
Member 11 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
i have always played shooters with the same sens for every gun.. but is it recommended to play with lower sens for the shaft? or does this realy fucks your aim?
Member 229 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
I have been thinking the same.
I still think if you spend 200hours using lower sens and 200hours using the higher, you are not as good with either of them as you would be if you had played 400hours using the same sens. Not sure about this.. TEAM QUAD [need nothing] shaga loses another friend shaga discovers blast radius QUAD
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I lean towards the opinion that you can't have an optimal cfg for both rl and lg at the same time, since they are very different kind of weapons, thus I use very different settings when shafting... Of course, it's hard to say anything definite about this.
Member 115 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
camquake has adaptive shaft sens which depends on the distance to the enemy  only suitable for 1on1 tho :> one of the good guys! so please don't ban - jogi.netdome.biz
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I use ~half the original sens when shafting  But i play with pretty high sens tho
Member 11 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
anyone ever had a poll on this? whats used the most?
Member 231 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
It´s all about what you are used to. Swiching to lower sens might feel good in the beginning, but in the end i think its better to find a sens that works with all weapons. Practice, practice... Besides that i think its pretty "map-independent": On povdmm4 it might feel good with special shaftsens, but in-game (4on4 for example) with a lot of action and speed, i guess it could harm your aim as well, specially since enemys gets closer to you than in pov...
Conclusion: I´ve always used same sens for all wepons, and never have any trouble aiming with rl and lg...
Member 122 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
I've used special cfg to play one map (amphi2) in LGC2 comp and I got shaft 49.2%. I think the cfg added about 3-6% to my shaft. Not that much, but still. On the other hand I'd be pissed off to play with this config:
cl_fakeshaft 1 cl_rollalfa 1 cl_rollangle 2 sensitivity 10 (400 dpi) fov 91
When usually I use:
cl_fakeshaft 0 cl_rollalfa 0 cl_rollangle 0 sensitivity 20 fov 120 -- "Dag eats little Reloads for breakfast." (c) :-)
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Yeah I slightly tweaked cfg for LGC2 - 50% fakeshaft, gl_shaftlight 0 and a slightly more extreme rollangle. With that I get over 50% shaft on most maps. Didn't know about that cl_rollalpha command though, should prove useful. I also experiment with lower FOV at times.
My long term aim is to incorporate some of these tweaks into my normal config.
I have also tried using a cfg that lowers sens when LG is selected but found it too hard to adjust to... I then tend to lag behind the opponent a bit when they are moving across me. Essentially I've always been quite a 'high-sens' shafter anyway in terms of the somewhat jerky way I aim and reliance on strafing rather than mouse movements where possible.
Member 163 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I use the same sens for all weapons.
End of discussion, close this topic.
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I use the same sens for all weapons.
End of discussion, close this topic. Haha,... 
Member 637 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
get rid of the damn banner too sir, we know warsow sucks already http://slip.4.pl/ - unblocking myspace facebook firewall
Member 312 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
i have a nicish lower sens and different crosshair for lg, and enabling and disabling zoom and different adjusting with mouse scroll. i have shitty lg but i think my settings are nice
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i have a nicish lower sens and different crosshair for lg, and enabling and disabling zoom and different adjusting with mouse scroll. i have shitty lg but i think my settings are nice Yeah, I have this for lg: alias +lg "impulse 8 5 3 2 4 1;crosshairimage shaft; crosshairsize 3; cl_crossx -1; cl_crossy 1; cl_rollangle 9; fov 100; sensitivity 2.5; m_pitch -0.030; +attack" alias -lg "-attack; crosshairimage default; crosshairsize 1; cl_crossx 0; cl_crossy 1; cl_rollangle 0; fov 125; sensitivity 4.0; m_pitch -0.022; impulse 2"
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Unneccesairy code blAze ? Here's mine... alias saha "sensitivity 4.65" // Does the LG trick, change sens / cross etc. just edit alias sahapois "sensitivity 9.4" // All other weapons sens
alias f_weaponchange "if $qt_$weapon$qt = $qt_$tp_name_lg$qt then saha else sahapois" So when you use lg it apply the saha settings. I love this code 
Member 312 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
this is way hotter
bind MWHEELUP "bind mouse1 +shaft;echo EI ZOOMII" bind MWHEELDOWN "bind mouse1 +shaft1;echo ZOOM"
alias +shaft "crosshaircolor 244; crosshair 7; crosshairsize 1; sensitivity 5.5;impulse 8 2;+attack" alias -shaft "crosshaircolor 100; crosshair 3; sensitivity 7.6;-primary; crosshairsize 2" alias +shaft1 "crosshaircolor 244; crosshair 7; crosshairsize 1; sensitivity 3.5;impulse 8 2;+attack;fov 80" alias -shaft1 "crosshaircolor 100; crosshair 3; sensitivity 7.6;-primary; crosshairsize 2;fov 120"
that -primary is some shit from the cfg that came with fuhquake so might as well change it to impulse 2 1 if anyone evers going to use/look at this
Member 202 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
I think phren's way (f_weaponchange) is probably the best for a few reasons. If you start firing shaft while reloading rl, it wont zoom in until youre actually firing, and in the case that you dont have any cells, it wont zoom in while you fire the shotgun or whatever backup weapon you are using.
Disadvantage is, if you use w_switch 8 or b_switch 8, you might get very disoriented while picking up a lg or pack with lg in it.
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
phren can u put the whole thing with binds and all? only zooming with shaft would be a nice bonus
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
what do one gain by shafting with a lower fov?
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
blAze, yes i can.. just add the +zoom alias to "saha" and -zoom to "sahapois" - if you got the +zoom / -zoom aliases. - or just add fov "x" to saha and fov "x" to sahapois what do one gain by shafting with a lower fov? Feels like the opponent moves slower and you se him abit closer. Helps me with my LG by a few 0,x% - 2,x% more percents LG. But im only talking for myselfe there. Tho i use same fov for both, 112.5 add: Im using sens 9.5, and sens 4.75 with my lg. Just noticed that, haha.. no back thougt, it just became that will my LG sensitivity.. never thougt (let's test half the sens). Pretty cool 
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I mean can you post it so I can see how it's used in a cfg because the alias looks kinda weird. I don't use zoom aliases, I just have what I posted above and then bind MOUSE3 +lg
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I mean can you post it so I can see how it's used in a cfg because the alias looks kinda weird. I don't use zoom aliases, I just have what I posted above and then bind MOUSE3 +lg alias +shaft "impulse 8 3 2; +attack" alias -shaft "impulse 2; -attack"
alias f_weaponchange "if $qt_$weapon$qt = $qt_$tp_name_lg$qt then saha else sahapois"
alias saha "sensitivity 4.75" alias sahapois "sensitivity 9.5"Then just bind a button (i have... Bind F "bind mouse1 +shaft"  and when you uses your lg, it uses the saha. When you stop fire, it goes back to sahapois. If you want "zoom" fov just add "sensitivity x; fov x" to saha and add sensitivity x; fov x on sahapois. Simple as that!
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Ok... So it just automatically uses that f_weaponchange even though it's not bound to a key nor included in another alias? I'll try it, thx.  edit: yeah it works, very nice. 
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Good that i could help out 
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Feels like the opponent moves slower and you se him abit closer. Helps me with my LG by a few 0,x% - 2,x% more percents LG. But im only talking for myselfe there. Tho i use same fov for both, 112.5  Well actually with smaller fov, opponents always move faster compared to the area you see :F But since the field of view is smaller, it seems like everything in qw is slower when actually it's not 
