

ezQuake 2.2 alpha is stable, I will release a last 2.2 stable soon too.
2013-10-03, 07:56
343 posts

Feb 2006
Are there a Mac OSX build of FTE ?
ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @
2013-10-03, 21:33
375 posts

Sep 2009
Jissse wrote:

Thanksss man!!! (I was too lazy to try each one), thanks!!!
(QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
2013-10-03, 21:34
375 posts

Sep 2009
dimman wrote:
Me and hifi started working on a 3.0 version of ezQuake not long ago.

ezQuake 2.2 alpha is stable, I will release a last 2.2 stable soon too.

make it the official one, along with the installer, at !!!
(QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
2013-10-04, 10:09
1025 posts

Apr 2006
wernerml wrote:
So, people, I don't want to use ezQuake 2.1 stable (build 3330) anymore (in Windows), because of the dwarf bug, it's real anoying and happens all the time while watching (demo_jumping) demos....

Makes sense.
wernerml wrote:

So, I tried many Nightly Builds, and 100% of them are unstable, very unstable, like un-playable, freezing for 1 second every 30 seconds, more or less...
And the ones that doesn't freeze: simply can't be closed... (it stays running, you can see in Task Manager, using lot's and lot's of RAM, and only restarting windows is the solution)

Sounds like you are having problems on your end. The Nightly Builds you refer to are the same as 2.2 alpha

wernerml wrote:
make it the official one, along with the installer, at !!!

There probably won't be an installer for it just merely a drop-in replacement of the binary.

There are some security issues I need to address before releasing 2.2 stable. After that everyone's recomended to upgrade.
2013-10-04, 20:42
375 posts

Sep 2009
dimman wrote:

(QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
2019-03-07, 20:03
284 posts

Sep 2015
You can download the latest version of the executable based on current sourcecode (3.2-dev) here - it doesn't have a history like the other 'nightly build' archive, but it does update a few minutes after any changes are accepted, so it should be very up to date (and has linux/osx versions)
2019-03-10, 21:56
News Writer
76 posts

Sep 2013
Guys (meag, especially),

Where is the 3.5-dev version?
I can see couple of guys using it already on the servers, but the above linked version is 3.2.

2019-03-10, 22:38
284 posts

Sep 2015
toma wrote:
Where is the 3.5-dev version?
I can see couple of guys using it already on the servers, but the above linked version is 3.2.

It's still rather alpha, some people have trouble with it that I can't reproduce locally, so development progress is very slow right now
2022-11-05, 13:37
News Writer
76 posts

Sep 2013
Latest snapshots are available again at

Not nightly, so it is only built if there is some change in the repo.
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