
Member 12 posts
Registered: May 2007
GTG to div1 i think, they prac with sr yesterday and it was 4:1 for gtg...
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Hey, Chosen isnt div3 this season we havent got our best players eriko/mythic or 187 anymore we should be moved to div4
enemyquad is way better than us atm and they are plaed in div4?
also oldones isnt a div5 clan even tho they ended last in div4 last season
Member 36 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I think Allans vittnen has been around long enough for atleast a div4 spot. they have gained more skill then the other div5 teams imo.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
div4 - magnum .25=plast from d2 deuter= darek from d2 smels rape div4...
I might put magnum in a higher division with a wildcard! any objections?
Member 36 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
ooh and the screens on gtg winning over sr... its the weakest sr team possible, mja , krab, purity and zero...almoust weakest anyways. all those players was also div2 last season.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
ooh and the screens on gtg winning over sr... its the weakest sr team possible, mja , krab, purity and zero...almoust weakest anyways. all those players was also div2 last season. Slackers IIwww.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
3 new teams have signedup on the last day: +forward => Division 5 Skylla => Division rookies Vitun Kova Bosse => Division 5
any objections?
Im talking to GTG and will have a talk to SR2 tonight aswell.
Member 56 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Please do not forget the lower divisions... there is a lot to be fixed.
Member 247 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
striker is going to play in SR2 :]
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
yeah, hey. gtg -> div 1 i'm not even participating in any form but it will make for some terribly one-sided div 2 matches. so from a spectators view, if nothing else, move them to div1
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
• Striker • TheEvilDog • Krab • Zero
Sorry mja/pur - don't seen any of you play latly so i don't know how good you are. But... Won't you call that a team that will win maps in div1? sassa?
Member 56 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
eizid, like what? Are you kidding me? - Chosen from div3 to div4 - clan metally troopers from div4 to div3 - EnemyQuad from div4 to div3 - osams from div4 to div3 - Allen Vittnen from div5 to div4 - OldOnes from div5 to div4 - LOLBARN from rookies to div5 - Smackthatass from div3 to div4
Member 1 post
Registered: Jan 2007
I'm asking about those eql divisions. I saw that our clan (Hippushnik) have put back to the div2.
We were last season there and we was 4th activited clan that season on 5 matches.We won only 2 maps and our +/- scores was more than -1500. There is no point to put us back to div2, because it only makes us less activity and frustrated play there again. We haven't won even any div3 clans in pracs in this autumn, so how could we manage at div2 then.
I hope that you Sassa will consider that situation one more time, before you make it final. I know there is less clans in div2, but I think there is better decision there than keep us in div2. Like move someone from div1 -> div2 or something..
Member 126 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Perhaps AV from div5 to div4?
Member 135 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
div4 - magnum .25=plast from d2 deuter= darek from d2 smels rape div4...
I might put magnum in a higher division with a wildcard! any objections? Objections? Sure  . 1. Last season Magnum were in the middle even though they had starplayah panic with very low ping. 2. Derek's ping is ~80-90, only sometimes below 70, even in Poland it's 40-50. 3. I'm gonna start playing with a month delay + LCD monitor (which means at least div lower skill for me - need to get use to it). 4. We want to play in div4 cause we don't want to enforce minping on any team or play all games with best lineup possible. 5. If low/mid div4 team + 2 div2 hpb players is div3 then what about Mean Machines for example, they are in div3 and got at least 5 div2 players.
Member 8 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Come on, don't put us in div4. We've just started to get better and we lose handily to EQ every time we prac. The same with HB. In our division, we've been defeated by O CLA and OldOnes in practise games as well. I don't see the reason to move us up at all.
Move OldOnes up and let us stay in Div5. We're not ready for div4 yet, we're simply not good enough right now. (But we will be, perhaps next season).
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Like an LCD monitor would lower someones skill by one division.... Ofc you might get slightly worse sg-aim on e1m2. But it wont change the outcome on dm3 and dm2. That put aside, i have no idea which division your team would fit best into. But you prolly manage to win a few maps anyways. gl hf!
Member 135 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Like an LCD monitor would lower someones skill by one division.... If you played using CRT 160Hz 1000+ fps last 2-3 years, got used to it and now have to go back to 75 Hz 300 fps with very unsharp motion picture which feels like shit then yes, you can go down a div or even two lower. And yes, aim is the problem too, for example I have problems with getting ~30% lg at pov atm, @CRT my average was above 35%, 40% was very often (compared versus the same players of course). It's sad but can't do much about it so far  . I just hope it can get better again in acceptable time. Anyway the biggest issue is ping. Look @ O CLA in div3 eql5, if they had average 25 not 70 then they could compete in div2. Similiar problem is with us, if we had average 25 then sure why not div3, but 50-90 in div3 would mean pingwhine (minping/rerouting - no one likes it and the discussion is always waste of time). As low div3 team we can play without minping in div4 and treat it like a handicap for an opponent, they will be happy cause can play with theirs best pings and we'll be happy cause we can compete even on high pings without any pinghwine. Both sides get profits  .
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 27 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
Putting Allans Vittnen in division 4 would be out of place. Though we made it to playoffs in division 5 last season, we did not manage to qualify for division 4. Our line-up this season is nigh identical to the one we used last season and certainly not stronger.
Although our game may have improved since last season, any improvements are due to practice and not the recruitment of out-of-div 5 skilled players, and despite any improvements we are still unable to win or even play a somewhat close game against most division 4 clans. There are enough challenges for us in division 5 presently.
Of course we want to advance to division 4 eventually, but we want to do so by qualifying from division 5, not by being moved up at someone's discretion.
That being said, we are naturally flattered that some people find us to be division 4 material.
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Putting Morituri in division 4 would be out of place. We have lost all our good players and are left only with chumps and trannies. We lost early on in the playoffs (quarter finals or something) last time, and that was with a much better lineup than we have now. Recently we lost to AV (above) even when we picked up Gore and Manny, who are playing in a division way above us. We never practice and have no aspirations to improve as a team, so in div4 I'm certain we wouldn't even challenge a single team... even div5 looks like we're hopping onto a mantrain.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Rebellion of Thunder was added to div2 GTG moved to div1
Member 36 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
ncr, thats why we think you are div4 material. your gameplay has improved alot, and you have pretty much the same lineup. u will evolve alot if you go div4 and i do beleieve that you guys can manage a middle placement there.
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
I agree that AV are a quality side and have got there through hard work so props to them and I hope they have the motivation to take on other div4 standard teams. Morituri want to play as well as they can, but without Gore, telly, razor etc, and with inactivity of a bunch of other key players, we're only up to div5 at the moment. It's basically a mor2 team from NQR, minus a couple of regular faces (most notably starplayer atrophy).
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
OldOnes to div4 please.. That's where we would like to see ourselves and it seems that some other people would too.
Member 33 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
something to consider for mor's case http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/2091/ezquake368qr3.png citizen snips is manny, mr brookes is norules therefore x = the square root of dog edit: and of course the power of MGT has been disrepectfully stolen by the evil infidels of a2k this season :<
Member 3 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Well even though the rest of Mor cant be arsed to improve, i have been putting in about 3hrs of practice a day for the next EQL season, for example today i spent about 30 minutes practicing K+Q v K+N endings, if this isn't dedication i don't know what is.
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
AV are div4 level, though. Atleast on e1m2.
Member 33 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
aye thats the point, manny and gore are div3 and 4 and clearly better than nor and darff..
